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LRB093 02345 AMC 10957 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend House Bill 88, on page 3, line
3 29, by replacing "every facility" with "each State-operated
4 facility for the mentally ill and developmentally disabled";
5 and
6 on page 4, line 5, by replacing "every facility" with "each
7 State-operated facility for the mentally ill and
8 developmentally disabled"; and
9 on page 4, line 33, by deleting "suitable"; and
10 on page 5, by deleting lines 3 through 5; and
11 on page 5, line 22, after "clientele", by inserting "or
12 services to existing clientele"; and
13 on page 5, line 25, by replacing "fully" with "fully"; and
14 on page 5, line 26, by replacing "increased" with "reasonable
15 increased; and
16 on page 9, by replacing lines 7 and 8 with the following:
17 "determined to have staff who have been appropriately trained
18 by the Department and"; and
19 on page 9, by replacing lines 27 and 28 with the following:
20 "first year, the Department shall determine at what point the
-2- LRB093 02345 AMC 10957 a
1 appropriate licensing entity for the facility or designated
2 community living situation or program will assume the
3 responsibility of ensuring that appropriate services are
4 being provided to the resident. Once that responsibility is
5 assumed, the Department may discontinue such visits. If a
6 long term care"; and
7 on page 9, line 30, after "conferences", by inserting ", if
8 such participation is approved by the resident or the
9 resident's guardian"; and
10 on page 10, line 14, after "Department", by inserting ", to
11 the licensing agency,"; and
12 on page 10, by replacing lines 15 through 21 with the
13 following:
14 "subsequent to each visitation. The report shall contain
15 recommendations to improve the care and treatment of the
16 resident, as necessary, which shall be reviewed by the
17 facility's interdisciplinary team and the resident or the
18 resident's legal guardian."; and
19 on page 23, line 31, by replacing "body;" with "body.
20 Devices used for safety precautions and positioning,
21 including but not limited to bed rails, lap belts, gait
22 belts, and cushions, shall not be considered to be restraints
23 for purposes of this Section;"; and
24 on page 24, by replacing lines 14 through 20 with the
25 following:
26 "resident's clinical record. Each facility licensed under
27 this Act must have a written policy to address the use of
28 restraints and seclusion. The Department shall establish by
29 rule the provisions that the policy must include, which, to
30 the extent practicable, should be consistent with the
31 requirements for participation in the federal Medicare
32 program. Each policy shall include periodic review of the
-3- LRB093 02345 AMC 10957 a
1 use of restraints."; and
2 on page 26, by deleting lines 27 through 32; and
3 by deleting pages 27 through 30; and
4 on page 31, by deleting lines 1 through 3; and
5 on page 31, lines 4 and 5, by replacing "Sections 10 and 25"
6 with "Section 10".
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