Full Text of SR0773 93rd General Assembly
SR0773 |
LRB093 24280 CSA 54554 r |
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| WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the State of Illinois | 3 |
| learned with sadness of the death of Kenneth L. Kasten of Alton | 4 |
| on January 5, 2005; and
| 5 |
| WHEREAS, The son of the late Albert and Irene (Cannavan) | 6 |
| Kasten, he was born January 25, 1925 in Alton; and
| 7 |
| WHEREAS, He and the former Catherine Droste were married on | 8 |
| June 12, 1948 at St. Ambrose Church in Godfrey; and
| 9 |
| WHEREAS, He served with the U.S. Army during World War II, | 10 |
| and was a past commander of Alton Veterans of Foreign Wars Post | 11 |
| 1308 and past commander of VFW 12th District; after his | 12 |
| retirement in 1964 from Amoco Oil, he became involved in the | 13 |
| carpentry trade; he was a member of St. Ambrose Church and the | 14 |
| Alton Knights of Columbus Council 460; and
| 15 |
| WHEREAS, He was preceded in death by a brother, Ralph | 16 |
| Kasten; and
| 17 |
| WHEREAS, The passing of Kenneth L. Kasten will be felt by | 18 |
| all who knew and loved him, especially his wife; his daughters, | 19 |
| Nancy (Charles) Newby, Pat (Tim) Finnell, and Jayne Goeken; his | 20 |
| sons, Ed (Debra), Bill (Missy), Steven (Donna), Michael | 21 |
| (Brenda), and Daniel (Phyllis); and his grandchildren, Sara | 22 |
| Davis, Heather Strawn, Megan and Eric Newby, Andy and Tracy | 23 |
| Finnell, Chris and Thom Goeken, Jim Kasten, Jennifer Craig, | 24 |
| Cory and Matt Kasten, Tim, Jay and Liz Kasten, David and Adam | 25 |
| Kasten and Kyle Kasten; therefore, be it
| 26 |
| ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of | 28 |
| Kenneth L. Kasten and we extend our sincerest condolences to | 29 |
| his family, friends, and community; and be it further
SR0773 |
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LRB093 24280 CSA 54554 r |
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| RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | 2 |
| presented to his family as an expression of our deepest | 3 |
| sympathy.