Full Text of SB2908 93rd General Assembly
SB2908 Enrolled |
LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning financial regulation.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Residential Mortgage License Act of 1987 is | 5 |
| amended by changing Sections 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 2-2, 2-6, 3-2, 3-4, | 6 |
| 4-1, 4-2, 4-5, and 6-2 and by adding Section 4-8.3 as follows:
| 7 |
| (205 ILCS 635/1-3) (from Ch. 17, par. 2321-3)
| 8 |
| Sec. 1-3. Necessity for License; Scope of Act.
| 9 |
| (a) No person, partnership, association, corporation or | 10 |
| other entity
shall engage in the business of brokering, | 11 |
| funding, originating, servicing
or purchasing of residential | 12 |
| mortgage loans without first obtaining a
license from the | 13 |
| Commissioner in accordance with the licensing procedure
| 14 |
| provided in this Article I and such regulations as may be | 15 |
| promulgated by
the Commissioner. The licensing provisions of | 16 |
| this Section shall not apply
to any entity engaged solely in | 17 |
| commercial mortgage lending or
to any person, partnership | 18 |
| association, corporation or other entity
exempted pursuant to | 19 |
| Section 1-4, subsection (d), of this Act or in accordance
with | 20 |
| regulations promulgated by the Commissioner hereunder.
| 21 |
| (b) No person, partnership, association, corporation, or | 22 |
| other entity
except a licensee under this Act or an entity | 23 |
| exempt from licensing
pursuant to Section 1-4, subsection (d), | 24 |
| of this Act shall do any business
under any name or title, or | 25 |
| circulate or use any advertising or make any
representation or | 26 |
| give any information to any person, which indicates or
| 27 |
| reasonably implies activity within the scope
of this Act.
| 28 |
| (c) The Commissioner may, through the Attorney General, | 29 |
| request the circuit
court of either Cook or Sangamon County to | 30 |
| issue an injunction to restrain
any person from violating or | 31 |
| continuing to violate any of the foregoing
provisions of this | 32 |
| Section.
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| 1 |
| (d) When the Commissioner has reasonable cause to believe | 2 |
| that any
entity which has not submitted an application for | 3 |
| licensure is conducting
any of the activities described in | 4 |
| subsection (a) hereof, the Commissioner
shall have the power to | 5 |
| examine all books and records of the entity and any
additional | 6 |
| documentation necessary in order to determine whether such
| 7 |
| entity should become licensed under this Act.
| 8 |
| (d-1) The Commissioner may issue orders against any person | 9 |
| if the Commissioner has reasonable cause to believe that an | 10 |
| unsafe, unsound, or unlawful practice has occurred, is | 11 |
| occurring, or is about to occur, if any person has violated, is | 12 |
| violating, or is about to violate any law, rule, or written | 13 |
| agreement with the Commissioner, or for the purposes of | 14 |
| administering the provisions of this Act and any rule adopted | 15 |
| in accordance with this Act.
| 16 |
| (e) Any person, partnership, association, corporation or | 17 |
| other entity
who violates any provision of this Section commits | 18 |
| a business offense and
shall be fined an amount not to exceed | 19 |
| $25,000
$5,000 .
| 20 |
| (f) Each person, partnership, association, corporation or | 21 |
| other entity
conducting activities regulated by this Act shall | 22 |
| be issued one license.
Each office, place of business or | 23 |
| location at which a residential mortgage
licensee conducts any | 24 |
| part of his or her business must
be recorded with the | 25 |
| Commissioner pursuant to Section 2-8 of this Act.
| 26 |
| (g) Licensees under this Act shall solicit, broker, fund, | 27 |
| originate,
service and purchase residential mortgage loans | 28 |
| only in conformity with the
provisions of this Act and such | 29 |
| rules and regulations as may be promulgated
by the | 30 |
| Commissioner.
| 31 |
| (h) This Act applies to all entities doing business in | 32 |
| Illinois as
residential mortgage bankers, as defined by "An Act | 33 |
| to provide for the
regulation of mortgage bankers", approved | 34 |
| September 15, 1977, as amended,
regardless of whether licensed | 35 |
| under that or any prior Act. Any existing
residential mortgage | 36 |
| lender or residential mortgage broker in Illinois
whether or |
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| not previously licensed, must operate in accordance with this | 2 |
| Act.
| 3 |
| (i) This Act is a successor Act to and a continuance of the | 4 |
| regulation
of residential mortgage bankers provided in, "An Act | 5 |
| to provide for the
regulation of mortgage bankers", approved | 6 |
| September 15, 1977, as amended.
| 7 |
| Entities and persons subject to the predecessor Act shall | 8 |
| be subject to
this Act from and after its effective date.
| 9 |
| (Source: P.A. 86-137; 87-642.)
| 10 |
| (205 ILCS 635/1-4) (from Ch. 17, par. 2321-4)
| 11 |
| Sec. 1-4. Definitions.
| 12 |
| (a) "Residential real property" or "residential real | 13 |
| estate" shall mean
real property located in this State improved | 14 |
| by a one-to-four family
dwelling used or occupied, wholly or | 15 |
| partly, as the home or residence of
one or more persons and may | 16 |
| refer, subject to regulations of the
Commissioner, to | 17 |
| unimproved real property upon which those kinds dwellings
are | 18 |
| to be constructed.
| 19 |
| (b) "Making a residential mortgage loan" or "funding a | 20 |
| residential mortgage
loan" shall mean for compensation or gain, | 21 |
| either directly or indirectly,
advancing funds or making a | 22 |
| commitment to advance funds to a loan applicant
for a | 23 |
| residential mortgage loan.
| 24 |
| (c) "Soliciting, processing, placing, or negotiating a | 25 |
| residential
mortgage loan" shall mean for compensation or gain, | 26 |
| either directly or
indirectly, accepting or offering to accept | 27 |
| an application for a
residential mortgage loan, assisting or | 28 |
| offering to assist in the
processing of an application for a | 29 |
| residential mortgage loan on behalf of a
borrower, or | 30 |
| negotiating or offering to negotiate the terms or conditions
of | 31 |
| a residential mortgage loan with a lender on behalf of a | 32 |
| borrower
including, but not limited to, the submission of | 33 |
| credit packages for the
approval of lenders, the preparation of | 34 |
| residential mortgage loan closing
documents, including a | 35 |
| closing in the name of a broker.
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| (d) "Exempt person or entity" shall mean the following:
| 2 |
| (1) (i) Any banking organization or foreign banking | 3 |
| corporation
licensed by the Illinois Commissioner of Banks | 4 |
| and Real Estate or the
United States Comptroller of the | 5 |
| Currency to transact business in this
State; (ii) any | 6 |
| national bank, federally chartered savings and loan
| 7 |
| association, federal savings bank, federal credit union; | 8 |
| (iii) any pension
trust, bank trust, or bank trust company; | 9 |
| (iv) any bank, savings and loan
association, savings bank, | 10 |
| or credit union organized under the laws of this
or any | 11 |
| other state; (v) any Illinois Consumer Installment Loan Act | 12 |
| licensee;
(vi) any insurance company authorized to | 13 |
| transact business in this State;
(vii) any entity engaged | 14 |
| solely in commercial mortgage lending; (viii) any
service | 15 |
| corporation of a savings and loan association or savings | 16 |
| bank organized
under the laws of this State or the service | 17 |
| corporation of a federally
chartered savings and loan | 18 |
| association or savings bank having
its principal place of | 19 |
| business in this State, other than a service
corporation | 20 |
| licensed or entitled to reciprocity under the Real Estate
| 21 |
| License Act of 2000; or (ix) any first tier subsidiary of a
| 22 |
| bank, the charter of which is issued under the Illinois | 23 |
| Banking Act
by the Illinois Commissioner of Banks and Real | 24 |
| Estate,
or the first tier subsidiary of a bank chartered by | 25 |
| the United States
Comptroller of the Currency and that has | 26 |
| its principal place of business
in this State, provided | 27 |
| that the first tier subsidiary is regularly
examined by the | 28 |
| Illinois Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate
or the | 29 |
| Comptroller of the Currency, or a consumer compliance | 30 |
| examination is
regularly conducted by the Federal Reserve | 31 |
| Board.
| 32 |
| (1.5) Any employee of a person or entity mentioned in
| 33 |
| item (1) of this subsection.
