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LRB093 14433 RAH 20122 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the State of
3 Illinois learned with regret of the passing of Robert L.
4 Mitchell of Waukegan on May 27, 2003; and
5 WHEREAS, Robert L. Mitchell was the son of the late
6 Augusta and Harry Mitchell; and
7 WHEREAS, Mr. Mitchell proudly served his country as a
8 staff sergeant in the 82nd Airborne Division; and
9 WHEREAS, The passing of Robert L. Mitchell has been
10 deeply felt by all who knew and loved him, especially his
11 wife of 53 years, Jean (Moreau) Mitchell; his children and
12 their families, Bonnie Jean Willms and her twins, Michaela
13 and Nathan; Michelle Marie Hobson, her husband Mark, and
14 their children, Cassie and Christopher; and Risa Lynn Radeke,
15 her husband David, and their children, Kristina, Robert, and
16 Amanda; he was preceded in death by his parents, Augusta and
17 Harry; his brother, Jim; and his sister, Ima; therefore, be
18 it
20 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
21 all who knew him, the death of Robert L. Mitchell; and be it
22 further
23 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
24 presented to the family of Robert L. Mitchell as an
25 expression of our sincerest condolences.
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