Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0539
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0539  103rd General Assembly



SR0539LRB103 34909 MST 64781 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate William McNary on the occasion of his retirement;
5    WHEREAS, William McNary has most recently served as the
6co-director for Citizen Action Illinois, the State's largest
7public interest organization with an ambitious agenda that
8includes the fight for workers' rights, advancing public
9education funding, utility rate and insurance rate reform,
10environmental safety, and protecting consumers from unfair
11predatory loan practices; he previously served as the
12legislative director for Citizen Action Illinois; and
13    WHEREAS, William McNary has also been serving as the
14legislative chair of the Responsible Budget Coalition, a
15coalition dedicated to making the Illinois tax structure
16fairer in order to provide the revenues needed to create jobs,
17educate our children, and provide for health care, human
18services, and public safety; and
19    WHEREAS, William McNary was one of the founding members of
20Health Care for America Now!, the largest national grassroots
21health care coalition, which campaigned for the successful
22passage of the Affordable Care Act that was signed into law by



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1President Obama; and
2    WHEREAS, William McNary has been appointed by two Illinois
3governors, the Illinois Attorney General, the Cook County
4Board President, and other State constitutional officers to
5serve on several state boards, task forces, and transition
6teams; and
7    WHEREAS, William McNary served as the founding president
8of USAction, one of the nation's largest coalitions of
9progressive grassroots organizations; he served as a surrogate
10speaker for President Barack Obama in his first run for
11president, was elected as an Obama delegate, and served as
12Illinois convention floor whip at the Democratic National
13Convention in Denver in 2008; and
14    WHEREAS, William McNary served as the senior policy
15advisor for Public Campaign, an organization that promoted
16public financing of elections to fix a broken campaign finance
17system; he was appointed by former Governor Pat Quinn to serve
18on the Illinois Task Force for Campaign Finance Reform; and
19    WHEREAS, William McNary currently serves on the board of
20the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, an organization
21that promotes tax fairness; he also serves on the board of the
22Environmental Law and Policy Center, which promotes



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1environmental progress through economic development and jobs;
3    WHEREAS, William McNary worked with the Rainbow/Push
4Coalition since 1996, where he directed voter registration and
5get out the vote efforts in the Black community; therefore, be
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate
9William McNary on his retirement and wish him the best in all
10his future endeavours; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to William McNary as a symbol of our respect and