Full Text of HR1628 95th General Assembly
HR1628 |
LRB095 22070 KXB 53706 r |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| WHEREAS, The Illinois Statewide Communications | 3 |
| Interoperability Plan was officially approved by the U.S. | 4 |
| Department of Homeland Security in the spring of 2008; and
| 5 |
| WHEREAS, The plan sets forth a statewide communications | 6 |
| strategy that focuses on establishing a mechanism for all | 7 |
| public agencies to communicate emergency information during a | 8 |
| local, regional, or State-wide disaster; and
| 9 |
| WHEREAS, A key component of Illinois' interoperability | 10 |
| strategy is Starcom 21, a State-wide interoperable voice radio | 11 |
| system designed to provide radio communications, services, and | 12 |
| interoperability to federal, State, county, and local public | 13 |
| safety practitioners; and
| 14 |
| WHEREAS, The system allows public safety and public service | 15 |
| agencies throughout Illinois to effectively and | 16 |
| cost-efficiently operate on a common network; and
| 17 |
| WHEREAS, After the shootings on the Virginia Tech campus in | 18 |
| April of 2007, more than 300 Starcom 21 radios were distributed | 19 |
| to 70 college campuses around the State; and
| 20 |
| WHEREAS, The Starcom 21 system played a vital role in |
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LRB095 22070 KXB 53706 r |
| 1 |
| alerting first responders in the wake of the Northern Illinois | 2 |
| University tragedy in February of 2008; and
| 3 |
| WHEREAS, To date, the State has distributed more than 2,800 | 4 |
| Starcom 21 radios to public safety agencies; and
| 5 |
| WHEREAS, The Governor's Campus Security Task Force | 6 |
| recommended that colleges and universities should make | 7 |
| development and implementation of an interoperable | 8 |
| communications system a priority of campus emergency planning; | 9 |
| and
| 10 |
| WHEREAS, The Task Force report specifically named the | 11 |
| Starcom 21 system as a central means of implementing an | 12 |
| interoperable communications mechanism for colleges and | 13 |
| universities, as well as law enforcement and public safety | 14 |
| agencies throughout Illinois; and | 15 |
| WHEREAS, The livelihood of all Illinois citizens could | 16 |
| someday depend upon the synchronization of local, State, and | 17 |
| federal emergency responders via a system like Starcom 21; | 18 |
| therefore, be it
| 19 |
| urge all State, local, and county officials, especially the |
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LRB095 22070 KXB 53706 r |
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| Bloomington police and fire departments, to join the Normal | 2 |
| police and fire departments, the McLean County Sheriff's | 3 |
| Department, the Illinois State Police, and numerous other | 4 |
| State, county, and municipal law enforcement and emergency | 5 |
| services agencies in adopting the Starcom 21 system for | 6 |
| interoperable communications to ensure expedient communication | 7 |
| and action in the event of a disaster and further enhancing | 8 |
| public safety; and be it further
| 9 |
| RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be | 10 |
| distributed to the Illinois State Police, the Illinois | 11 |
| Association of Chiefs of Police, the Illinois Fraternal Order | 12 |
| of Police, the Illinois Sheriffs Association, the Illinois | 13 |
| Association of Fire Protection Districts, the Illinois | 14 |
| Municipal League, the Illinois Association of School | 15 |
| Administrators, the Illinois Principals Association, the | 16 |
| Illinois Association of School Boards, the Mayor of the City of | 17 |
| Bloomington, the members of the Bloomington City Council, the | 18 |
| Bloomington Fire and Police Chiefs, the Mayor of Normal, the | 19 |
| Normal Town Council, the McLean County Sheriff, the Normal Fire | 20 |
| and Police Chiefs, and the McLean County Board.