Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0023
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0023  103rd General Assembly




SR0023LRB103 26091 ECR 52446 r


2    WHEREAS, On November 29, 1947, the General Assembly of the
3United Nations voted to partition British Mandatory Palestine
4into a Jewish state and an Arab state; this was a compromise
5embraced by leadership of the nascent Jewish state; and
6    WHEREAS, On May 14, 1948, the people of Israel proclaimed
7the establishment of the independent State of Israel; 11
8minutes later, President Truman, on behalf of the United
9States, became the first world leader to recognize Israel's
10provisional government as the legitimate authority in the area
11allotted to it; and
12    WHEREAS, The uninterrupted dream of the Jewish people to
13reestablish their independent state was directly linked to
14their historic sovereignty in the Land of Israel; this was
15first established 3,000 years ago with the city of Jerusalem
16as its capital then as it is now; and
17    WHEREAS, For over 2,000 years, Jews living in other parts
18of the world maintained a profound spiritual and emotional
19connection to the Land of Israel, and there has been a
20continuous Jewish presence in the land comprising the modern
21State of Israel; and



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1    WHEREAS, The State of Israel provided a refuge to Jews who
2survived the destruction of much of the European Jewry during
3the Holocaust; and
4    WHEREAS, Israel has provided the opportunity for millions
5of Jews from all over the world, including immigrants fleeing
6antisemitism and oppression from such countries as Ethiopia,
7the former Soviet Union, Argentina, Syria, Morocco, Iraq,
8Iran, India, other parts of the Middle East, North Africa,
9South America, and Asia, to make new lives in their ancient
10homeland; and
11    WHEREAS, Since its establishment 75 years ago, the modern
12State of Israel has rebuilt the nation, forged a new and
13dynamic society, and created a thriving economic, political,
14cultural, and intellectual life despite the heavy burdens of
15war and terrorism; and
16    WHEREAS, The people of Israel, in the spirit of Israel's
17Declaration of Independence, have established a vibrant,
18pluralistic, democratic political system which includes
19freedom of speech, association, and religion, a vigorously
20free press, free, fair, and open elections, the rule of law, a
21fully independent judiciary, rights for the LGBTQ+ community,
22and other democratic principles and practices; and



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1    WHEREAS, Israel has developed some of the world's leading
2universities and hospitals, some of which are partnering with
3Illinois-based institutions in Chicago and elsewhere; and
4    WHEREAS, Israel has developed an advanced, entrepreneurial
5economy, has one of the world's leading technological
6industries, and is at the forefront of research and
7development in the fields of renewable energy sources and
8medicine; and
9    WHEREAS, Israel regularly sends humanitarian aid, search
10and rescue teams, mobile hospitals, and other emergency
11supplies to help victims of disasters around the world,
12including setting up field hospitals and sending personnel and
13supplies to Ukraine, Haiti, Japan, Nepal, and Surfside,
14Florida; and
15    WHEREAS, Israel has courageously defended itself from
16repeated attacks since its independence while never losing
17sight of the determination to live in peace with all of its
18neighbors; and
19    WHEREAS, Thanks to the Abraham Accords, Israel has been
20able to expand its peaceful relations across the Middle East
21from not only Egypt and Jordan to now include the United Arab
22Emirates, Morocco, Bahrain, and Sudan; and



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1    WHEREAS, Since the founding of the modern State of Israel,
2the United States, Illinois, and Israel have maintained a
3special relationship based on mutually shared democratic and
4moral values, common strategic interests, and bonds of
5friendship and mutual respect; and
6    WHEREAS, The United States and Illinois continue to regard
7Israel as a trusted ally and vital strategic partner in the
8Middle East; therefore, be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we recognize and
11applaud the historic significance of the 75th anniversary of
12the establishment of the sovereign and independent State of
13Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people; and be it further
14    RESOLVED, That we reaffirm the bonds of friendship and
15cooperation which have existed between the United States,
16Illinois, and Israel for the past 75 years and commit to
17strengthening these bonds; and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That we commend the people of Israel for their
19remarkable achievements in building a new state and a
20pluralistic, democratic society in the face of terrorism as
21well as hostility, ostracism, and belligerence from many of



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1their neighbors; and be it further
2    RESOLVED, That we reaffirm our support for Israel's right
3to defend itself against threats to its security and
4existence; and be it further
5    RESOLVED, That we reaffirm our enduring support for Israel
6as the country pursues peace with its neighbors; and be it
8    RESOLVED, That we extend our best wishes to the State of
9Israel and its people for a peaceful and prosperous future.