Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB0068
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB0068  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 1/20/2023, by Sen. Laura Fine


410 ILCS 513/20

    Amends the Genetic Information Privacy Act. Removes language exempting insurers that are issuing a long-term care policy from specified provisions. Provides that, with regard to any policy, contract, or plan offered, entered into, issued, amended, or renewed on or after January 1, 2024 by a health insurer, life insurer, or long-term care insurer authorized to transact insurance in this State, a health insurer, life insurer, or long-term care insurer may not: (1) cancel, limit, or deny coverage or establish differentials in premium rates based on a person's genetic information; or (2) require or solicit an individual's genetic information, use an individual's genetic test results, or consider an individual's decisions or actions relating to genetic information or a genetic test in any manner for any insurance purpose. Provides that the provisions may not be construed as preventing a life insurer or long-term care insurer from accessing an individual's medical record as part of an application exam. Provides that nothing in the provisions prohibits a life insurer or long-term care insurer from considering a medical diagnosis included in an individual's medical record, even if the diagnosis is based on the results of a genetic test. Effective July 1, 2023.

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1    AN ACT concerning health.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Genetic Information Privacy Act is amended
5by changing Section 20 as follows:
6    (410 ILCS 513/20)
7    Sec. 20. Use of genetic testing information for insurance
9    (a) An insurer may not seek information derived from
10genetic testing for use in connection with a policy of
11accident and health insurance. Except as provided in
12subsection (c), an insurer that receives information derived
13from genetic testing, regardless of the source of that
14information, may not use the information for a nontherapeutic
15purpose as it relates to a policy of accident and health
17    (b) An insurer shall not use or disclose protected health
18information that is genetic information for underwriting
19purposes. For purposes of this Section, "underwriting
20purposes" means, with respect to an insurer:
21        (1) rules for, or determination of, eligibility
22    (including enrollment and continued eligibility) for, or
23    determination of, benefits under the plan, coverage, or



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1    policy (including changes in deductibles or other
2    cost-sharing mechanisms in return for activities such as
3    completing a health risk assessment or participating in a
4    wellness program);
5        (2) the computation of premium or contribution amounts
6    under the plan, coverage, or policy (including discounts,
7    rebates, payments in kind, or other premium differential
8    mechanisms in return for activities, such as completing a
9    health risk assessment or participating in a wellness
10    program);
11        (3) the application of any pre-existing condition
12    exclusion under the plan, coverage, or policy; and
13        (4) other activities related to the creation, renewal,
14    or replacement of a contract of health insurance or health
15    benefits.
16    "Underwriting purposes" does not include determinations of
17medical appropriateness where an individual seeks a benefit
18under the plan, coverage, or policy.
19    This subsection (b) does not apply to insurers that are
20issuing a long-term care policy, excluding a nursing home
21fixed indemnity plan.
22    (c) An insurer may consider the results of genetic testing
23in connection with a policy of accident and health insurance
24if the individual voluntarily submits the results and the
25results are favorable to the individual.
26    (d) An insurer that possesses information derived from



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1genetic testing may not release the information to a third
2party, except as specified in this Act.
3    (e) A company providing direct-to-consumer commercial
4genetic testing is prohibited from sharing any genetic test
5information or other personally identifiable information about
6a consumer with any health or life insurance company without
7written consent from the consumer.
8    (f) A health insurer, life insurer, or long-term care
9insurer authorized to transact insurance in this State may
11        (1) cancel, limit, or deny coverage or establish
12    differentials in premium rates based on a person's genetic
13    information; or
14        (2) require or solicit an individual's genetic
15    information, use an individual's genetic test results, or
16    consider an individual's decisions or actions relating to
17    genetic information or a genetic test in any manner for
18    any insurance purpose.
19    This subsection applies to any policy, contract, or plan
20that is offered, entered into, issued, amended, or renewed on
21or after January 1, 2024 by a health insurer, life insurer, or
22long-term care insurer authorized to transact insurance in
23this State.
24    (g) Nothing in this Section may be construed as preventing
25a life insurer or long-term care insurer from accessing an
26individual's medical record as part of an application exam.



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1Nothing in this Section prohibits a life insurer or long-term
2care insurer from considering a medical diagnosis included in
3an individual's medical record, even if the diagnosis is based
4on the results of a genetic test.
5(Source: P.A. 101-132, eff. 1-1-20.)
6    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1,