Full Text of HR1204 94th General Assembly
HR1204 |
LRB094 20286 HSS 58300 r |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| WHEREAS, Mr. Anthony J. Fornelli of Chicago has been named | 3 |
| a recipient of the Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Humanitarian of | 4 |
| the Year Award given by the Joint Civic Committee of Italian | 5 |
| Americans (JCCIA); and
| 6 |
| WHEREAS, The JCCIA's Joseph Cardinal Bernardin | 7 |
| Humanitarian of the Year Award is presented annually to those | 8 |
| whose lives exemplify the virtues of caring, humanity, and good | 9 |
| will that were the hallmark of Cardinal Bernardin's tenure as | 10 |
| Archbishop of Chicago; and
| 11 |
| WHEREAS, Mr. Fornelli served as the president of the JCCIA | 12 |
| from 1974 to 1975; he is the president of AJF Management and | 13 |
| the publisher of Fra Noi, the Chicago-area Italian-American | 14 |
| newspaper; and
| 15 |
| WHEREAS, He is a director of the Illinois Community | 16 |
| Currency Exchange Association, past vice chair of the Chicago | 17 |
| Plan Commission, former director of the Department of Financial | 18 |
| Institutions for the State of Illinois, past assembly member | 19 |
| for the Illinois State Bar Association, and a former assistant | 20 |
| corporation counsel of Chicago; he also was a commissioner of | 21 |
| the Chicago Zoning Board of Appeals; and
| 22 |
| WHEREAS, He has served as president or chairman of the | 23 |
| following organizations: Festa Italiana Chicago, St. Ignatius | 24 |
| High School Alumni Association, Joint Civic Committee of | 25 |
| Italian Americans, UNICO National, the Justinian Society of | 26 |
| Lawyers, and the Italian American Political Coalition; he is a | 27 |
| founder and past chairman of Casa Italia, the Chicago-area | 28 |
| Italian-American community center, located in Stone Park; and
| 29 |
| WHEREAS, As chairman of Festa Italiana in Chicago, he was | 30 |
| instrumental in raising more than $1 million for a wide range |
HR1204 |
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LRB094 20286 HSS 58300 r |
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| of worthy causes, including the Italian Cultural Center, Villa | 2 |
| Scalabrini, the Neediest Children's Fund, Mexican Earthquake | 3 |
| Relief, the American Jewish Committee, and Cooley's anemia | 4 |
| research; and
| 5 |
| WHEREAS, In addition, he has served on the board of | 6 |
| directors of the Community Currency Exchange Association, the | 7 |
| Jane Addams' Hull House Museum Advisory Board, the | 8 |
| International Museum of Surgical Science and Hall of Fame, the | 9 |
| National Hemophilia Foundation, the Lay Advisory Board of Villa | 10 |
| Scalabrini Home for the Aged, and Austin School for the | 11 |
| Mentally Disabled; and
| 12 |
| WHEREAS, Mr. Fornelli has been honored by the following | 13 |
| institutions and individuals: the Community Currency Exchange | 14 |
| Association, the Illinois State Bar Association, Casa Italia, | 15 |
| City of Hope, the Gregorians (a society of Italian-American | 16 |
| educators), the Italian American Executives of Transportation, | 17 |
| the Justinian Society of Lawyers, the National Institute of | 18 |
| Human Relations, the Italian Cultural Association, the | 19 |
| National Hemophilia Foundation, and the prime minister of | 20 |
| Israel; and
| 21 |
| WHEREAS, The son of Gennaro, who hails from Naples, and | 22 |
| Madelyn, who "hails from Calabria by way of Des Moines, Iowa", | 23 |
| Mr. Fornelli is a life-long Chicago resident; he is a graduate | 24 |
| of Our Lady of the Angels Grade School, St. Ignatius High | 25 |
| School, Loyola University of Chicago, and DePaul University Law | 26 |
| School; he lives in Chicago with his wife, Angela, and is the | 27 |
| father of five, the grandfather of nine, and the | 28 |
| great-grandfather of one; therefore, be it
| 29 |
| we congratulate Mr. Anthony J. Fornelli on being a recipient of | 32 |
| the Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Humanitarian of the Year Award |
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LRB094 20286 HSS 58300 r |
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| given by the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans; and be | 2 |
| it further
| 3 |
| RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | 4 |
| presented to Mr. Fornelli as an expression of our esteem.