Full Text of HJR0005 95th General Assembly
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LRB095 03995 DRJ 24028 r |
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| WHEREAS, Hospital infections, which account for an | 3 |
| estimated 100,000 deaths every year, kill more than five times | 4 |
| as many Americans as AIDS; and
| 5 |
| WHEREAS, The federal Centers for Disease Control and | 6 |
| Prevention (C.D.C.), which are calling for voluntary blood | 7 |
| testing of all patients to stem the spread of AIDS, have chosen | 8 |
| not to recommend a test that is essential to stop the spread of | 9 |
| another killer sweeping through our nation's hospitals: | 10 |
| M.R.S.A., or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; the | 11 |
| C.D.C. guidelines to prevent hospital infections, released in | 12 |
| October 2006, conspicuously omit universal testing of patients | 13 |
| for M.R.S.A.; and
| 14 |
| WHEREAS, The C.D.C.'s omission is unfortunate; research | 15 |
| shows that the only way to prevent M.R.S.A. infections is to | 16 |
| identify which patients bring the bacteria into the hospital; | 17 |
| the M.R.S.A. test costs no more than the H.I.V. test and is | 18 |
| less invasive, a simple nasal or skin swab; and
| 19 |
| WHEREAS, Staph bacteria are the most prevalent | 20 |
| infection-causing germs in most hospitals, and increasingly | 21 |
| these infections cannot be cured with ordinary antibiotics; | 22 |
| sixty percent of staph infections are now drug resistant (that |
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| is, M.R.S.A.), up from 2 percent in 1974; and
| 2 |
| WHEREAS, Some people carry M.R.S.A. germs in their noses or | 3 |
| on their skin without realizing it; the bacteria do not cause | 4 |
| infection unless they get inside the body -- usually via a | 5 |
| catheter, a ventilator, or an incision or other open wound; | 6 |
| once admitted to a hospital, these patients shed the germs on | 7 |
| bedrails, wheelchairs, stethoscopes, and other surfaces, where | 8 |
| M.R.S.A. can live for many hours; and
| 9 |
| WHEREAS, Doctors and other caregivers who lean over an | 10 |
| M.R.S.A.-positive patient often pick up the germ on their | 11 |
| hands, gloves, or lab coats and carry it along to their next | 12 |
| patient; and | 13 |
| WHEREAS, The blood-pressure cuffs that nurses wrap around | 14 |
| patients' bare arms frequently carry live bacteria, including | 15 |
| M.R.S.A.; in a recent study at a French teaching hospital, 77 | 16 |
| percent of blood-pressure cuffs wheeled from room to room were | 17 |
| contaminated; another study linked contaminated blood-pressure | 18 |
| cuffs to several infected infants in the nursery at the | 19 |
| University of Iowa hospital; and | 20 |
| WHEREAS, Among developed nations, the United States has one | 21 |
| of the worst records of curbing drug-resistant infections, | 22 |
| according to the Sentry Antimicrobial Surveillance Program, an |
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| international effort to monitor drug-resistant germs; in this | 2 |
| country, M.R.S.A. hospital infections increased 32-fold from | 3 |
| 1976 to 2003, according to the C.D.C.; and | 4 |
| WHEREAS, In the 1980s, Denmark, Finland, and the | 5 |
| Netherlands faced similarly soaring rates of M.R.S.A., but | 6 |
| nearly eradicated it by screening patients and requiring health | 7 |
| care workers treating patients with M.R.S.A. to wear gowns and | 8 |
| gloves and use dedicated equipment to prevent the spread; the | 9 |
| Dutch called their strategy "search and destroy"; and | 10 |
A growing number of hospitals in the United States | 11 |
| have proved that such precautions work here, too; recently, a | 12 |
| pilot program using screening at Presbyterian University | 13 |
| Hospital, in Pittsburgh, reduced M.R.S.A. infections by 90 | 14 |
| percent; at a Yale-affiliated hospital in New Haven, screening | 15 |
| reduced M.R.S.A. infections in intensive care by two-thirds; | 16 |
| and | 17 |
| WHEREAS, A recently completed nine-year study at the | 18 |
| Brigham and Women's Hospital, in Boston, found that screening | 19 |
| led to a 75 percent drop in M.R.S.A. bloodstream infections | 20 |
| among intensive-care patients and a 67 percent decline | 21 |
| throughout the hospital; earlier efforts to stop these | 22 |
| infections by installing many more dispensers of hand cleanser | 23 |
| and conducting a yearlong educational campaign on hand hygiene |
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| had no effect; and | 2 |
| WHEREAS, Some public health advocates recommend screening | 3 |
| only "high-risk" patients -- those who recently have been | 4 |
| hospitalized, live in nursing homes, or have kidney disease; | 5 |
| partial screening is somewhat effective, but universal | 6 |
| screening prevents the most infections; and | 7 |
| WHEREAS, Hospitals cannot afford not to screen for | 8 |
| M.R.S.A.; infections wipe out hospital profits; when a patient | 9 |
| develops an infection and has to spend many additional weeks | 10 |
| hospitalized, Medicare does not pay for most of that additional | 11 |
| care; and | 12 |
Treating hospital infections costs an estimated | 13 |
| $30.5 billion a year in the United States; prevention, on the | 14 |
| other hand, is inexpensive and requires no capital outlays; a | 15 |
| pilot program at the University of Pittsburgh found that | 16 |
| screening tests, gowns, and other precautions cost only $35,000 | 17 |
| a year, and saved more than $800,000 a year in infection costs; | 18 |
| a review of similar cost analyses, published in The Lancet in | 19 |
| September, concluded that M.R.S.A. screening increases | 20 |
| hospital profits -- as it saves lives; and | 21 |
| WHEREAS, For a decade, in spite of this evidence, the | 22 |
| C.D.C. has rebuffed calls for screening, most recently from a |
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| committee of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiologists of | 2 |
| America; C.D.C. officials claim that more research is needed to | 3 |
| prove the benefits of screening; more research cannot hurt, but | 4 |
| we know enough already to move ahead; and | 5 |
Some hospitals are leading the way, including | 6 |
| Evanston Northwestern, in Illinois; the Veterans Affairs | 7 |
| medical centers; New England Baptist Hospital, in Boston; and | 8 |
| Johns Hopkins Hospital, in Baltimore; and | 9 |
| WHEREAS, The C.D.C.'s lax guidelines give many other | 10 |
| hospitals an excuse to do too little; every year of delay costs | 11 |
| thousands of lives and billions of dollars; therefore, be it
| 12 |
| SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we urge the Centers for Disease | 15 |
| Control and Prevention to adopt guidelines for universal | 16 |
| testing of hospital patients for methicillin-resistant | 17 |
| Staphylococcus aureus (M.R.S.A.) without further delay; and be | 18 |
| it further
| 19 |
| RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be delivered to | 20 |
| the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.