Full Text of SB3125 93rd General Assembly
State of Illinois
2003 and 2004 SB3125
Introduced 2/6/2004, by Jacqueline Y. Collins - Barack Obama SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
New Act |
30 ILCS 105/5.625 new |
Creates the Patient Safety Act. Creates the Patient Safety Authority that, among other duties, works with medical facilities and the Department of Public Health to reduce the number and severity of serious events and incidents that occur at the facility and receives reports from health care workers regarding serious events. Provides funding for the Authority and the administration of the Act through a surcharge on the medical facilities' licensing fees, which shall be deposited into the Patient Safety Trust Fund, a special fund in the State treasury. Requires medical facilities to develop, implement, and comply with an internal patient safety
plan, designate a patient safety officer, and establish a patient safety committee. Provides that a health care worker who reasonably believes
that a serious event or incident has occurred shall report the
serious event or incident according to the patient safety plan
of the medical facility, unless the health care worker knows
that a report has already been made. Requires that the medical facility notify the patient or a family member of the patient of a serious event. Contains other provisions. Amends the State Finance Act to create the Patient Safety Authority Trust Fund. Effective January 1, 2005.
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| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning patient safety.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | 5 |
| Patient Safety Act. | 6 |
| Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act: | 7 |
| "Ambulatory surgical treatment center" means an
ambulatory | 8 |
| surgical treatment center licensed under the Ambulatory | 9 |
| Surgical Treatment Center Act. | 10 |
| "Authority" means the Patient Safety Authority established | 11 |
| in
this Act. | 12 |
| "Board" means the board of directors of the Patient Safety
| 13 |
| Authority. | 14 |
| "Department" means the Department of Public Health. | 15 |
| "Fund" means the Patient Safety Trust Fund. | 16 |
| "Health care worker" means an employee, independent | 17 |
| contractor,
licensee, or other individual authorized to | 18 |
| provide services in a
medical facility. | 19 |
| "Incident" means an event, occurrence, or situation | 20 |
| involving the
clinical care of a patient in a medical facility | 21 |
| that could
have injured the patient but did not either cause an
| 22 |
| unanticipated injury or require the delivery of additional
| 23 |
| health care services to the patient. "Incident" does not | 24 |
| include a
serious event. | 25 |
| "Licensee" means an individual who is licensed or certified | 26 |
| to provide professional services in this
State and is employed | 27 |
| by or authorized to provide professional
services in a medical | 28 |
| facility. | 29 |
| "Medical facility" means an ambulatory surgical treatment | 30 |
| center or hospital. | 31 |
| "Patient safety officer" means an individual designated by | 32 |
| a
medical facility under section 40. |
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| 1 |
| "Serious event" means an event, occurrence, or situation | 2 |
| involving
the clinical care of a patient in a medical facility | 3 |
| that
results in death or compromises patient safety and results | 4 |
| in an
unanticipated injury requiring the delivery of additional | 5 |
| health
care services to the patient. "Serious event" does not | 6 |
| include an
incident. | 7 |
| Section 10. Patient Safety Authority. | 8 |
| (a) There is established an entity to be known as the | 9 |
| Patient Safety Authority. The
powers and duties of the | 10 |
| Authority shall be vested in and
exercised by a board of | 11 |
| directors.
| 12 |
| (b) The board of the Authority shall consist
of 11 members | 13 |
| as follows:
| 14 |
| (1) Two physicians who are licensed in Illinois and | 15 |
| reside in Illinois appointed by the Governor, who shall | 16 |
| serve initial terms of 3 years. | 17 |
| (2) A nurse who is licensed in Illinois and resides in | 18 |
| Illinois appointed by the Governor, who shall serve an | 19 |
| initial term of
3 years. | 20 |
| (3) A pharmacist who is licensed in Illinois and | 21 |
| resides in Illinois appointed by the Governor, who shall | 22 |
| serve an initial
term of 2 years.
| 23 |
| (4) A health care worker who is employed by a hospital | 24 |
| located in Illinois and resides in Illinois appointed by | 25 |
| the
Governor, who shall serve an initial term of 2 years.
