Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0975
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0975  103rd General Assembly



SR0975LRB103 40523 LAW 73020 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate the RUSH University System for Health and the
4University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center on the occasion
5of their collaboration to create the RUSH MD Anderson Cancer
6Center in Chicago; and
7    WHEREAS, The American Cancer Society projects that in the
8coming year, almost 5,500 people will be diagnosed with cancer
9every day, the first time new cases of cancer in the United
10States are expected to cross the 2-million mark; and
11    WHEREAS, More than 1,600 people will likely die from
12cancer in the U.S. each day; and
13    WHEREAS, More than 70,000 Illinois residents will likely
14be among those diagnosed with cancer in the next year; and
15    WHEREAS, Unacceptable racial inequities exist in cancer
16mortality and must be addressed; and
17    WHEREAS, The American Cancer Society also projects that
18the number of cancer survivors in the United States is
19projected to increase to 22.5 million by 2032, representing
205.4% of the population; and



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1    WHEREAS, One of the leading reasons that more people are
2surviving cancer is years of public and private investment in
3developing cutting edge cancer fighting drugs, therapies, and
4techniques; and
5    WHEREAS, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
6Center, which focuses exclusively on cancer and has been named
7one of the top two hospitals in cancer care every year since
8U.S. News & World Report began its annual rankings list
9"America's Best Hospitals" in 1990, plays a vital role in
10developing and delivering these new therapies and techniques;
12    WHEREAS, The RUSH University System for Health
13consistently ranks among the top performers nationally in
14every major hospital rating system, including its very highly
15ranked cancer program; and
16    WHEREAS, The RUSH University System for Health is a
17national leader in establishing health equity as a system
18priority, ensuring accessibility to advanced treatments and
19therapies for cancer that leaves no one behind; and
20    WHEREAS, The RUSH University System for Health's high
21national rankings are driven by constantly improving patient



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1care, and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
2has a highly selective national partnership program; and
3    WHEREAS, On April 26, 2024, the RUSH University System for
4Health and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
5announced the creation of the RUSH MD Anderson Cancer Center
6to provide Illinois residents with greater access to cancer
7treatments and research considered among the best in the
8world; therefore, be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate the
11RUSH University System for Health and the University of Texas
12MD Anderson Cancer Center on their collaboration in
13establishing the RUSH MD Anderson Cancer Center in Chicago to
14enhance access to the most advanced cancer treatments and to
15seek to address the persistent inequities in cancer care in
16Illinois and across the nation; and be it further
17    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
18presented to the RUSH University System for Health as an
19expression of our esteem and respect.