Full Text of HR0965 98th General Assembly
| | HR0965 | | LRB098 20738 MST 57721 r |
| 2 | | WHEREAS, The General Assembly is concerned with the health, | 3 | | safety,
and welfare of all returning veterans of this country's | 4 | | armed forces to
Illinois; and
| 5 | | WHEREAS, The rate of mental health problems and suicides | 6 | | for
members of this country's armed forces remains startlingly | 7 | | high; and
| 8 | | WHEREAS, Between 2005 and 2011, the veteran suicide rate in | 9 | | Illinois was more than twice
the rate for civilians; and
| 10 | | WHEREAS, 17.72% of all suicide deaths in Illinois are | 11 | | veterans; therefore, be it
| 12 | | RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE | 13 | | NINETY-EIGHTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE | 14 | | SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that there is created the Task Force | 15 | | on Veterans' Suicide to investigate the causes to and | 16 | | prevention of suicides among returning Illinois veterans of the | 17 | | United States Military; and be it further
| 18 | | RESOLVED, The Task Force shall consist of 8 members as | 19 | | follows: |
| | | HR0965 | - 2 - | LRB098 20738 MST 57721 r |
| 1 | | 1) one member appointed by The Speaker of the House of
| 2 | | Representatives, and this member shall act as the chair; | 3 | | 2) one member
appointed by the Minority Leader of the House | 4 | | of Representatives; | 5 | | 3) one
member appointed by the President of the Senate; | 6 | | 4) one member appointed
by the Senate Minority leader; | 7 | | 5) one representative from the Department
of Veterans' | 8 | | Affairs, chosen by the Director of Veterans' Affairs; | 9 | | 6) one
representative from the Department of Military | 10 | | Affairs, chosen by the
Director of Military Affairs; | 11 | | 7) one representative from the Department of
Public Health, | 12 | | chosen by the Director of Public Health; and | 13 | | 8) one
representative of the Department of Human Services, | 14 | | chosen by the
Secretary of Human Services; and be it further
| 15 | | RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall meet periodically at | 16 | | the discretion
of the chair to investigate and form | 17 | | recommendations concerning the
issue of suicides among | 18 | | Illinois veterans; and be it further
| | | HR0965 | - 3 - | LRB098 20738 MST 57721 r |
| 1 | | RESOLVED, That the Department of Veterans' Affairs shall | 2 | | provide administrative and other support to the Task Force; and | 3 | | be it further | 4 | | RESOLVED, That the Illinois Task Force on Veteran' Suicide | 5 | | shall present
a report of its findings, which
shall include its | 6 | | recommendations for legislation, if any, to the Illinois House | 7 | | of Representatives and the Senate on or before January 1, 2015.