| 26 |
| (5) Six residents of Illinois appointed by the | 27 |
| Governor, one of whom is a
health care worker, who shall | 28 |
| each serve an initial term
of 4 years. | 29 |
| (c) Members of the board shall serve for terms of 4 years | 30 |
| after
completion of the initial terms designated in subsection | 31 |
| (b) and
shall not be eligible to serve more than 2 full | 32 |
| consecutive
| 33 |
| (d) A majority of the members of the board shall
constitute | 34 |
| a quorum. Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
action | 35 |
| may be taken by the board at a meeting upon a vote of the
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| majority of its members present in person.
| 2 |
| (e) The board shall meet at the call of the
| 3 |
| The board shall hold meetings at least quarterly. The meetings | 4 |
| shall be
subject to the requirements of the Open Meetings Act. | 5 |
| (f) The chairperson shall be one of the physicians | 6 |
| appointed under item (1) of subsection (b), as determined by | 7 |
| the Governor. | 8 |
| (g) The Authority shall be formed within 60 days
after the | 9 |
| effective date of this Act.
| 10 |
| Section 15. Powers and duties of the Authority.
| 11 |
| (a) The Authority shall have all of the following powers | 12 |
| and duties:
| 13 |
| (1) Employ staff as necessary to implement this Act.
| 14 |
| (2) Make, execute, and deliver contracts and other
| 15 |
| instruments.
| 16 |
| (3) Apply for, solicit, receive, establish priorities
| 17 |
| for, allocate, disburse, contract for, administer, and | 18 |
| spend
funds in the Fund and other funds that are made | 19 |
| available to
the Authority from any source consistent with | 20 |
| the purposes of
this Act.
| 21 |
| (4) Contract with a for-profit or registered nonprofit
| 22 |
| entity, other than a health care provider, to do
any of the | 23 |
| following:
| 24 |
| (A) Collect, analyze, and evaluate data regarding
| 25 |
| reports of serious events and incidents, including the
| 26 |
| identification of performance indicators and patterns | 27 |
| in frequency or severity at certain medical
facilities | 28 |
| or in certain regions of Illinois. | 29 |
| (B) Transmit to the Authority recommendations for
| 30 |
| changes in health care practices and procedures that
| 31 |
| may be instituted for the purpose of reducing the | 32 |
| number
and severity of serious events and incidents.
| 33 |
| (C) Directly advise reporting medical facilities
| 34 |
| of immediate changes that can be instituted to reduce
| 35 |
| serious events and incidents.
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| (D) Conduct reviews in accordance with subsection
| 2 |
| (b).
| 3 |
| (5) Receive and evaluate recommendations made by the
| 4 |
| entity contracted with in accordance with
item (4) and | 5 |
| report those recommendations to the
Department. The | 6 |
| Department shall approve
or disapprove the recommendations | 7 |
| within 30 days.
| 8 |
| (6) After consultation with and approval by the | 9 |
| Department,
issue recommendations to medical facilities on | 10 |
| a facility-specific or on a Statewide basis regarding | 11 |
| changes, trends,
and improvements in health care practices | 12 |
| and procedures for
the purpose of reducing the number and | 13 |
| severity of serious
events and incidents. Prior to issuing | 14 |
| recommendations,
consideration shall be given to the | 15 |
| following factors: expectation of improved quality care, | 16 |
| implementation
feasibility, other relevant implementation | 17 |
| practices, and the
cost impact to patients, payors, and | 18 |
| medical facilities.
Statewide recommendations shall be | 19 |
| issued to medical
facilities on a continuing basis and | 20 |
| shall be published and
posted on the Department's and the | 21 |
| Authority's publicly
accessible World Wide Web site.
| 22 |
| (7) Meet with the Department for purposes of
| 23 |
| implementing this Act.
| 24 |
| (b) A health care
worker who has complied with the | 25 |
| reporting requirements of subsection (a) of the Section 35 may | 26 |
| file an
anonymous report regarding a serious event with the | 27 |
| Authority.
Upon receipt of the report, the Authority shall give | 28 |
| notice to
the affected medical facility that a report has been | 29 |
| filed. The
Authority shall conduct its own review of the | 30 |
| report, unless the
medical facility has already commenced an | 31 |
| investigation of the
serious event. The medical facility shall | 32 |
| provide the Authority
with the results of its investigation no | 33 |
| later than 30 days
after receiving notice pursuant to this | 34 |
| subsection. If the
Authority is dissatisfied with the adequacy | 35 |
| of the investigation
conducted by the medical facility, the | 36 |
| Authority shall perform
its own review of the serious event and |
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| may refer a medical
facility and any involved licensee to the | 2 |
| Department for failure
to report.
