Full Text of SB2196 93rd General Assembly
SB2196 Enrolled |
LRB093 15617 MKM 41224 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning stormwater management.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing | 5 |
| Section 18-185 as follows: | 6 |
| (35 ILCS 200/18-185)
| 7 |
| Sec. 18-185. Short title; definitions. This Division 5 may | 8 |
| be cited as the
Property Tax Extension Limitation Law. As used | 9 |
| in this Division 5:
| 10 |
| "Consumer Price Index" means the Consumer Price Index for | 11 |
| All Urban
Consumers for all items published by the United | 12 |
| States Department of Labor.
| 13 |
| "Extension limitation" means (a) the lesser of 5% or the | 14 |
| percentage increase
in the Consumer Price Index during the | 15 |
| 12-month calendar year preceding the
levy year or (b) the rate | 16 |
| of increase approved by voters under Section 18-205.
| 17 |
| "Affected county" means a county of 3,000,000 or more | 18 |
| inhabitants or a
county contiguous to a county of 3,000,000 or | 19 |
| more inhabitants.
| 20 |
| "Taxing district" has the same meaning provided in Section | 21 |
| 1-150, except as
otherwise provided in this Section. For the | 22 |
| 1991 through 1994 levy years only,
"taxing district" includes | 23 |
| only each non-home rule taxing district having the
majority of | 24 |
| its
1990 equalized assessed value within any county or counties | 25 |
| contiguous to a
county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. | 26 |
| Beginning with the 1995 levy
year, "taxing district" includes | 27 |
| only each non-home rule taxing district
subject to this Law | 28 |
| before the 1995 levy year and each non-home rule
taxing | 29 |
| district not subject to this Law before the 1995 levy year | 30 |
| having the
majority of its 1994 equalized assessed value in an | 31 |
| affected county or
counties. Beginning with the levy year in
| 32 |
| which this Law becomes applicable to a taxing district as
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| provided in Section 18-213, "taxing district" also includes | 2 |
| those taxing
districts made subject to this Law as provided in | 3 |
| Section 18-213.
| 4 |
| "Aggregate extension" for taxing districts to which this | 5 |
| Law applied before
the 1995 levy year means the annual | 6 |
| corporate extension for the taxing
district and those special | 7 |
| purpose extensions that are made annually for
the taxing | 8 |
| district, excluding special purpose extensions: (a) made for | 9 |
| the
taxing district to pay interest or principal on general | 10 |
| obligation bonds
that were approved by referendum; (b) made for | 11 |
| any taxing district to pay
interest or principal on general | 12 |
| obligation bonds issued before October 1,
1991; (c) made for | 13 |
| any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds
| 14 |
| issued to refund or continue to refund those bonds issued | 15 |
| before October 1,
1991; (d)
made for any taxing district to pay | 16 |
| interest or principal on bonds
issued to refund or continue to | 17 |
| refund bonds issued after October 1, 1991 that
were approved by | 18 |
| referendum; (e)
made for any taxing district to pay interest
or | 19 |
| principal on revenue bonds issued before October 1, 1991 for | 20 |
| payment of
which a property tax levy or the full faith and | 21 |
| credit of the unit of local
government is pledged; however, a | 22 |
| tax for the payment of interest or principal
on those bonds | 23 |
| shall be made only after the governing body of the unit of | 24 |
| local
government finds that all other sources for payment are | 25 |
| insufficient to make
those payments; (f) made for payments | 26 |
| under a building commission lease when
the lease payments are | 27 |
| for the retirement of bonds issued by the commission
before | 28 |
| October 1, 1991, to pay for the building project; (g) made for | 29 |
| payments
due under installment contracts entered into before | 30 |
| October 1, 1991;
(h) made for payments of principal and | 31 |
| interest on bonds issued under the
Metropolitan Water | 32 |
| Reclamation District Act to finance construction projects
| 33 |
| initiated before October 1, 1991; (i) made for payments of | 34 |
| principal and
interest on limited bonds, as defined in Section | 35 |
| 3 of the Local Government Debt
Reform Act, in an amount not to | 36 |
| exceed the debt service extension base less
the amount in items |
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| (b), (c), (e), and (h) of this definition for
non-referendum | 2 |
| obligations, except obligations initially issued pursuant to
| 3 |
| referendum; (j) made for payments of principal and interest on | 4 |
| bonds
issued under Section 15 of the Local Government Debt | 5 |
| Reform Act; (k)
by a school district that participates in | 6 |
| the Special Education District of
Lake County, created by | 7 |
