Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB3202
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB3202  103rd General Assembly



SB3202 EnrolledLRB103 37727 MXP 67854 b

1    AN ACT concerning transportation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Bikeway Act is amended by adding Section
54.1 as follows:
6    (605 ILCS 30/4.1 new)
7    Sec. 4.1. Local bicycle transportation plan.
8    (a) In this Section, "bikeway" means all facilities that
9provide primarily for, and promote, bicycle travel. For
10purposes of this Section, bikeways shall be categorized as
12        (1) Bike paths or shared use paths, also referred to
13    as Class I bikeways, which provide a completely separated
14    right-of-way designated for the exclusive use of bicycles
15    and pedestrians with crossflows by motorists minimized.
16        (2) Bike lanes, also referred to as Class II bikeways,
17    which provide a restricted right-of-way designated for the
18    exclusive or semi-exclusive use of bicycles with through
19    travel by motor vehicles or pedestrians prohibited, but
20    with vehicle parking and crossflows by pedestrians and
21    motorists permitted.
22        (3) Bike routes, also referred to as Class III
23    bikeways, which provide a right-of-way on-street or



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1    off-street, designated by signs or permanent markings and
2    shared with pedestrians and motorists.
3        (4) Cycle tracks or separated bikeways, also referred
4    to as Class IV bikeways, which promote active
5    transportation and provide a right-of-way designated
6    exclusively for bicycle travel adjacent to a roadway and
7    which are separated from vehicular traffic. Types of
8    separation include, but are not limited to, grade
9    separation, flexible posts, inflexible physical barriers,
10    or on-street parking.
11    (b) A municipality or county may prepare a bicycle
12transportation plan, which shall include, but not be limited
13to, the following elements:
14        (1) The estimated number of existing bicycle commuters
15    in the plan area and the estimated increase in the number
16    of bicycle commuters resulting from implementation of the
17    plan.
18        (2) A map and description of existing and proposed
19    land use and settlement patterns that shall include, but
20    not be limited to, locations of residential neighborhoods,
21    schools, shopping centers, public buildings, and major
22    employment centers.
23        (3) A map and description of existing and proposed
24    bikeways.
25        (4) A map and description of existing and proposed
26    end-of-trip bicycle parking facilities. These shall



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1    include, but not be limited to, parking at schools,
2    shopping centers, public buildings, and major employment
3    centers.
4        (5) A map and description of existing and proposed
5    bicycle transport and parking facilities for connections
6    with and use of other transportation modes. These shall
7    include, but not be limited to, parking facilities at
8    transit stops, rail and transit terminals, ferry docks and
9    landings, park and ride lots, and provisions for
10    transporting bicyclists and bicycles on transit or rail
11    vehicles or ferry vessels.
12        (6) A map and description of existing and proposed
13    facilities for changing and storing clothes and equipment.
14    These shall include, but not be limited to, locker,
15    restroom, and shower facilities near bicycle parking
16    facilities.
17        (7) A description of bicycle safety and education
18    programs conducted in the area included within the plan,
19    efforts by the law enforcement agency having primary
20    traffic law enforcement responsibility in the area to
21    enforce provisions of the Vehicle Code pertaining to
22    bicycle operation, and the resulting effect on accidents
23    involving bicyclists.
24        (8) A description of the extent of citizen and
25    community involvement in development of the plan,
26    including, but not limited to, letters of support.



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1        (9) A description of how the bicycle transportation
2    plan has been coordinated and is consistent with other
3    local or regional transportation, air quality, or energy
4    conservation plans, including, but not limited to,
5    programs that provide incentives for bicycle commuting.
6        (10) A description of the projects proposed in the
7    plan and a listing of their priorities for implementation.
8        (11) A description of past expenditures for bicycle
9    facilities and future financial needs for projects that
10    improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuters in
11    the plan area.