Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3001
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3001  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/16/2023, by Rep. Patrick Windhorst


New Act

    Creates the Freedom from COVID-19 Vaccination for State Employees Act. Provides that no individual shall be required to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment with a State agency. Provides that no State employee may be disciplined, discharged, or demoted for failing to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination. Defines "appointee", "COVID-19 vaccination", "employee", "State agency", and "State employee". Effective immediately.

LRB103 05675 JDS 50694 b





HB3001LRB103 05675 JDS 50694 b

1    AN ACT concerning government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Freedom from COVID-19 Vaccination for State Employees Act.
6    Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
7    "Appointee" means a person appointed to a position in or
8with a State agency, regardless of whether the position is
10    "COVID-19 vaccination" means any vaccination that is
11intended to provide or improve acquired immunity from the
12Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
13virus or any variant of that virus.
14    "Employee" means (i) any person employed full-time,
15part-time, or under a contract and whose employment duties are
16subject to the direction and control of an employer with
17regard to the material details of how the work is to be
18performed, (ii) any appointed or elected commissioner,
19trustee, director, or board member of a board of a State
20agency, including any retirement system or investment board
21subject to the Illinois Pension Code, or (iii) any other
23    "State agency" has the meaning ascribed to that term in



HB3001- 2 -LRB103 05675 JDS 50694 b

1Section 1-7 of the Illinois State Auditing Act.
2    "State employee" means any employee of a State agency.
3    Section 10. Freedom from COVID-19 vaccination.
4    (a) No individual shall be required to obtain a COVID-19
5vaccination as a condition of employment with a State agency.
6    (b) No State employee may be disciplined, discharged, or
7demoted for failing to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination.
8    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
9becoming law.