| special education joint agreement under Section
10-22.31 of the | 8 |
| School Code, for payment of the school district's share of the
| 9 |
| amounts required to be contributed by the Special Education | 10 |
| District of Lake
County to the Illinois Municipal Retirement | 11 |
| Fund under Article 7 of the
Illinois Pension Code; the amount | 12 |
| of any extension under this item (k) shall be
certified by the | 13 |
| school district to the county clerk; and (l) made to fund
| 14 |
| expenses of providing joint recreational programs for the | 15 |
| handicapped under
Section 5-8 of
Park District Code or | 16 |
| Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
| 17 |
| "Aggregate extension" for the taxing districts to which | 18 |
| this Law did not
apply before the 1995 levy year (except taxing | 19 |
| districts subject to this Law
accordance with Section | 20 |
| 18-213) means the annual corporate extension for the
taxing | 21 |
| district and those special purpose extensions that are made | 22 |
| annually for
the taxing district, excluding special purpose | 23 |
| extensions: (a) made for the
taxing district to pay interest or | 24 |
| principal on general obligation bonds that
were approved by | 25 |
| referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay interest
or | 26 |
| principal on general obligation bonds issued before March 1, | 27 |
| 1995; (c) made
for any taxing district to pay interest or | 28 |
| principal on bonds issued to refund
or continue to refund those | 29 |
| bonds issued before March 1, 1995; (d) made for any
taxing | 30 |
| district to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund | 31 |
| or
continue to refund bonds issued after March 1, 1995 that | 32 |
| were approved by
referendum; (e) made for any taxing district | 33 |
| to pay interest or principal on
revenue bonds issued before | 34 |
| March 1, 1995 for payment of which a property tax
levy or the | 35 |
| full faith and credit of the unit of local government is | 36 |
| pledged;
however, a tax for the payment of interest or |
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| principal on those bonds shall be
made only after the governing | 2 |
| body of the unit of local government finds that
all other | 3 |
| sources for payment are insufficient to make those payments; | 4 |
| (f) made
for payments under a building commission lease when | 5 |
| the lease payments are for
the retirement of bonds issued by | 6 |
| the commission before March 1, 1995 to
pay for the building | 7 |
| project; (g) made for payments due under installment
contracts | 8 |
| entered into before March 1, 1995; (h) made for payments of
| 9 |
| principal and interest on bonds issued under the Metropolitan | 10 |
| Water Reclamation
District Act to finance construction | 11 |
| projects initiated before October 1,
1991; (h-4) made for | 12 |
| stormwater management purposes by the Metropolitan Water | 13 |
| Reclamation District of Greater Chicago under Section 12 of the | 14 |
| Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act; (i) made for | 15 |
| payments of principal and interest on limited bonds,
as defined | 16 |
| in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, in an | 17 |
| amount
not to exceed the debt service extension base less the | 18 |
| amount in items (b),
(c), and (e) of this definition for | 19 |
| non-referendum obligations, except
obligations initially | 20 |
| issued pursuant to referendum and bonds described in
subsection | 21 |
| (h) of this definition; (j) made for payments of
principal and | 22 |
| interest on bonds issued under Section 15 of the Local | 23 |
| Government
Debt Reform Act; (k) made for payments of principal | 24 |
| and interest on bonds
authorized by Public Act 88-503 and | 25 |
| issued under Section 20a of the Chicago
Park District Act for | 26 |
| aquarium or
museum projects; (l) made for payments of principal | 27 |
| and interest on
authorized by Public Act 87-1191 or | 28 |
| 93-601
this amendatory Act of the 93rd General
Assembly and (i) | 29 |
| issued pursuant to Section 21.2 of the Cook County Forest
| 30 |
| Preserve District Act, (ii) issued under Section 42 of the Cook | 31 |
| County
Forest Preserve District Act for zoological park | 32 |
| projects, or (iii) issued
under Section 44.1 of the Cook County | 33 |
| Forest Preserve District Act for
botanical gardens projects; | 34 |
| (m) made
to Section 34-53.5 of the School Code, | 35 |
| whether levied annually or not;
(n) made to fund expenses of | 36 |
| providing joint recreational programs for the
handicapped |
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| under Section 5-8 of the Park
District Code or Section 11-95-14 | 2 |
| of the Illinois Municipal Code;
and (o) made by the
Chicago | 3 |
| Park
District for recreational programs for the handicapped | 4 |
| under subsection (c) of
7.06 of the Chicago Park | 5 |
| District Act.