| 34 |
| (2) Any person or entity that does not originate
| 35 |
| mortgage loans in the ordinary course of
business making or | 36 |
| acquiring residential mortgage loans
with his or her or its |
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| own funds for his or her or its own investment
without | 2 |
| intent to
make, acquire, or resell more than 10 residential | 3 |
| mortgage loans in
any one calendar year.
| 4 |
| (3) Any person employed by a licensee to assist in the | 5 |
| performance of
the activities regulated by this Act who is | 6 |
| compensated in any manner by
only one licensee.
| 7 |
| (4) Any person licensed pursuant to the Real Estate
| 8 |
| License Act of
2000, who engages only in the taking of | 9 |
| applications and credit
appraisal information to | 10 |
| forward to a licensee or an exempt entity under this
Act | 11 |
| and who is compensated by either a licensee or an exempt | 12 |
| entity under this
Act, but is not compensated by either the | 13 |
| buyer (applicant) or the seller.
| 14 |
| (5) Any individual, corporation, partnership, or other | 15 |
| entity that
originates, services, or brokers residential | 16 |
| mortgage loans, as these
activities are defined in this | 17 |
| Act, and who or which receives no
compensation for those | 18 |
| activities, subject to the Commissioner's
regulations with | 19 |
| regard to the nature and amount of compensation.
| 20 |
| (6) A person who prepares supporting documentation for | 21 |
| a residential
mortgage loan application taken by a licensee | 22 |
| and performs ministerial
functions pursuant to specific | 23 |
| instructions of the licensee who neither
requires nor | 24 |
| permits the preparer to exercise his or her discretion or
| 25 |
| judgment; provided that this activity is engaged in | 26 |
| pursuant to a binding,
written agreement between the | 27 |
| licensee and the preparer that:
| 28 |
| (A) holds the licensee fully accountable for the | 29 |
| preparer's action; and
| 30 |
| (B) otherwise meets the requirements of this | 31 |
| Section and this Act, does
not undermine the purposes | 32 |
| of this Act, and is approved by the
| 33 |
| (e) "Licensee" or "residential mortgage licensee" shall | 34 |
| mean a person,
partnership, association, corporation, or any | 35 |
| other entity who or which is
licensed pursuant to this Act to | 36 |
| engage in the activities regulated by
this Act.
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| (f) "Mortgage loan" "residential mortgage loan" or "home
| 2 |
| mortgage loan" shall mean a loan to or for the benefit of any
| 3 |
| natural person made primarily for personal, family, or | 4 |
| household use,
primarily secured by either a mortgage on | 5 |
| residential real property or
certificates of stock or other | 6 |
| evidence of ownership interests in and
proprietary leases from, | 7 |
| corporations, partnerships, or limited
liability companies | 8 |
| formed for the purpose
of cooperative ownership of residential | 9 |
| real property, all located in Illinois.
| 10 |
| (g) "Lender" shall mean any person, partnership, | 11 |
| association,
corporation, or any other entity who either lends | 12 |
| or invests money in
residential mortgage loans.
| 13 |
| (h) "Ultimate equitable owner" shall mean a person who, | 14 |
| directly
or indirectly, owns or controls an ownership interest | 15 |
| in a corporation,
foreign corporation, alien business | 16 |
| organization, trust, or any other form
of business organization | 17 |
| regardless of whether the person owns or controls
the ownership | 18 |
| interest through one or more persons or one or more proxies,
| 19 |
| powers of attorney, nominees, corporations, associations, | 20 |
| partnerships,
trusts, joint stock companies, or other entities | 21 |
| or devices, or any
combination thereof.
| 22 |
| (i) "Residential mortgage financing transaction" shall | 23 |
| mean the negotiation,
acquisition, sale, or arrangement for or | 24 |
| the offer to negotiate, acquire,
sell, or arrange for, a | 25 |
| residential mortgage loan or residential mortgage
loan | 26 |
| commitment.
| 27 |
| (j) "Personal residence address" shall mean a street | 28 |
| address and shall
not include a post office box number.
| 29 |
| (k) "Residential mortgage loan commitment" shall mean a | 30 |
| contract for
residential mortgage loan financing.
| 31 |
| (l) "Party to a residential mortgage financing | 32 |
| transaction" shall mean a
borrower, lender, or loan broker in a | 33 |
| residential mortgage financing
| 34 |
| (m) "Payments" shall mean payment of all or any of the | 35 |
| following:
principal, interest and escrow reserves for taxes, | 36 |
| insurance and other related
reserves, and reimbursement for |
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| lender advances.
| 2 |
| (n) "Commissioner" shall mean the Commissioner of Banks and | 3 |
| Real Estate
or a person authorized by the Commissioner, the | 4 |
| Office of Banks and Real Estate
Act, or this Act to act in the | 5 |
| Commissioner's stead.
| 6 |
| (o) "Loan brokering", "brokering", or "brokerage service" | 7 |
| shall mean the act
of helping to obtain from another entity, | 8 |
| for a borrower, a loan secured by
residential real estate | 9 |
| situated in Illinois or assisting a borrower in
obtaining a | 10 |
| loan secured by residential real estate situated in Illinois in
| 11 |
| return for consideration to be paid by either the borrower or | 12 |
| the lender
including, but not limited to, contracting for the | 13 |
| delivery of residential
mortgage loans to a third party lender | 14 |
| and soliciting, processing, placing,
or negotiating | 15 |
| residential mortgage loans.
| 16 |
| (p) "Loan broker" or "broker" shall mean a person, | 17 |
| partnership,
association, corporation, or limited liability | 18 |
| company, other than
those persons, partnerships,
associations, | 19 |
| corporations, or limited liability companies exempted
from | 20 |
| licensing pursuant to Section
1-4, subsection (d), of this Act, | 21 |
| who performs the activities described
in subsections (c) and | 22 |
| (o) of this Section.
| 23 |
| (q) "Servicing" shall mean the collection or remittance for | 24 |
| or the
right or obligation to collect or remit for any lender, | 25 |
| noteowner,
noteholder, or for a licensee's own account, of | 26 |
| payments, interests,
principal, and trust items such as hazard | 27 |
| insurance and taxes on a
residential mortgage loan in | 28 |
| accordance with the terms of the residential
mortgage loan; and | 29 |
| includes loan payment follow-up, delinquency loan
follow-up, | 30 |
| loan analysis and any notifications to the borrower that are
| 31 |
| necessary to enable the borrower to keep the loan current and | 32 |
| in good standing.
| 33 |
| (r) "Full service office" shall mean office and staff in | 34 |
| Illinois
reasonably adequate to handle efficiently | 35 |
| communications, questions, and
other matters relating to any | 36 |
| application for, or an existing home mortgage
secured by |
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| residential real estate situated in Illinois
with respect to | 2 |
| which the licensee is brokering, funding originating,
| 3 |
| purchasing, or servicing. The management and operation of each | 4 |
| full service
office must include observance of good business | 5 |
| practices such as adequate,
organized, and accurate books and | 6 |
| records; ample phone lines, hours of
business, staff training | 7 |
| and supervision, and provision for a mechanism to
resolve | 8 |
| consumer inquiries, complaints, and problems. The Commissioner
| 9 |
| shall issue regulations with regard to these requirements and | 10 |
| shall include
an evaluation of compliance with this Section in | 11 |
| his or her periodic
examination of each licensee.
| 12 |
| (s) "Purchasing" shall mean the purchase of conventional or
| 13 |
| government-insured mortgage loans secured by residential real | 14 |
| estate
situated in Illinois from either the lender or from the | 15 |
| secondary market.
| 16 |
| (t) "Borrower" shall mean the person or persons who seek | 17 |
| the services of
a loan broker, originator, or lender.
| 18 |
| (u) "Originating" shall mean the issuing of commitments for | 19 |
| and funding of
residential mortgage loans.
| 20 |
| (v) "Loan brokerage agreement" shall mean a written | 21 |
| agreement in which a
broker or loan broker agrees to do either | 22 |
| of the following:
| 23 |
| (1) obtain a residential mortgage loan for the borrower | 24 |
| or assist the
borrower in obtaining a residential mortgage | 25 |
| loan; or
| 26 |
| (2) consider making a residential mortgage loan to the | 27 |
| borrower.
