Full Text of SB2416 93rd General Assembly
State of Illinois
2003 and 2004 SB2416
Introduced 2/3/2004, by Lawrence M. Walsh SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
20 ILCS 5/5-525 |
was 20 ILCS 5/6.01 |
520 ILCS 5/2.26a new |
Amends the Civil Administrative Code. Provides that the Advisory Board of Livestock Commissioners shall consist of 26 persons (now 25) and that one representative of deer breeders and one representative of elk breeders (instead of one of deer or elk breeders) shall be members. Amends the Wildlife Code. Provides that notwithstanding any other provision of the Code, the Department of Agriculture shall have complete and sole authority over captive farm raised cervids. Creates the Farm Raised Cervids Fund. Provides that the Department shall seek the advice of at least one member of a State association representing deer breeders when developing the rules concerning farm raised cervids. Effective immediately.
SB2416 |
LRB093 16456 RAS 42096 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning animals.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is | 5 |
| amended by changing Section 5-525 as follows:
| 6 |
| (20 ILCS 5/5-525) (was 20 ILCS 5/6.01)
| 7 |
| Sec. 5-525. In the Department of Agriculture.
| 8 |
| (a) (Blank).
| 9 |
| (b) An Advisory Board of Livestock Commissioners to consist | 10 |
| of 26
25 persons.
The Board shall consist of the administrator | 11 |
| of animal disease programs,
the Dean of the College of | 12 |
| Agriculture of the University of Illinois, the
Dean of the | 13 |
| College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Illinois,
| 14 |
| and commencing on January 1, 1990 the Deans or Chairmen of the | 15 |
| Colleges or
Departments of Agriculture of Illinois State | 16 |
| University, Southern Illinois
University, and Western Illinois | 17 |
| University in that order who shall each serve
for 1 year terms, | 18 |
| provided that commencing on January 1, 1993 such terms shall
be | 19 |
| for 2 years in the same order, the Director of Public Health, | 20 |
| the Director
of Natural Resources, the chairman of the | 21 |
| Agriculture, Conservation and Energy
Committee of the Senate, | 22 |
| and the chairman of the Committee on Agriculture of
the House | 23 |
| of Representatives, who shall ex-officio be members of the | 24 |
| Board,
and 17 additional persons interested in the prevention,
| 25 |
| elimination and control of diseases of domestic animals and | 26 |
| poultry who
shall be appointed by the Governor to serve at the | 27 |
| Governor's pleasure.
An appointed member's office becomes | 28 |
| vacant upon the member's absence from 3
consecutive meetings. | 29 |
| Of the 17 additional persons, one shall be a
representative of | 30 |
| breeders of beef cattle, one shall be a representative of
| 31 |
| breeders of dairy cattle, one shall be a representative of | 32 |
| breeders of dual
purpose cattle,
one shall be a representative |
SB2416 |
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LRB093 16456 RAS 42096 b |
| 1 |
| of breeders of swine, one shall be a
representative of poultry | 2 |
| breeders, one shall be a representative of sheep
breeders, one | 3 |
| shall be a veterinarian licensed in this State, one shall be
a | 4 |
| representative of general or diversified farming, one shall be | 5 |
| a
representative of deer breeders, one shall be a | 6 |
| representative of
or elk breeders, one shall be a | 7 |
| representative of
livestock auction markets, one shall be a | 8 |
| representative of cattle feeders,
one shall be a representative | 9 |
| of pork producers, one shall be a
representative of the State | 10 |
| licensed meat packers, one shall be a
representative of canine | 11 |
| breeders, one shall be a representative of equine
breeders, one | 12 |
| shall be a representative of the Illinois licensed
renderers, | 13 |
| and one shall be a representative of livestock dealers. The
| 14 |
| members shall receive no compensation but shall be reimbursed | 15 |
| for expenses
necessarily incurred in the performance of their | 16 |
| duties. In the appointment
of the Advisory Board of Livestock | 17 |
| Commissioners, the Governor shall
consult with representative | 18 |
| persons and recognized organizations in the
respective fields | 19 |
| concerning the appointments.
