Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0811
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0811  103rd General Assembly



SR0811LRB103 39740 MST 70224 r


2    WHEREAS, Borderline personality disorder (BPD) affects
3between one and two percent of the population, which is
4approximately 250,000 Illinois residents; and
5    WHEREAS, Symptoms of BPD include emotional dysregulation,
6impulsive behavior, identity disturbances, all-or-nothing
7thinking, challenges with relationships, self-harm, and
8suicidality; and
9    WHEREAS, BPD affects all genders and ages equally
10throughout the life span, from adolescence to adulthood;
11however, it is frequently underdiagnosed and/or misdiagnosed;
13    WHEREAS, Up to 70% of people diagnosed with BPD experience
14self-harm and attempt suicide during the course of their
15lifetime; sadly, 10% die by suicide; and
16    WHEREAS, People diagnosed with BPD may have experienced a
17history of trauma and abuse; genetics and other factors can
18play a role in BPD; educating families and those with BPD
19supports recovery; and
20    WHEREAS, When symptoms are severe and untreated, BPD can



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1disrupt employment, education, and daily functioning; it can
2cause other social problems, such as housing insecurity,
3incarceration, and addiction; increasing access to care for
4marginalized communities affected by BPD will help save lives;
6    WHEREAS, There are five evidence-based treatments for BPD
7that are effective, including dialectical behavior therapy
8(DBT) mentalization-based therapy (MBT), transference-focused
9therapy (TFP), schema therapy (ST) and general psychiatric
10management (GPM); while these treatments are effective, they
11are inaccessible to the vast majority of Illinois residents
12due to lack of insurance coverage and insufficient provider
13reimbursement rates; and
14    WHEREAS, Barriers to care exist as treatment is expensive,
15hard to find, and often not covered by insurance companies;
16clinical education and affordable care is necessary to support
17recovery; and
18    WHEREAS, With treatment and community support, 90% of
19people with borderline personality disorder can experience a
20meaningful recovery; and
21    WHEREAS, It is essential to increase awareness of BPD
22among people with lived experience of BPD, their families,



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1mental health professionals, and the general public by
2promoting public health and clinical education, expanding
3treatment access, and funding affordable BPD care; and
4    WHEREAS, Emotions Matter and the National Alliance for
5Borderline Personality Disorder believe that bringing more
6attention to BPD will help lower the suicide rate associated
7with this disorder; therefore, be it
9ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we declare May of 2024
10as "BPD Month" in the State of Illinois; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
12presented to Emotions Matter and the National Alliance for
13Borderline Personality Disorder as a symbol of our respect and