| 28 |
| (w) "Advertisement" shall mean the attempt by publication,
| 29 |
| dissemination, or circulation to induce, directly or | 30 |
| indirectly,
any person to enter into a residential mortgage | 31 |
| loan agreement or
residential mortgage loan brokerage | 32 |
| agreement relative to a
mortgage secured by residential real | 33 |
| estate situated in Illinois.
| 34 |
| (x) "Residential Mortgage Board" shall mean the | 35 |
| Residential Mortgage
Board created in Section 1-5 of this Act.
| 36 |
| (y) "Government-insured mortgage loan" shall mean any |
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| mortgage loan made
on the security of residential real estate | 2 |
| insured by the Department of
Housing and Urban Development or | 3 |
| Farmers Home Loan Administration, or
guaranteed by the Veterans | 4 |
| Administration.
| 5 |
| (z) "Annual audit" shall mean a certified audit of the | 6 |
| licensee's books and
records and systems of internal control | 7 |
| performed by a certified public
accountant in accordance with | 8 |
| generally accepted accounting principles
and generally | 9 |
| accepted auditing standards.
| 10 |
| (aa) "Financial institution" shall mean a savings and loan
| 11 |
| association, savings bank, credit union, or a bank organized | 12 |
| under the
laws of Illinois or a savings and loan association, | 13 |
| savings bank,
credit union or a bank organized under the laws | 14 |
| of the United States and
headquartered in Illinois.
| 15 |
| (bb) "Escrow agent" shall mean a third party, individual or | 16 |
| entity
charged with the fiduciary obligation for holding escrow | 17 |
| funds on a
residential mortgage loan pending final payout of | 18 |
| those funds
in accordance with the terms of the residential | 19 |
| mortgage loan.
| 20 |
| (cc) "Net worth" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in | 21 |
| Section 3-5
of this Act.
| 22 |
| (dd) "Affiliate" shall mean:
| 23 |
| (1) any entity that directly controls or is controlled | 24 |
| by the licensee
and any other company that is directly | 25 |
| affecting activities regulated by
this Act that is | 26 |
| controlled by the company that controls the licensee;
| 27 |
| (2) any entity:
| 28 |
| (A) that is controlled, directly or indirectly, by | 29 |
| a trust or otherwise,
by or for the benefit of | 30 |
| shareholders who beneficially or otherwise
control, | 31 |
| directly or indirectly, by trust or otherwise, the | 32 |
| licensee or any
company that controls the licensee; or
| 33 |
| (B) a majority of the directors or trustees of | 34 |
| which constitute a
majority of the persons holding any | 35 |
| such office with the licensee or any
company that | 36 |
| controls the licensee;
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| (3) any company, including a real estate investment | 2 |
| trust, that is
sponsored and advised on a contractual basis | 3 |
| by the licensee or any
subsidiary or affiliate of the | 4 |
| licensee.
| 5 |
| The Commissioner may define by rule and regulation any | 6 |
| terms used
in this Act for the efficient and clear | 7 |
| administration of this Act.
| 8 |
| (ee) "First tier subsidiary" shall be defined by regulation
| 9 |
| incorporating the comparable definitions used by the Office of | 10 |
| the
Comptroller of the Currency and the Illinois Commissioner | 11 |
| of Banks
and Real Estate.
| 12 |
| (ff) "Gross delinquency rate" means the quotient | 13 |
| determined by dividing
(1) the sum of (i) the number of | 14 |
| government-insured residential mortgage loans
funded or | 15 |
| purchased by a licensee in the preceding calendar year that are
| 16 |
| delinquent and (ii) the number of conventional residential | 17 |
| mortgage loans
funded or purchased by the licensee in the | 18 |
| preceding calendar year that are
delinquent by (2) the sum of | 19 |
| (i) the number of government-insured residential
mortgage | 20 |
| loans funded or purchased by the licensee in the preceding | 21 |
| calendar
year and (ii) the number of conventional residential | 22 |
| mortgage loans funded or
purchased by the licensee in the | 23 |
| preceding calendar year.
| 24 |
| (gg) "Delinquency rate factor" means the factor set by rule | 25 |
| of the
Commissioner that is multiplied by the average gross | 26 |
| delinquency rate of
licensees, determined annually for the | 27 |
| immediately preceding calendar year, for
the purpose of | 28 |
| determining which licensees shall be examined by the
| 29 |
| Commissioner pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 4-8 of this | 30 |
| Act.
| 31 |
| (hh) "Loan originator" means any natural person who, for | 32 |
| compensation or in
the expectation of compensation, either | 33 |
| directly or indirectly makes, offers to
make, solicits, places, | 34 |
| or negotiates a residential mortgage loan.
| 35 |
| (ii) "Confidential supervisory information" means any | 36 |
| report of examination, visitation, or investigation prepared |
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| by the Commissioner under this Act, any report of examination | 2 |
| visitation, or investigation prepared by the state regulatory | 3 |
| authority of another state that examines a licensee, any | 4 |
| document or record prepared or obtained in connection with or | 5 |
| relating to any examination, visitation, or investigation, and | 6 |
| any record prepared or obtained by the Commissioner to the | 7 |
| extent that the record summarizes or contains information | 8 |
| derived from any report, document, or record described in this | 9 |
| subsection. "Confidential supervisory information" does not | 10 |
| include any information or record routinely prepared by a | 11 |
| licensee and maintained in the ordinary course of business or | 12 |
| any information or record that is required to be made publicly | 13 |
| available pursuant to State or federal law or rule.
| 14 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-561, eff. 1-1-04.)
| 15 |
| (205 ILCS 635/1-5) (from Ch. 17, par. 2321-5)
| 16 |
| Sec. 1-5. Residential Mortgage Board.
| 17 |
| (a) Board composition, compensation. There is created the | 18 |
| Residential
Mortgage Board composed of 5 members appointed by | 19 |
| the Commissioner of Banks
and Real Estate. The majority of | 20 |
| persons
on the Board shall have no financial interest in any | 21 |
| residential mortgage
business and one member shall be a | 22 |
| representative of the Mortgage Banking Trade
Association and | 23 |
| one member shall be a representative of the Mortgage Broker
| 24 |
| Trade Association. Members of the Board serving on the | 25 |
| effective
date of this amendatory Act of 1996 shall continue to | 26 |
| serve their
unexpired terms as members of the Residential | 27 |
| Mortgage Board. Thereafter, on
or before January 15 of each | 28 |
| year, the Commissioner shall appoint one or more
board members, | 29 |
| as shall be necessary to maintain a 5 member Board, whose terms
| 30 |
| shall be for 3 years commencing February 1 of the year in which | 31 |
| they are
respectively appointed.
| 32 |
| If a vacancy occurs on the Residential Mortgage Board, the | 33 |
| Commissioner
shall within 60 days appoint a new member who | 34 |
| shall hold office for the
remainder of the vacated term.
| 35 |
| The Board shall meet at the call of the chairman, who along |
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| with a
Secretary, shall be selected by the Board from among its | 2 |
| members.
| 3 |
| Members of the Board shall be entitled to receive a per | 4 |
| diem allowance of
$25 for each day or part of a day spent on | 5 |
| Board work and shall be entitled
to their expenses actually and | 6 |
| necessarily incurred in the performance of
their duties. The | 7 |
| members of the Board serve at the pleasure of the
| 8 |
| (b) Duties of Board. The Residential Mortgage Board shall | 9 |
| assist the
Commissioner by:
| 10 |
| (1) submitting recommendations to the Commissioner for | 11 |
| the efficient
administration of this Act; and
| 12 |
| (2) performing other duties as are prescribed by the | 13 |
| Commissioner.
| 14 |
| (c) Conflict of interest declarations. Each member of the | 15 |
| Residential
Mortgage Board shall file annually, no later than | 16 |
| February 1, with the
Commissioner a statement of his or her | 17 |
| current business transactions or
other affiliations with any | 18 |
| licensee under this Act.