| 20 |
| Rules and regulations of the Department of Agriculture | 21 |
| pertaining to the
prevention, elimination, and control of | 22 |
| diseases of domestic animals and
poultry shall be submitted to | 23 |
| the Advisory Board of Livestock Commissioners
for approval at | 24 |
| its duly called meeting. The chairman of the Board shall
| 25 |
| certify the official minutes of the Board's action and shall | 26 |
| file the
certified minutes with the Department of Agriculture | 27 |
| within 30 days after
the proposed rules and regulations are | 28 |
| submitted and before they are
promulgated and made effective. | 29 |
| If the Board fails to take action within 30
days this | 30 |
| limitation shall not apply and the rules and regulations may
be | 31 |
| promulgated and made effective. In the event it is deemed | 32 |
| desirable,
the Board may hold hearings upon the rules and | 33 |
| regulations or proposed
revisions. The Board members shall be | 34 |
| familiar with the Acts relating to
the prevention, elimination, | 35 |
| and control of diseases among domestic animals
and poultry. The | 36 |
| Department shall, upon the request of a Board member,
advise |
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LRB093 16456 RAS 42096 b |
| 1 |
| the Board concerning the administration of the respective Acts.
| 2 |
| The Director of Agriculture or his representative from the | 3 |
| Department
shall act as chairman of the Board. The Director | 4 |
| shall call meetings of the
Board from time to time or when | 5 |
| requested by 3 or more appointed members
of the Board. A quorum | 6 |
| of appointed members must be present to convene an
official | 7 |
| meeting. The chairman and ex-officio members shall not be | 8 |
| included
in a quorum call. Ex-officio members may be | 9 |
| represented by a duly
authorized representative from their | 10 |
| department, division, college, or
committee. Appointed members | 11 |
| shall not be represented at a meeting by
another person. | 12 |
| Ex-officio members and appointed members shall have the
right | 13 |
| to vote on all proposed rules and regulations; voting that in | 14 |
| effect
would pertain to approving rules and regulations shall | 15 |
| be taken by an oral
roll call. No member shall vote by proxy. | 16 |
| The chairman shall not vote
except in the case of a tie vote. | 17 |
| Any ex-officio or appointed member may
ask for and shall | 18 |
| receive an oral roll call on any motion before the Board.
The | 19 |
| Department shall provide a clerk to take minutes of the | 20 |
| meetings and
record transactions of the Board. The Board, by | 21 |
| oral roll call, may require
an official court reporter to | 22 |
| record the minutes of the meetings.
| 23 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00; 91-457, eff. 1-1-00; 91-798, | 24 |
| eff.
| 25 |
| Section 10. The Wildlife Code is amended by adding Section | 26 |
| 2.26a as follows: | 27 |
| (520 ILCS 5/2.26a new)
| 28 |
| Sec. 2.26a. Farm raised cervids. Notwithstanding any other | 29 |
| provision of this Code, the Illinois Department of Agriculture | 30 |
| has complete and sole authority over captive farm raised | 31 |
| cervids, which are considered alternative livestock. Permits | 32 |
| to own and harvest farm raised cervids shall be obtained only | 33 |
| through the Department of Agriculture. The fees for the permits | 34 |
| shall be established by administrative rules. All fees |
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| collected under this Section shall be deposited into the Farm | 2 |
| Raised Cervids Fund. Subject to appropriation, moneys in the | 3 |
| Fund shall be used by the Department of Agriculture for the | 4 |
| sole purpose of administering this Section. The Department of | 5 |
| Agriculture shall seek the advice of at least one member of a | 6 |
| State association representing deer breeders in the | 7 |
| development of rules under this Section.
| 8 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 9 |
| becoming law.