| 3 |
| (c) The Authority shall report no later than December 31,
| 4 |
| 2005 and annually thereafter to the Department and the
General | 5 |
| Assembly on the Authority's activities in the
preceding year. | 6 |
| The report shall include:
| 7 |
| (1) A schedule of the year's meetings.
| 8 |
| (2) A list of contracts entered into pursuant to
this | 9 |
| Section, including the amounts awarded to each
| 10 |
| (3) A summary of the Fund receipts and
expenditures, | 11 |
| including a financial statement and balance
| 12 |
| (4) The number of serious events and incidents
reported | 13 |
| by medical facilities on a geographical basis.
| 14 |
| (5) The information derived from the data collected
| 15 |
| including any recognized trends concerning patient
| 16 |
| (6) The number of anonymous reports filed and
reviews | 17 |
| conducted by the Authority.
| 18 |
| (7) The number of referrals to licensure boards
for | 19 |
| failure to report under this Act.
| 20 |
| (8) Recommendations for statutory or regulatory
| 21 |
| changes that may help improve patient safety in Illinois.
| 22 |
| The annual report shall be made available for public
| 23 |
| inspection and shall be posted on the Authority's publicly
| 24 |
| accessible World Wide Web site.
| 25 |
| Section 20. Patient Safety Trust Fund. | 26 |
| (a) There is created a special fund in State treasury to be | 27 |
| known as the Patient Safety
Trust Fund. The monies in the Fund | 28 |
| shall be used by the Authority for the administration of this | 29 |
| Act. All
interest earned from the investment or deposit of | 30 |
| moneys
accumulated in the Fund shall be deposited in the Fund | 31 |
| for the
same use.
| 32 |
| (b) Commencing July 1, 2005, each medical
facility shall | 33 |
| pay the Department a surcharge on its licensing
fee as provided | 34 |
| by rule in an amount necessary to provide sufficient revenues | 35 |
| to operate the
Authority. The total assessment for all medical |
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| facilities shall
not exceed $5,000,000. The Department shall | 2 |
| transfer the total
assessment amount to the Fund within 30 days | 3 |
| of receipt. | 4 |
| (c) In the event that the Fund is discontinued
or the | 5 |
| Authority is dissolved by operation of law, any balance
| 6 |
| remaining in the Fund, after deducting administrative costs of
| 7 |
| liquidation, shall be returned to the medical facilities in
| 8 |
| proportion to their financial contributions to the Fund in the
| 9 |
| preceding licensing period.
| 10 |
| (d) If, after 30 days' notice, a
medical facility fails to | 11 |
| pay a surcharge levied by the
Department under this Act, the | 12 |
| Department may assess an
administrative penalty of $1,000 per | 13 |
| day until the surcharge is
| 14 |
| Section 25. Responsibilities of the Department of Public | 15 |
| Health.
| 16 |
| (a) The Department shall have all of the
following | 17 |
| responsibilities:
| 18 |
| (1) Review and approve patient safety plans in
| 19 |
| accordance with section 30.
| 20 |
| (2) In conjunction with the Authority, analyze and
| 21 |
| evaluate existing health care procedures and approve
| 22 |
| recommendations issued by the Authority under items (6) and | 23 |
| (7) of subsection (a) of Section
| 24 |
| (3) Meet with the Authority for purposes of | 25 |
| implementing
this Act.
| 26 |
| (b) The recommendations made to
medical facilities | 27 |
| pursuant to item (2) of subsection (a) may be
considered by the | 28 |
| Department for licensure purposes under the
the Ambulatory | 29 |
| Surgical Treatment Center Act and the Hospital Licensing Act, | 30 |
| but shall not be considered mandatory unless
adopted by the | 31 |
| Department as rules.
| 32 |
| Section 30. Patient safety plans. | 33 |
| (a) A medical facility must
develop, implement, and comply | 34 |
| with an internal patient safety
plan that shall be established |
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| for the purpose of improving the
health and safety of patients. | 2 |
| The plan shall be developed in
consultation with the licensees | 3 |
| providing health care services
in the medical facility.
| 4 |
| (b) A patient safety plan shall:
| 5 |
| (1) Designate a patient safety officer as set forth in
| 6 |
| Section 40. | 7 |
| (2) Establish a patient safety committee as set forth | 8 |
| in
Section 45.