The Commissioner may adopt rules to | 19 |
| avoid conflicts of interest on the
part of members of the | 20 |
| Residential Mortgage Board in connection with their
position on | 21 |
| the Board.
| 22 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-355, eff. 8-17-95; 89-508, eff. 7-3-96.)
| 23 |
| (205 ILCS 635/2-2) (from Ch. 17, par. 2322-2)
| 24 |
| Sec. 2-2. Application process; investigation; fee.
| 25 |
| (a) The Commissioner shall issue a license upon completion | 26 |
| of all of the
| 27 |
| (1) The filing of an application for license.
| 28 |
| (2) The filing with the Commissioner of a listing of | 29 |
| judgments entered
against, and bankruptcy petitions by, | 30 |
| the license applicant for the
preceding 10 years.
| 31 |
| (3) The payment, in certified funds, of
investigation | 32 |
| and application fees, the total of which shall be in an
| 33 |
| amount equal to $2,700 annually, however, the Commissioner | 34 |
| may
increase the
investigation and application fees by rule | 35 |
| as provided in Section 4-11.
SB2908 Enrolled |
- 13 - |
LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| (4) Except for a broker applying to renew a license, | 2 |
| the filing of an
audited balance sheet including all | 3 |
| footnotes prepared by a certified public
accountant in | 4 |
| accordance with generally accepted accounting principles | 5 |
| and
generally accepted auditing principles which evidences | 6 |
| that the applicant meets
the net worth requirements of | 7 |
| Section 3-5.
| 8 |
| (5) The filing of proof satisfactory to the | 9 |
| Commissioner that the
applicant, the members thereof if the | 10 |
| applicant is a partnership or
association, the members or | 11 |
| managers thereof that retain any authority or
| 12 |
| responsibility under the operating agreement if the | 13 |
| applicant is a limited
liability company, or the officers | 14 |
| thereof if the applicant
is a corporation have 3 years | 15 |
| experience preceding application
in real estate finance. | 16 |
| Instead of this requirement, the applicant and the
| 17 |
| applicant's officers or members, as applicable, may
| 18 |
| satisfactorily complete a program of education in real | 19 |
| estate finance and
fair lending, as
approved by the | 20 |
| Commissioner, prior to receiving the
initial license.
The | 21 |
| Commissioner shall promulgate rules regarding proof of | 22 |
| experience
requirements and educational requirements and | 23 |
| the satisfactory completion of
those requirements. The | 24 |
| Commissioner may establish by rule a list of duly
licensed | 25 |
| professionals and others who may be exempt from this | 26 |
| requirement.
| 27 |
| (6) An investigation of the averments required by | 28 |
| Section 2-4, which
investigation must allow the | 29 |
| Commissioner to issue positive findings stating
that the | 30 |
| financial responsibility, experience, character, and | 31 |
| general fitness
of the license applicant and of the members | 32 |
| thereof if the license applicant is
a partnership or | 33 |
| association, of the officers and directors thereof if the
| 34 |
| license applicant is a corporation, and of the managers and | 35 |
| members that retain
any authority or responsibility under | 36 |
| the operating agreement if the license
applicant is a |
SB2908 Enrolled |
- 14 - |
LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| limited liability company are such as to command the | 2 |
| confidence
of the community and to warrant belief that the | 3 |
| business will be operated
honestly, fairly and efficiently | 4 |
| within the purpose of this Act. If the
Commissioner shall | 5 |
| not so find, he or she shall not issue such license, and he
| 6 |
| or she shall notify the license applicant of the denial. | 7 |
| The Commissioner may impose conditions on a license if the | 8 |
| Commissioner determines that the conditions are necessary or | 9 |
| appropriate. These conditions shall be imposed in writing and | 10 |
| shall continue in effect for the period prescribed by the | 11 |
| Commissioner.
| 12 |
| (b) All licenses shall be issued in duplicate with one copy
| 13 |
| being transmitted to the license applicant and the second being
| 14 |
| retained with the Commissioner.
| 15 |
| Upon receipt of such license, a residential mortgage | 16 |
| licensee shall be
authorized to engage in the business | 17 |
| regulated by this Act. Such license
shall remain in full force | 18 |
| and effect until it expires without renewal, is
surrendered by | 19 |
| the licensee or revoked or suspended as hereinafter provided.
| 20 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-32, eff. 7-1-03.)
| 21 |
| (205 ILCS 635/2-6) (from Ch. 17, par. 2322-6)
| 22 |
| Sec. 2-6. License issuance and renewal; fee.
| 23 |
| (a) Beginning July 1, 2003, licenses shall be renewed every | 24 |
| year on the
anniversary of the date of issuance of the original | 25 |
| license.
Properly completed renewal application forms and | 26 |
| filing fees must be received
by the Commissioner 60 days prior | 27 |
| to the renewal date.
| 28 |
| (b) It shall be the responsibility of each licensee to | 29 |
| accomplish renewal
of its license; failure of the licensee to | 30 |
| receive renewal forms absent a
request sent by certified mail | 31 |
| for such forms will not waive said
responsibility. Failure by a | 32 |
| licensee to submit a properly completed
renewal application | 33 |
| form and fees in a timely fashion, absent a written
extension | 34 |
| from the Commissioner, will result in the assessment of
| 35 |
| additional fees, as follows:
SB2908 Enrolled |
- 15 - |
LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| (1) A fee of $750 will be assessed to the licensee 30 | 2 |
| days
after the
proper renewal date and $1,500 each month | 3 |
| thereafter, until the
license is
either renewed or expires | 4 |
| pursuant to Section 2-6, subsections (c) and (d),
of this | 5 |
| Act.
| 6 |
| (2) Such fee will be assessed without prior notice to | 7 |
| the licensee, but
will be assessed only in cases wherein | 8 |
| the Commissioner has in his or her
possession documentation | 9 |
| of the licensee's continuing activity for which
the | 10 |
| unrenewed license was issued.
| 11 |
| (c) A license which is not renewed by the date required in | 12 |
| this Section
shall automatically become inactive. No activity | 13 |
| regulated by this Act
shall be conducted by the licensee when a | 14 |
| license becomes inactive. The Commissioner may require the | 15 |
| licensee to provide a plan for the disposition of any | 16 |
| residential mortgage loans not closed or funded when the | 17 |
| license becomes inactive. The Commissioner may allow a licensee | 18 |
| with an inactive license to conduct activities regulated by | 19 |
| this Act for the sole purpose of assisting borrowers in the | 20 |
| closing or funding of loans for which the loan application was | 21 |
| taken from a borrower while the license was active. An
inactive | 22 |
| license may be reactivated by filing a completed reactivation
| 23 |
| application with the Commissioner upon
, payment of the renewal | 24 |
| fee, and payment
of a reactivation fee equal to the renewal | 25 |
| fee.
| 26 |
| (d) A license which is not renewed within one year of | 27 |
| becoming inactive
shall expire.
| 28 |
| (e) A licensee ceasing an activity or activities regulated | 29 |
| by this Act
and desiring to no longer be licensed shall so | 30 |
| inform the Commissioner in
writing and, at the same time, | 31 |
| convey the license and all other symbols or
indicia of | 32 |
| licensure. The licensee shall include a plan for the withdrawal
| 33 |
| from regulated business, including a timetable for the | 34 |
| disposition of the
business. Upon receipt of such written | 35 |
| notice, the Commissioner shall issue
a certified statement | 36 |
| canceling the license.
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LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-32, eff. 7-1-03; 93-561, eff. 1-1-04; revised | 2 |
| 9-23-03.)
| 3 |
| (205 ILCS 635/3-2) (from Ch. 17, par. 2323-2)
| 4 |
| Sec. 3-2. Annual audit.
| 5 |
| (a) At the licensee's fiscal year-end, but in no
case more | 6 |
| than 12 months after the last audit conducted pursuant to this
| 7 |
| Section, except as otherwise provided in this Section, it shall | 8 |
| be
mandatory for each residential mortgage licensee to
cause | 9 |
| its books and accounts to be audited by a certified public | 10 |
| accountant
not connected with such licensee. The books and | 11 |
| records of all licensees
under this Act shall be maintained on | 12 |
| an accrual basis. The audit must be
sufficiently comprehensive | 13 |
| in scope to permit
the expression of an opinion on the | 14 |
| financial statements, which must be
prepared in accordance with | 15 |
| generally accepted accounting principles, and
must be | 16 |
| performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing | 17 |
| standards. Notwithstanding
the requirements of this | 18 |
| subsection, a licensee that is a first tier subsidiary
may | 19 |
| submit audited consolidated financial statements of its parent | 20 |
| as long as
the consolidated statements are supported by | 21 |
| consolidating statements. The
licensee's chief financial | 22 |
| officer shall attest to the licensee's financial
statements | 23 |
| disclosed in the consolidating statements.
