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LRB093 07212 KEF 07368 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of Illinois Senate were saddened to
3 learn of the death of Richard W. Glogovsky of Green Oaks on
4 January 2, 2003 at the age of 64; and
5 WHEREAS, Mr. Glogovsky was born June 11, 1938 in North
6 Chicago, where he resided until moving to Green Oaks in 1972;
7 he was a 1956 graduate of North Chicago High School and a
8 graduate of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, where he
9 was a member of the Theta Kappa Phi Fraternity; he received
10 his Masters Degree from Roosevelt University in Chicago; and
11 WHEREAS, Mr. Glogovsky was a former teacher and wrestling
12 and tennis coach at North Chicago High School; he was also
13 co-founder and administrator of the Lake County Technology
14 Campus in Grayslake; he was a former North Chicago Alderman
15 and a Green Oaks Trustee for the past 20 years; and
16 WHEREAS, Mr. Glogovsky was an avid golfer, Vice President
17 of Coursigns Golf Supply Company in Lake Forest, a long time
18 employee of Old Elm Golf Club in Highland Park, a member of
19 St. Joseph Parish in Libertyville, and a member of the Lake
20 County Republicans; and
21 WHEREAS, His passing will be deeply felt by all who knew
22 and loved him, especially his wife, June; his three children,
23 Richard S. Glogovsky, Jeffrey Glogovsky, and Deborah (Dave)
24 Popp; his five grandchildren, Adam, Rachel, Brian, Eric, and
25 Jackson Tyler; and his three brothers, Rudolph (Anita)
26 Glogovsky, Robert Glogovsky, and Ronald Glogovsky; and
27 WHEREAS, Mr. Glogovsky was preceded in death by his
28 parents, Louis and Mary; therefore, be it
30 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the death of
31 Richard W. Glogovsky and extend our sincere condolences to
-2- LRB093 07212 KEF 07368 r
1 all his family and friends; and be it further
2 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
3 presented to the family of Richard W. Glogovsky with our
4 deepest sympathy.
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