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LRB093 12155 KEF 17121 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the State of
3 Illinois were saddened to learn of the death of Leonard E.
4 Van Camp of Edwardsville on May 27, 2003; and
5 WHEREAS, Mr. Van Camp was born in Wichita, Kansas; he
6 taught at the junior high and high school level in Kansas
7 City and at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa; and
8 WHEREAS, Mr. Van Camp spent much of his educational
9 career at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE);
10 he joined the music faculty in 1963 and served as director of
11 choral activities for the next 36 years; his choirs and
12 orchestra at SIUE performed five oratorios he translated from
13 German to English; and
14 WHEREAS, Mr. Van Camp was known internationally as a
15 choral music expert; and
16 WHEREAS, Mr. Van Camp's teaching career spanned more than
17 45 years, during which time he taught thousands of students;
18 he wrote numerous articles that appeared in U.S. music
19 publications and in the World Book Encyclopedia; and
20 WHEREAS, Mr. Van Camp edited the music of nearly 150
21 composers or editions, including works of Bach, Brahms, and
22 Schubert; and
23 WHEREAS, Mr. Van Camp's research interests included
24 editing early American choral music, especially works by
25 William Billings, America's first important composer; and
26 WHEREAS, In addition to teaching, lecturing, and
27 conducting, he often appeared as a baritone soloist,
28 including recitals and performances with the Kansas City and
29 Indianapolis symphony orchestras; and
-2- LRB093 12155 KEF 17121 r
1 WHEREAS, His passing will be deeply felt by many,
2 especially his wife, Marlene Van Camp; his brother, Duane Van
3 Camp; his sister, Marjory Gloe; his two sons, Douglas L. Van
4 Camp and Brian David Van Camp; his daughter, Cherie Marlene
5 Van Camp; and two grandchildren; therefore, be it
7 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the death of
8 Leonard E. Van Camp along with all who knew and loved him and
9 extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends; and
10 be it further
11 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12 presented to the family of Leonard E. Van Camp as an
13 expression of our deepest sympathy.
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