| 24 |
| (b) As used herein, the term "expression of opinion" | 25 |
| includes either
(1) an unqualified opinion, (2) a qualified | 26 |
| opinion, (3) a disclaimer of
opinion, or (4) an adverse | 27 |
| opinion.
| 28 |
| (c) If a qualified or adverse opinion is expressed or if an | 29 |
| opinion is
disclaimed, the reasons therefore must be fully | 30 |
| explained. An opinion,
qualified as to a scope limitation, | 31 |
| shall not be acceptable.
| 32 |
| (d) The most recent audit report shall be filed with the
| 33 |
| Commissioner within 90 days after the end of the licensee's | 34 |
| fiscal year. The report
filed with the Commissioner shall be | 35 |
| certified by the certified public
accountant conducting the |
SB2908 Enrolled |
- 17 - |
LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| audit. The Commissioner may promulgate rules
regarding late | 2 |
| audit reports.
| 3 |
| (e) If any licensee required to make an audit shall fail to | 4 |
| cause an
audit to be made, the Commissioner shall cause the | 5 |
| same to be made by a
certified public accountant at the | 6 |
| licensee's expense. The Commissioner
shall select such | 7 |
| certified public accountant by advertising for bids or
by such | 8 |
| other fair and impartial means as he or she establishes by | 9 |
| regulation.
| 10 |
| (f) In lieu of the audit or compilation financial statement
| 11 |
| required by this Section, a licensee shall submit and the | 12 |
| Commissioner may
accept any audit made in conformance with the | 13 |
| audit
requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban | 14 |
| Development.
| 15 |
| (g) With respect to licensees who solely broker residential | 16 |
| mortgage
loans as defined in subsection (o) of Section 1-4, | 17 |
| instead of the audit
required by this Section, the Commissioner | 18 |
| may
compilation financial statements prepared at least | 19 |
| every 12 months, and
the compilation financial statement must | 20 |
| be prepared by an independent
certified public accountant | 21 |
| licensed under the Illinois Public Accounting Act
or by an | 22 |
| equivalent state licensing law with full disclosure in | 23 |
| accordance with generally accepted accounting
principals and | 24 |
| must be submitted within 90 days after the end of
the | 25 |
| licensee's fiscal year. If a
under this Section fails | 26 |
| to file a compilation as required, the Commissioner
shall cause | 27 |
| an audit of the licensee's books and accounts to be made by a
| 28 |
| certified public accountant at the licensee's expense. The | 29 |
| Commissioner shall
select the certified public accountant by | 30 |
| advertising for bids or by such other
fair and impartial means | 31 |
| as he or she establishes by rule. A licensee who
files false or | 32 |
| misleading compilation financial statements is guilty of a
| 33 |
| business offense and shall be fined not less than $5,000.
| 34 |
| (h) The workpapers of the certified public accountants | 35 |
| employed
by each
licensee for purposes of this Section are to | 36 |
| be made available to the
Commissioner or the Commissioner's |
SB2908 Enrolled |
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LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| designee upon request and may be
reproduced by the Commissioner | 2 |
| or the Commissioner's designee to enable to
the Commissioner to | 3 |
| carry out the purposes of this Act.
| 4 |
| (i) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, if | 5 |
| a licensee
relying on subsection (g) of this Section causes its | 6 |
| books to be audited at any
other time or causes its financial | 7 |
| statements to be reviewed, a complete copy
of the audited or | 8 |
| reviewed financial statements shall be delivered to the
| 9 |
| Commissioner at the time of the annual license renewal payment | 10 |
| following
receipt by the licensee of the audited or reviewed | 11 |
| financial statements. All workpapers shall be made available to | 12 |
| the
Commissioner upon request. The financial statements and | 13 |
| workpapers may be
reproduced by the Commissioner or the | 14 |
| Commissioner's designee to carry out the
purposes of this Act.
| 15 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-561, eff. 1-1-04.)
| 16 |
| (205 ILCS 635/3-4) (from Ch. 17, par. 2323-4)
| 17 |
| Sec. 3-4. Office and staff within the State.
| 18 |
| (a) A licensee whose principal place of business is located | 19 |
| in the State
of Illinois shall
maintain at least one full | 20 |
| service office with
staff reasonably adequate to handle | 21 |
| efficiently communications, questions,
and all other matters | 22 |
| relating to any application for a home mortgage or an
existing | 23 |
| home mortgage with respect
to which such licensee is performing | 24 |
| services, regardless of kind, for any
borrower or lender, note | 25 |
| owner or holder, or for himself or herself while
engaged in the | 26 |
| residential
mortgage business. The location and operation of a | 27 |
| full service office shall be in compliance with any applicable | 28 |
| zoning laws or ordinances and home office or business | 29 |
| regulations.
| 30 |
| (b) In lieu of maintaining a full service office in the | 31 |
| State of
a licensee whose principal place of business | 32 |
| is located outside the
State of Illinois
must submit a | 33 |
| certified audit as required in Section 3-2 of this Act
| 34 |
| evidencing a minimum net worth of $100,000, which must be | 35 |
| maintained at all
times, and shall submit and maintain a |
SB2908 Enrolled |
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LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| fidelity bond in the amount of
| 2 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-355, eff. 8-17-95; 90-301, eff. 8-1-97; | 3 |
| 90-772, eff. 1-1-99.)
| 4 |
| (205 ILCS 635/4-1) (from Ch. 17, par. 2324-1)
| 5 |
| Sec. 4-1. Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate; functions, | 6 |
| powers, and duties. The functions,
powers, and duties of the | 7 |
| Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate shall include the | 8 |
| following:
| 9 |
| (a) To issue or refuse to issue any license as provided by | 10 |
| this Act;
| 11 |
| (b) To revoke or suspend for cause any license issued under | 12 |
| this Act;
| 13 |
| (c) To keep records of all licenses issued under this Act;
| 14 |
| (d) To receive, consider, investigate, and act upon | 15 |
| complaints made by
any person in connection with any | 16 |
| residential mortgage licensee in this State;
| 17 |
| (e) To consider and act upon any recommendations from the | 18 |
| Residential
Mortgage Board;
| 19 |
| (f) To prescribe the forms of and receive:
| 20 |
| (1) applications for licenses; and
| 21 |
| (2) all reports and all books and records required to | 22 |
| be made by
any licensee under this Act, including annual | 23 |
| audited financial statements
and annual reports of | 24 |
| mortgage activity;
| 25 |
| (g) To adopt rules and regulations necessary and proper for | 26 |
| the
administration of this Act;
| 27 |
| (h) To subpoena documents and witnesses and compel their | 28 |
| attendance and
production, to administer oaths, and to require | 29 |
| the production of any books,
papers, or other materials | 30 |
| relevant to any inquiry authorized by this Act;
| 31 |
| (h-1) To issue orders against any person, if the | 32 |
| Commissioner has reasonable cause to believe that an unsafe, | 33 |
| unsound, or unlawful practice has occurred, is occurring, or is | 34 |
| about to occur, if any person has violated, is violating, or is | 35 |
| about to violate any law, rule, or written agreement with the |
SB2908 Enrolled |
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LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| Commissioner, or for the purpose of administering the | 2 |
| provisions of this Act and any rule adopted in accordance with | 3 |
| the Act; | 4 |
| (h-2) To address any inquiries to any licensee, or the | 5 |
| officers thereof, in relation to its activities and conditions, | 6 |
| or any other matter connected with its affairs, and it shall be | 7 |
| the duty of any licensee or person so addressed, to promptly | 8 |
| reply in writing to such inquiries. The Commissioner may also | 9 |
| require reports from any licensee at any time the Commissioner | 10 |
| may deem desirable;
| 11 |
| (i) To require information with regard to any license | 12 |
| applicant
as he or she may deem desirable, with due regard to | 13 |
| the paramount interests
of the public as to the experience, | 14 |
| background, honesty, truthfulness,
integrity, and competency | 15 |
| of the license applicant as to financial
transactions involving | 16 |
| primary or subordinate mortgage financing, and where
the | 17 |
| license applicant is an entity other than an individual, as to | 18 |
| the
honesty, truthfulness, integrity, and competency of any | 19 |
| officer or director
of the corporation, association, or other | 20 |
| entity, or the members of a
| 21 |
| (j) To examine the books and records of every licensee | 22 |
| under this Act at
intervals as specified in Section 4-2;
| 23 |
| (k) To enforce provisions of this Act;
| 24 |
| (l) To levy fees, fines, and charges for services performed | 25 |
| in administering
this Act; the aggregate of all fees collected | 26 |
| by the Commissioner on and after
the effective date of this Act | 27 |
| shall be paid promptly after receipt of the
same, accompanied | 28 |
| by a detailed statement thereof, into the Savings and
| 29 |
| Residential Finance Regulatory Fund; the amounts deposited | 30 |
| into that Fund shall
be used for the ordinary and contingent | 31 |
| expenses of the Office of Banks and
Real Estate. Nothing in | 32 |
| this Act shall prevent continuing the practice of paying
| 33 |
| expenses involving salaries, retirement, social security, and | 34 |
| State-paid
insurance of State officers by appropriation from | 35 |
| the General Revenue Fund.
