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LRB093 12286 KEF 17472 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the State of
3 Illinois were saddened to learn of the death of Katherine
4 Viola Bell of Chicago on June 15, 2003; and
5 WHEREAS, Mrs. Bell was born on June 11, 1911 the eldest
6 child of David Reuben Dorsey and Melissa Culpepper Dorsey in
7 Montgomery, Alabama; when Katherine was nine years old the
8 family moved to Chicago where they resided on the south side;
9 her father along with his brother Joseph operated Dorsey
10 Brothers Tailors; her mother assisted them in the business;
11 growing up she and her family were members of Eighth Church
12 of Christian Scientist; and
13 WHEREAS, Mrs. Bell attended Chicago Public Schools
14 including Ray Elementary School and she graduated from McCosh
15 Elementary School; at age nine she enrolled in The Art
16 Institute of Chicago on a scholarship; there she developed
17 her skill and love of the arts; in 1930, she graduated from
18 Englewood High School; from there she studied drafting and
19 architectural arts at Armour Institute, which is now Illinois
20 Institute of Technology; she moved to Los Angeles, California
21 and attended Frank Wiggins School studying graphics and
22 commercial art; and
23 WHEREAS, In 1933, after an earthquake in California she
24 returned to Chicago and shortly afterward married William L.
25 Bell; to this union was born a son William "Billy" Bell, Jr.
26 in 1935; and
27 WHEREAS, All of her life she had a passion for art and
28 cultural activities; she was an excellent pianist and artist;
29 she taught individual piano lessons and also taught art at
30 the South Side Community Art Center and was a teacher there
31 under the WPA when Eleanor Roosevelt came to Chicago in 1941
32 to dedicate the Center; she also taught art, sewing, and
-2- LRB093 12286 KEF 17472 r
1 millinery crafts for many years at Chicago Park District
2 locations including Foster Park and Washington Park; and
3 WHEREAS, As an artist her works were exhibited at many
4 venues throughout Chicago including the South Side Community
5 Art Center, The Beverly Arts Center, The State of Illinois
6 Building, The Museum of Science and Industry, and the Chicago
7 Cultural Center; in addition, she was a member of The Senior
8 Arts Network; and
9 WHEREAS, Mrs. Bell's passing will be deeply felt by many,
10 especially her son, William Bell (daughter-in-law Beulah);
11 her grandchildren, Carolyn Bell Richards and William Bell,
12 III; her sister, Rosalie Davis (brother-in-law Charles); her
13 five great grandchildren, Jasmine, Sydney, Eboni, Scott and
14 David; and several nieces, nephews and friends; therefore, be
15 it
17 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the death of
18 Katherine Viola Bell along with all who knew and loved her
19 and extend our sincere condolences to her family and friends;
20 and be it further
21 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
22 presented to the family of Katherine Viola Bell as an
23 expression of our deepest sympathy.
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