Full Text of SR0675 93rd General Assembly
SR0675 |
LRB093 23365 RXD 53348 r |
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| WHEREAS, The members of the Senate were saddened to learn | 3 |
| of the death of Bruce Carl Boyke on Saturday, August 14, 2004; | 4 |
| and
| 5 |
| WHEREAS, Mr. Boyke was born in Chicago to Carl William and | 6 |
| Elsie Marie (nee Laffin) Boyke; he was raised in Zion; and | 7 |
| WHEREAS, His mother became a widow in 1933 and by herself, | 8 |
| raised Mr. Boyke and his five siblings during the hard | 9 |
| Depression years; she gave her children wisdom and | 10 |
| encouragement and taught them how to work hard, their belief in | 11 |
| God, love of family and country and the belief that they were | 12 |
| as good as everyone else and they could do and be whomever they | 13 |
| wanted to be; and | 14 |
| WHEREAS, During high school, Mr. Boyke was the football | 15 |
| halfback no one could catch or tackle; he left Zion Benton High | 16 |
| School at the age of 16 and entered the Army; he was recalled | 17 |
| back to the service during the Korean War; and | 18 |
| WHEREAS, Mr. Boyke served one term as Waukegan precinct | 19 |
| committeeman in 1952; he also served one term as mayor of the | 20 |
| Village of Green Oaks; and | 21 |
| WHEREAS, Mr. Boyke was the owner of Bruce Concrete | 22 |
| Construction Company; he started out with a shovel, | 23 |
| wheelbarrow, and by the age of 30, with a labor of love and | 24 |
| hard work, he became renown by many who admired him for his | 25 |
| greatness in his ability to create a work of architecture; and | 26 |
| WHEREAS, Mr. Boyke was generous in the way he lived his | 27 |
| life; he gave to strangers and the catholic church; and | 28 |
| WHEREAS, Mr. Boyke loved his family, his beautiful lawns |
SR0675 |
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LRB093 23365 RXD 53348 r |
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| and gardens, fishing and traveling all over the world with his | 2 |
| wife; he loved people, politics, the outdoors with trees, | 3 |
| birds, squirrels, and the sun upon his face; and | 4 |
| WHEREAS, The passing of Mr. Boyke has been deeply felt by | 5 |
| all who knew him, especially his wife, Renee; his children, | 6 |
| Laura (George) Cleghorn, Karen Boyke, Bruce Bradley Boyke, | 7 |
| Blair (Michael) Deer, and Kerry (Berny) Schmidt; his | 8 |
| grandchildren, Kathleen (William) Wright, Corey Bruce | 9 |
| Cleghorn, Joseph Carl Deer, Amber Colleen Deer, Nicholas | 10 |
| Kerber, and April Kelly Boyke; his great grandchildren, Aurora, | 11 |
| Rianna, and Billy Wright; his siblings, Bill (Frankie) Boyke, | 12 |
| Wayne Boyke, and Bonnie Snouffer; and many nephews, nieces, | 13 |
| grandnephews, and grandnieces; therefore, be it
| 14 |
| ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of | 16 |
| Bruce Carl Boyke, along with all who knew and loved him, and | 17 |
| offer his family and friends our deepest sympathy; and be it | 18 |
| further
| 19 |
| RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | 20 |
| presented to the family of Bruce Carl Boyke with our sincerest | 21 |
| condolences.