| 36 |
| (m) To appoint examiners, supervisors, experts, and |
SB2908 Enrolled |
- 21 - |
LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| special assistants as
needed to effectively and efficiently | 2 |
| administer this Act; and
| 3 |
| (n) To conduct hearings for the purpose of:
| 4 |
| (1) appeals of orders of the Commissioner;
| 5 |
| (2) suspensions or revocations of licenses, or fining | 6 |
| of licensees;
| 7 |
| (3) investigating:
| 8 |
| (i) complaints against licensees; or
| 9 |
| (ii) annual gross delinquency rates; and
| 10 |
| (4) carrying out the purposes of this Act ;
| 11 |
| (o) To exercise exclusive visitorial power over a licensee | 12 |
| unless otherwise authorized by this Act or as vested in the | 13 |
| courts, or upon prior consultation with the Commissioner, a | 14 |
| foreign residential mortgage regulator with an appropriate | 15 |
| supervisory interest in the parent or affiliate of a licensee;
| 16 |
| (p) To enter into cooperative agreements with state | 17 |
| regulatory authorities of other states to provide for | 18 |
| examination of corporate offices or branches of those states | 19 |
| and to accept reports of such examinations;
| 20 |
| (q) To assign an examiner or examiners to monitor the | 21 |
| affairs of a licensee with whatever frequency the Commissioner | 22 |
| determines appropriate and to charge the licensee for | 23 |
| reasonable and necessary expenses of the Commissioner, if in | 24 |
| the opinion of the Commissioner an emergency exists or appears | 25 |
| likely to occur; and
| 26 |
| (r) To impose civil penalties of up to $50 per day against | 27 |
| a licensee for failing to respond to a regulatory request or | 28 |
| reporting requirement.
| 29 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-355, eff. 8-17-95; 89-508, eff. 7-3-96.)
| 30 |
| (205 ILCS 635/4-2) (from Ch. 17, par. 2324-2)
| 31 |
| Sec. 4-2. Examination; prohibited activities.
| 32 |
| (a) The business affairs of a licensee under this Act shall | 33 |
| be examined
for compliance with this Act as often as the | 34 |
| Commissioner deems necessary and
proper. The Commissioner | 35 |
| shall promulgate rules with respect to the frequency
and manner |
SB2908 Enrolled |
- 22 - |
LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| of examination. The Commissioner shall appoint a suitable | 2 |
| person
to perform such
examination. The Commissioner and his | 3 |
| appointees may examine the
books, records, documents, | 4 |
| and operations of each licensee and may examine
any of the | 5 |
| licensee's officers, directors, employees and agents under | 6 |
| oath.
| 7 |
| (b) The Commissioner shall prepare a
| 8 |
| report of each
licensee's examination, shall issue a copy of | 9 |
| such report to each
licensee's principals, officers, or | 10 |
| directors and shall take appropriate
steps to ensure correction | 11 |
| of violations of this Act.
| 12 |
| (c) Affiliates of a licensee shall be subject to | 13 |
| examination by the
Commissioner on the same terms as the | 14 |
| licensee, but only when reports
from, or examination of a | 15 |
| licensee provides for documented evidence of
unlawful activity | 16 |
| between a licensee and affiliate benefiting, affecting or
| 17 |
| deriving from the activities regulated by this Act.
| 18 |
| (d) The expenses of any examination of the licensee and | 19 |
| affiliates shall
be borne by the licensee and assessed by the | 20 |
| Commissioner as established
by regulation.
| 21 |
| (e) Upon completion of the examination, the Commissioner | 22 |
| shall issue a
report to the licensee. All confidential | 23 |
| supervisory information, including the
The examination report ,
| 24 |
| and the work papers
of the report , shall belong to the | 25 |
| Commissioner's office and may not be
disclosed to anyone other | 26 |
| than the licensee, law enforcement officials or other
| 27 |
| regulatory agencies that have an appropriate regulatory | 28 |
| interest as determined by the Commissioner
shall be defined in | 29 |
| rules promulgated by the
Commissioner , or to a party presenting | 30 |
| a lawful subpoena to the Office of the
Commissioner. The | 31 |
| Commissioner may immediately appeal to the court of | 32 |
| jurisdiction the disclosure of such confidential supervisory | 33 |
| information and seek a stay of the subpoena pending the outcome | 34 |
| of the appeal. Reports required of licensees by the | 35 |
| Commissioner under this Act
and results of examinations | 36 |
| performed by the Commissioner under this Act shall
be the |
SB2908 Enrolled |
- 23 - |
LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| property of only the licensee and the Commissioner , but may be | 2 |
| shared with the licensee . Access under this
Act to the books | 3 |
| and records of each licensee shall be limited to the
| 4 |
| Commissioner and his agents as provided in this Act and to the | 5 |
| licensee and its
authorized agents and designees. No other | 6 |
| person shall have access to the
books and records of a licensee | 7 |
| under this Act. Any person upon whom a demand for production of | 8 |
| confidential supervisory information is made, whether by | 9 |
| subpoena, order, or other judicial or administrative process, | 10 |
| must withhold production of the confidential supervisory | 11 |
| information and must notify the Commissioner of the demand, at | 12 |
| which time the Commissioner is authorized to intervene for the | 13 |
| purpose of enforcing the limitations of this Section or seeking | 14 |
| the withdrawal or termination of the attempt to compel | 15 |
| production of the confidential supervisory information. The | 16 |
| Commissioner may impose any conditions and limitations on the | 17 |
| disclosure of confidential supervisory information that are | 18 |
| necessary to protect the confidentiality of such information. | 19 |
| Except as authorized by the Commissioner, no person obtaining | 20 |
| access to confidential supervisory information may make a copy | 21 |
| of the confidential supervisory information. The Commissioner | 22 |
| may condition a decision to disclose confidential supervisory | 23 |
| information on entry of a protective order by the court or | 24 |
| administrative tribunal presiding in the particular case or on | 25 |
| a written agreement of confidentiality. In a case in which a | 26 |
| protective order or agreement has already been entered between | 27 |
| parties other than the Commissioner, the Commissioner may | 28 |
| nevertheless condition approval for release of confidential | 29 |
| supervisory information upon the inclusion of additional or | 30 |
| amended provisions in the protective order. The Commissioner | 31 |
| may authorize a party who obtained the records for use in one | 32 |
| case to provide them to another party in another case, subject | 33 |
| to any conditions that the Commissioner may impose on either or | 34 |
| both parties. The requestor shall promptly notify other parties | 35 |
| to a case of the release of confidential supervisory | 36 |
| information obtained and, upon entry of a protective order, |
SB2908 Enrolled |
- 24 - |
LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| shall provide copies of confidential supervisory information | 2 |
| to the other parties.
| 3 |
| (f) The Commissioner, deputy commissioners, and employees
| 4 |
| of the Office of Banks and Real Estate shall be subject to the | 5 |
| restrictions
provided in Section 2.5 of the Office of Banks and | 6 |
| Real Estate Act including,
without limitation, the | 7 |
| restrictions on (i) owning shares of stock or holding
any other | 8 |
| equity interest in an entity regulated under this Act or in any
| 9 |
| corporation or company that owns or controls an entity | 10 |
| regulated under this
Act; (ii) being an officer, director, | 11 |
| employee, or agent of an entity regulated
under this Act; and | 12 |
| (iii) obtaining a loan or accepting a gratuity from an
entity | 13 |
| regulated under this Act.