| 9 |
| (3) Establish a system for the health care workers of a
| 10 |
| medical facility to report serious events and incidents | 11 |
| that
shall be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
| 12 |
| (4) Prohibit any retaliatory action against a health
| 13 |
| care worker for reporting a serious event or incident in
| 14 |
| accordance with the Whistleblower Act.
| 15 |
| (5) Provide for written notification to patients in
| 16 |
| accordance with subsection (b) of Section 35.
| 17 |
| (c) Within 60 days after the effective date of
this Act, a | 18 |
| medical facility shall submit its patient safety
plan to the | 19 |
| Department for approval consistent with the
requirements of | 20 |
| this Section. If the Department does not approve or
reject the | 21 |
| plan within 60 days after receipt, the plan shall be
deemed | 22 |
| approved.
| 23 |
| (d) Upon approval of the patient
safety plan, a medical | 24 |
| facility shall notify all health care
workers of the medical | 25 |
| facility of the patient safety plan.
Compliance with the | 26 |
| patient safety plan shall be required as a
condition of | 27 |
| employment or credentialing at the medical
| 28 |
| Section 35. Reporting and notification. | 29 |
| (a) A health care worker who reasonably believes
that a | 30 |
| serious event or incident has occurred shall report the
serious | 31 |
| event or incident according to the patient safety plan
of the | 32 |
| medical facility, unless the health care worker knows
that a | 33 |
| report has already been made. The report shall be made
| 34 |
| immediately or as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable, | 35 |
| but
in no event later than 24 hours after the occurrence or
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| discovery of a serious event or incident.
| 2 |
| (b) A medical facility, through an
appropriate designee, | 3 |
| shall provide written notification to a
patient affected by a | 4 |
| serious event or, with the consent of the
patient, to an | 5 |
| available family member or designee, within 7
days of the | 6 |
| occurrence or discovery of a serious event. If the
patient is | 7 |
| unable to give consent, the notification shall be
given to an | 8 |
| adult member of the immediate family. If an adult
member of the | 9 |
| immediate family cannot be identified or located,
notification | 10 |
| shall be given to the closest adult family member.
For | 11 |
| unemancipated patients who are under 18 years of age, the
| 12 |
| parent or guardian shall be notified in accordance with this
| 13 |
| subsection. The notification requirements of this subsection
| 14 |
| shall not be subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of | 15 |
| Section 50.
Notification under this subsection shall not | 16 |
| constitute an
acknowledgment or admission of liability.
| 17 |
| (c) A health care worker who reports the
occurrence of a | 18 |
| serious event or incident in accordance with
subsection (a) or | 19 |
| (b) shall not be subject to any retaliatory
action for | 20 |
| reporting the serious event or incident and shall
have the | 21 |
| protections and remedies set forth in the Whistleblower
Act. | 22 |
| (d) Nothing in this Section shall limit a
medical | 23 |
| facility's ability to take appropriate disciplinary
action | 24 |
| against a health care worker for failure to meet defined
| 25 |
| performance expectations or to take corrective action against a
| 26 |
| licensee for unprofessional conduct, including making false
| 27 |
| reports or failure to report serious events under this Act.
| 28 |
| Section 40. Patient safety officer. A patient safety | 29 |
| officer of a medical facility shall do all
of the following:
| 30 |
| (1) Serve on the patient safety committee.
| 31 |
| (2) Ensure the investigation of all reports of serious
| 32 |
| events and incidents.
| 33 |
| (3) Take such action as is immediately necessary to
| 34 |
| ensure patient safety as a result of any investigation.
| 35 |
| (4) Report to the patient safety committee regarding |
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| any
action taken to promote patient safety as a result of
| 2 |
| investigations commenced pursuant to this Section.
| 3 |
| Section 45. Patient safety committee. | 4 |
| (a) A hospital's patient safety committee shall be
composed | 5 |
| of the medical facility's patient safety officer, at least 3 | 6 |
| health care workers of the medical
facility, and at least 2 | 7 |
| residents of the community served by the medical facility who | 8 |
| are not agents, employees, or contractors
of the medical | 9 |
| facility. No more than one member of the
patient safety | 10 |
| committee shall be a member of the medical
facility's board of | 11 |
| trustees. The committee shall include
members of the medical | 12 |
| facility's medical and nursing staff.