| 14 |
| (g) After the initial examination for those licensees whose | 15 |
| only mortgage
activity is servicing fewer than 1,000 Illinois | 16 |
| residential loans,
examination required in subsection (a) | 17 |
| may be waived upon submission of a
letter from the licensee's | 18 |
| independent certified auditor that the licensee
serviced fewer | 19 |
| than 1,000 Illinois residential loans during the
in which | 20 |
| the
audit was performed.
| 21 |
| (Source: P.A. 90-301, eff. 8-1-97; 91-586, eff. 8-14-99.)
| 22 |
| (205 ILCS 635/4-5) (from Ch. 17, par. 2324-5)
| 23 |
| Sec. 4-5. Suspension, revocation of licenses; fines.
| 24 |
| (a) Upon written notice to a licensee, the Commissioner may | 25 |
| suspend
or revoke any license issued pursuant to this Act if he | 26 |
| or she shall make a
finding of one or more of the following in | 27 |
| the notice that:
| 28 |
| (1) Through separate acts or an act or a course of | 29 |
| conduct, the licensee
has violated any provisions of this | 30 |
| Act, any rule or regulation
promulgated by the Commissioner | 31 |
| or of any other law, rule or regulation of
this State or | 32 |
| the United States.
| 33 |
| (2) Any fact or condition exists which, if it had | 34 |
| existed at the time of
the original application for such | 35 |
| license would have warranted the
Commissioner in refusing |
SB2908 Enrolled |
- 25 - |
LRB093 18470 SAS 44184 b |
| 1 |
| originally to issue such license.
| 2 |
| (3) If a licensee is other than an individual, any | 3 |
| ultimate
equitable owner, officer, director, or member of | 4 |
| the licensed partnership,
association, corporation, or | 5 |
| other entity has so acted or failed to act as
would be | 6 |
| cause for suspending or revoking a license to that party as | 7 |
| an
| 8 |
| (b) No license shall be suspended or revoked, except as | 9 |
| provided in this
Section, nor shall any licensee be fined | 10 |
| without notice of his or her right
to a hearing as provided in | 11 |
| Section 4-12 of this Act.
| 12 |
| (c) The Commissioner, on good cause shown that an emergency | 13 |
| exists, may
suspend any license for a period not
exceeding 180 | 14 |
| days, pending investigation. Upon a showing that a
licensee has | 15 |
| failed to meet the experience or educational requirements of
| 16 |
| Section 2-2 or the requirements of subsection (g) of Section | 17 |
| 3-2, the
Commissioner shall suspend, prior to hearing as | 18 |
| provided in Section 4-12, the
license until those requirements | 19 |
| have been met.
| 20 |
| (d) The provisions of subsection (e) of Section 2-6 of this | 21 |
| Act
shall not affect a licensee's civil or criminal liability
| 22 |
| for acts committed prior to surrender of a license.
| 23 |
| (e) No revocation, suspension or surrender of any license | 24 |
| shall impair
or affect the obligation of any pre-existing | 25 |
| lawful contract between the
licensee and any person.
| 26 |
| (f) Every license issued under this Act shall remain in | 27 |
| force and effect
until the same shall have expired without | 28 |
| renewal, have been surrendered,
revoked or suspended in | 29 |
| accordance with the provisions of this Act, but the
| 30 |
| Commissioner shall have authority to reinstate a suspended | 31 |
| license or to
issue a new license to a licensee whose license | 32 |
| shall have been revoked if
no fact or condition then exists | 33 |
| which would have warranted the
Commissioner in refusing | 34 |
| originally to issue such license under this Act.
| 35 |
| (g) Whenever the Commissioner shall revoke or suspend a | 36 |
| license issued
pursuant to this Act or fine a licensee under |
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| 1 |
| this Act, he or she shall
forthwith execute in duplicate a | 2 |
| written order to that effect. The
Commissioner shall publish | 3 |
| notice of such order in the Illinois Register
and post notice | 4 |
| of the order on an agency Internet site maintained by the | 5 |
| Commissioner
a newspaper of general circulation in the county | 6 |
| in which the license
is located and shall forthwith serve a | 7 |
| copy of such order upon the
licensee. Any such order may be | 8 |
| reviewed in the manner provided by
Section 4-12 of this Act.
| 9 |
| (h) When the Commissioner finds any person in violation of | 10 |
| the grounds
set forth in subsection (i), he or she may enter an | 11 |
| order imposing one or
more of the following penalties:
| 12 |
| (1) Revocation of license;
| 13 |
| (2) Suspension of a license subject to reinstatement | 14 |
| upon satisfying all
reasonable conditions the Commissioner | 15 |
| may specify;
| 16 |
| (3) Placement of the licensee or applicant on probation | 17 |
| for a period of
time and subject to all reasonable | 18 |
| conditions as the Commissioner may specify;
| 19 |
| (4) Issuance of a reprimand;
| 20 |
| (5) Imposition of a fine not to exceed $25,000 for each
| 21 |
| count of
separate offense; and
| 22 |
| (6) Denial of a license.
| 23 |
| (i) The following acts shall constitute grounds for which | 24 |
| the
disciplinary actions specified in subsection (h) above may | 25 |
| be taken:
| 26 |
| (1) Being convicted or found guilty, regardless of | 27 |
| pendency of an
appeal, of a crime in any jurisdiction which | 28 |
| involves fraud, dishonest
dealing, or any other act of | 29 |
| moral turpitude;
| 30 |
| (2) Fraud, misrepresentation, deceit or negligence in | 31 |
| any mortgage
financing transaction;
| 32 |
| (3) A material or intentional misstatement of fact on | 33 |
| an initial or
renewal application;
| 34 |
| (4) Failure to follow the Commissioner's regulations | 35 |
| with respect to
placement of funds in escrow accounts;
| 36 |
| (5) Insolvency or filing under any provision of the |
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| 1 |
| Bankruptcy Code
as a debtor;
| 2 |
| (6) Failure to account or deliver to any person any | 3 |
| property such as any
money, fund, deposit, check, draft, | 4 |
| mortgage, or other document or thing of
value, which has | 5 |
| come into his or her hands and which is not his or her
| 6 |
| property or which he or she is not in law or equity | 7 |
| entitled to retain,
under the circumstances and at the time | 8 |
| which has been agreed upon or is
required by law or, in the | 9 |
| absence of a fixed time, upon demand of the
person entitled | 10 |
| to such accounting and delivery;
| 11 |
| (7) Failure to disburse funds in accordance with | 12 |
| agreements;
| 13 |
| (8) Any misuse, misapplication, or misappropriation of | 14 |
| trust funds
or escrow funds;
| 15 |
| (9) Having a license, or the equivalent, to practice | 16 |
| any profession or
occupation revoked, suspended, or | 17 |
| otherwise acted against, including the
denial of licensure | 18 |
| by a licensing authority of this State or another
state, | 19 |
| territory or country for fraud, dishonest dealing or any | 20 |
| other act
of moral turpitude;
| 21 |
| (10) Failure to issue a satisfaction of mortgage when | 22 |
| the residential
mortgage has been executed and proceeds | 23 |
| were not disbursed to the benefit
of the mortgagor and when | 24 |
| the mortgagor has fully paid licensee's costs
and | 25 |
| commission;
| 26 |
| (11) Failure to comply with any order of the | 27 |
| Commissioner or rule made
or issued under the provisions of | 28 |
| this Act;
| 29 |
| (12) Engaging in activities regulated by this Act | 30 |
| without a current,
active license unless specifically | 31 |
| exempted by this Act;
| 32 |
| (13) Failure to pay in a timely manner any fee, charge | 33 |
| or fine under
this Act;
| 34 |
| (14) Failure to maintain, preserve, and keep available | 35 |
| for examination,
all books, accounts or other documents | 36 |
| required by the provisions of this
Act and the rules of the |
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| 1 |
| Commissioner;
| 2 |
| (15) Refusal to permit an investigation or examination | 3 |
| of the licensee's
or its affiliates' books and records or | 4 |
| refusal to comply with the
Commissioner's subpoena or | 5 |
| subpoena duces tecum;
| 6 |
| (16) A pattern of substantially underestimating the | 7 |
| maximum closing costs;
| 8 |
| (17) Failure to comply with or violation of any | 9 |
| provision of this Act.
| 10 |
| (j) A licensee shall be subject to the disciplinary actions | 11 |
| specified in
this Act for violations of subsection (i) by any | 12 |
| officer, director,
shareholder, joint venture, partner, | 13 |
| ultimate equitable owner, or employee
of the licensee.
| 14 |
| (k) Such licensee shall be subject to suspension or | 15 |
| revocation for
employee actions only if there is a pattern of | 16 |
| repeated violations by
employees or the licensee has knowledge | 17 |
| of the violations.
| 18 |
| (l) Procedure for surrender of license:
| 19 |
| (1) The Commissioner may, after 10 days notice by | 20 |
| certified mail to the
licensee at the address set forth on | 21 |
| the license, stating the contemplated
action and in general | 22 |
| the grounds therefor and the date, time and place of
a | 23 |
| hearing thereon, and after providing the licensee with a | 24 |
| reasonable
opportunity to be heard prior to such action, | 25 |
| fine such licensee an amount
not exceeding $25,000
| 26 |
| per violation, or revoke or suspend any license
issued | 27 |
| hereunder if he or she finds that:
| 28 |
| (i) The licensee has failed to comply with any | 29 |
| provision of this Act or
any order, decision, finding, | 30 |
| rule, regulation or direction of the
Commissioner | 31 |
| lawfully made pursuant to the authority of this Act; or
| 32 |
| (ii) Any fact or condition exists which, if it had | 33 |
| existed at the time
of the original application for the | 34 |
| license, clearly would have warranted
the Commissioner | 35 |
| in refusing to issue the license.
| 36 |
| (2) Any licensee may surrender a license by delivering |
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| 1 |
| to the
Commissioner written notice that he or she thereby | 2 |
| surrenders such license,
but surrender shall not affect the | 3 |
| licensee's civil or criminal liability
for acts committed | 4 |
| prior to surrender or entitle the licensee to a return
of | 5 |
| any part of the license fee.
| 6 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-561, eff. 1-1-04.)
| 7 |
| (205 ILCS 635/4-8.3 new) | 8 |
| Sec. 4-8.3. Annual report of mortgage and servicing | 9 |
| activity. On or before March 1 of each year, each licensee, | 10 |
| except residential mortgage brokers, shall file a report with | 11 |
| the Commissioner that shall disclose such information as the | 12 |
| Commissioner requires. Exempt entities as defined in | 13 |
| subsection (d) of Section 1-4 shall not file the annual report | 14 |
| of mortgage and servicing activity required by this Section.
| 15 |
| (205 ILCS 635/6-2) (from Ch. 17, par. 2326-2)
| 16 |
| Sec. 6-2. Removal and prohibition.
| 17 |
| (a) Upon making any one or more of the
following findings, | 18 |
| the Commissioner may issue a notice of intent to issue an
order | 19 |
| of removal or prohibition, or an order of removal and | 20 |
| prohibition, which
order may remove a named person, persons, or | 21 |
| entity or entities from
participating in the affairs of one or | 22 |
| more licensees and may be permanent or
for a specific shorter | 23 |
| period of time. The findings required under this Section
may be | 24 |
| any one or more of the following:
| 25 |
| (1) A finding that the party or entity subject to the | 26 |
| order has been
convicted of a crime involving material | 27 |
| financial loss to a licensee, a
federally insured | 28 |
| depository institution, a government sponsored enterprise, | 29 |
| a
Federal Home Loan Bank, a Federal Reserve Bank, or any | 30 |
| other person.
| 31 |
| (2) A finding that the person or entity subject to the | 32 |
| order has
submitted or caused to be submitted any document | 33 |
| that contains multiple willful
and material misstatements | 34 |
| of facts, and that includes the signature of the
person or |
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| entity specified in the Commissioner's order, or that is | 2 |
| notarized,
certified, verified or is in any other way | 3 |
| attested to, as to its veracity. An
application for | 4 |
| licensure or license renewal may be considered such a | 5 |
| document.
| 6 |
| (3) Conviction of a business offense under subsection | 7 |
| (e) of Section 1-3
or subsection (g) of Section 3-2.
| 8 |
| (4) A finding prepared by a hearing officer pursuant to | 9 |
| a hearing held
under Section 4-1(n) of this Act that the | 10 |
| person subject to the order, while
an employee of a | 11 |
| licensee, has knowingly submitted or caused to be submitted
| 12 |
| any document that contains willful and material | 13 |
| misstatement of facts and which
is used in connection with | 14 |
| any licensable activity as defined in Section 1-3(a)
of | 15 |
| this Act.
| 16 |
| (b) Whenever, in the opinion of the Commissioner, any | 17 |
| director, officer, or employee of a licensee shall have | 18 |
| violated any law, rule, or order relating to that licensee or | 19 |
| shall have obstructed or impeded any examination or | 20 |
| investigation by the Commissioner, shall have engaged in an | 21 |
| unsafe, unsound, or unlawful practice in conducting the | 22 |
| business of the licensee, or shall have violated any law or | 23 |
| engaged or participated in any unsafe, unsound or unlawful | 24 |
| practice in connection with any licensee or other business | 25 |
| entity such that the character and fitness of the director, | 26 |
| officer, or employee does not assure reasonable promise of | 27 |
| safe, sound, and lawful operation of the licensee, the | 28 |
| Commissioner may issue an order of removal. If, in the opinion | 29 |
| of the Commissioner, any former director, officer, or employee | 30 |
| of a licensee, prior to the termination of his or her service | 31 |
| with that licensee, violated any law, rule, or order relating | 32 |
| to that licensee, obstructed or impeded any examination or | 33 |
| investigation by the Commissioner, engaged in an unsafe or | 34 |
| unsound practice in conducting the business of that licensee or | 35 |
| any subsidiary or holding company of the licensee, or violated | 36 |
| any law or engaged or participated in any unsafe, unsound, or |
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| 1 |
| unlawful practice in connection with any financial institution | 2 |
| or other business entity such that the character and fitness of | 3 |
| the director, officer, or employee would not have assured | 4 |
| reasonable promise of safe, sound, and lawful operation of the | 5 |
| licensee, the Commissioner may issue an order prohibiting that | 6 |
| person from further service with a licensee as a director, | 7 |
| officer, or employee. An order issued pursuant to this | 8 |
| subsection shall be served upon the director, officer, or | 9 |
| employee. A copy of the order shall be sent to each owner or | 10 |
| director of the licensee affected by registered mail. The | 11 |
| person affected by the action may make a request to the | 12 |
| Commissioner for a hearing pursuant to Section 4-1(n) within 10 | 13 |
| days after receipt of the order. The hearing shall be held | 14 |
| before a hearing officer within 30 days after the request has | 15 |
| been received by the Commissioner. The hearing officer shall | 16 |
| prepare a finding and report the same to the Commissioner who | 17 |
| shall consider the finding in making his determination | 18 |
| approving, modifying, or disapproving his order as a final | 19 |
| administrative decision. If a hearing is held before a hearing | 20 |
| officer, the Commissioner shall make his determination within | 21 |
| 60 days from the conclusion of the hearing. Any person affected | 22 |
| by a decision of the Commissioner under this subsection (b) may | 23 |
| have the decision reviewed only under and in accordance with | 24 |
| the Administrative Review Law and the rules adopted pursuant | 25 |
| thereto. A copy of the order shall also be served upon the | 26 |
| licensee of which he is a director, officer, or employee, | 27 |
| whereupon he shall cease to be a director, officer, or employee | 28 |
| of that licensee. The Commissioner may institute a civil action | 29 |
| against the director, officer, or employee of the licensee to | 30 |
| enforce compliance with or to enjoin any violation of the terms | 31 |
| of the order. Any person who has been the subject of an order | 32 |
| of removal or an order of prohibition issued by the | 33 |
| Commissioner under this subsection may not thereafter serve as | 34 |
| director, officer, or employee of any licensee, or of any other | 35 |
| entity that is subject to licensure or regulation by the | 36 |
| Commissioner unless the Commissioner has granted prior |
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| approval in writing.
| 2 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-355, eff. 8-17-95; 90-772, eff. 1-1-99.)