The committee shall meet | 13 |
| at least monthly.
| 14 |
| An ambulatory surgical treatment center's
patient safety | 15 |
| committee shall be composed of the medical
facility's patient | 16 |
| safety officer, at least one health
care worker of the medical | 17 |
| facility, and at least one resident of the
community served by | 18 |
| the ambulatory surgical facility who is not an agent, employee | 19 |
| or contractor of the
ambulatory surgical facility. No more than
| 20 |
| one member of the patient safety committee shall be a member
of | 21 |
| the medical facility's board of governance. The committee
shall | 22 |
| include members of the medical facility's medical and
nursing | 23 |
| staff. The committee shall meet at least quarterly.
| 24 |
| (b) A patient safety committee of a
medical facility shall | 25 |
| do all of the following:
| 26 |
| (1) Receive reports from the patient safety officer.
| 27 |
| (2) Evaluate investigations and actions of the patient
| 28 |
| safety officer on all reports.
| 29 |
| (3) Review and evaluate the quality of patient safety
| 30 |
| measures utilized by the medical facility. A review shall
| 31 |
| include the consideration of reports made under item (4) of | 32 |
| subsection (a) and subsection (b) of Section 15 and | 33 |
| subsection (a) of Section 35.
| 34 |
| (4) Make recommendations to eliminate future serious
| 35 |
| events and incidents.
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| 1 |
| (5) Report to the administrative officer and governing
| 2 |
| body of the medical facility on a quarterly basis regarding
| 3 |
| the number of serious events and incidents and its
| 4 |
| recommendations to eliminate future serious events and
| 5 |
| incidents.
| 6 |
| Section 50. Confidentiality and compliance.
| 7 |
| (a) Any documents, materials, or
information solely | 8 |
| prepared or created for the purpose of
compliance with | 9 |
| subsection (b) of Section 45 or of reporting under item (4) of | 10 |
| subsection (a) and subsection (b) of Section 15 and subsection | 11 |
| (a) of Section 35 that arise out of matters reviewed by the
| 12 |
| patient safety committee or the
governing board of a medical | 13 |
| facility pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 45
are | 14 |
| confidential and shall not be discoverable or admissible as
| 15 |
| evidence in any civil or administrative action or proceeding.
| 16 |
| Any documents, materials, records, or information that would
| 17 |
| otherwise be available from original sources shall not be
| 18 |
| construed as immune from discovery or use in any civil or
| 19 |
| administrative action or proceeding merely because they were
| 20 |
| presented to the patient safety committee or governing board of
| 21 |
| a medical facility.
| 22 |
| (b) No person who performs responsibilities for
or | 23 |
| participates in meetings of the patient safety committee or
| 24 |
| governing board of a medical facility pursuant to subsection | 25 |
| (b) of Section 45
shall be allowed to testify as to any matters | 26 |
| within the
knowledge gained by the person's responsibilities or
| 27 |
| participation on the patient safety committee or governing | 28 |
| board
of a medical facility, provided that the person shall be
| 29 |
| allowed to testify as to any matters within the person's
| 30 |
| knowledge that was gained outside of the persons's
| 31 |
| responsibilities or participation on the patient safety
| 32 |
| committee or governing board of a medical facility.
| 33 |
| (c) The confidentiality protections set
forth in | 34 |
| subsections (a) and (b) shall only apply to the
documents, | 35 |
| materials, or information prepared or created pursuant
to the |
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| responsibilities of the patient safety committee or
governing | 2 |
| board of a medical facility set forth in subsection (b) of | 3 |
| Section 45.
| 4 |
| (d) Any documents, materials or
information made | 5 |
| confidential by subsection (a) shall not be
subject to requests | 6 |
| under the Freedom of Information Act.
| 7 |
| (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
no person | 8 |
| providing information or services to the patient
safety | 9 |
| committee, governing board of a medical facility,
Authority, or | 10 |
| Department shall be held, by reason of having
provided such | 11 |
| information or services, to have violated any
criminal law or | 12 |
| to be civilly liable under any law, unless such
information is | 13 |
| false and the person providing such information
knew, or had | 14 |
| reason to believe, that such information was false
and was | 15 |
| motivated by malice toward any person directly affected
by such | 16 |
| action.
| 17 |
| Section 90. The State Finance Act is amended by adding | 18 |
| Section
5.625 as follows:
| 19 |
| (30 ILCS 105/5.625 new)
| 20 |
| Sec. 5.625. The Patient Safety
Trust Fund.
| 21 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 22 |
| 1, 2005.