| 6 |
| "Aggregate extension" for all taxing districts to which | 7 |
| this Law applies in
accordance with Section 18-213, except for | 8 |
| those taxing districts subject to
paragraph (2) of subsection | 9 |
| (e) of Section 18-213, means the annual corporate
extension for | 10 |
| the
taxing district and those special purpose extensions that | 11 |
| are made annually for
the taxing district, excluding special | 12 |
| purpose extensions: (a) made for the
taxing district to pay | 13 |
| interest or principal on general obligation bonds that
were | 14 |
| approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay | 15 |
| interest
or principal on general obligation bonds issued before | 16 |
| the date on which the
referendum making this
Law applicable to | 17 |
| the taxing district is held; (c) made
for any taxing district | 18 |
| to pay interest or principal on bonds issued to refund
or | 19 |
| continue to refund those bonds issued before the date on which | 20 |
| the
referendum making this Law
applicable to the taxing | 21 |
| district is held;
(d) made for any
taxing district to pay | 22 |
| interest or principal on bonds issued to refund or
continue to | 23 |
| refund bonds issued after the date on which the referendum | 24 |
| making
this Law
applicable to the taxing district is held if | 25 |
| the bonds were approved by
referendum after the date on which | 26 |
| the referendum making this Law
applicable to the taxing | 27 |
| district is held; (e) made for any
taxing district to pay | 28 |
| interest or principal on
revenue bonds issued before the date | 29 |
| on which the referendum making this Law
applicable to the
| 30 |
| taxing district is held for payment of which a property tax
| 31 |
| levy or the full faith and credit of the unit of local | 32 |
| government is pledged;
however, a tax for the payment of | 33 |
| interest or principal on those bonds shall be
made only after | 34 |
| the governing body of the unit of local government finds that
| 35 |
| all other sources for payment are insufficient to make those | 36 |
| payments; (f) made
for payments under a building commission |
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| lease when the lease payments are for
the retirement of bonds | 2 |
| issued by the commission before the date on which the
| 3 |
| referendum making this
Law applicable to the taxing district is | 4 |
| held to
pay for the building project; (g) made for payments due | 5 |
| under installment
contracts entered into before the date on | 6 |
| which the referendum making this Law
applicable to
the taxing | 7 |
| district is held;
(h) made for payments
of principal and | 8 |
| interest on limited bonds,
as defined in Section 3 of the Local | 9 |
| Government Debt Reform Act, in an amount
not to exceed the debt | 10 |
| service extension base less the amount in items (b),
(c), and | 11 |
| (e) of this definition for non-referendum obligations, except
| 12 |
| obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (i) made | 13 |
| for payments
principal and interest on bonds issued under | 14 |
| Section 15 of the Local Government
Debt Reform Act;
made | 15 |
| for a qualified airport authority to pay interest or principal | 16 |
| on
general obligation bonds issued for the purpose of paying | 17 |
| obligations due
under, or financing airport facilities | 18 |
| required to be acquired, constructed,
installed or equipped | 19 |
| pursuant to, contracts entered into before March
1, 1996 (but | 20 |
| not including any amendments to such a contract taking effect | 21 |
| on
or after that date); and (k) made to fund expenses of | 22 |
| providing joint
recreational programs for the handicapped | 23 |
| under Section 5-8 of
Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 | 24 |
| of the Illinois Municipal Code.
| 25 |
| "Aggregate extension" for all taxing districts to which | 26 |
| this Law applies in
accordance with paragraph (2) of subsection | 27 |
| (e) of Section 18-213 means the
annual corporate extension for | 28 |
| the
taxing district and those special purpose extensions that | 29 |
| are made annually for
the taxing district, excluding special | 30 |
| purpose extensions: (a) made for the
taxing district to pay | 31 |
| interest or principal on general obligation bonds that
were | 32 |
| approved by referendum; (b) made for any taxing district to pay | 33 |
| interest
or principal on general obligation bonds issued before | 34 |
| the effective date of
this amendatory Act of 1997;
(c) made
for | 35 |
| any taxing district to pay interest or principal on bonds | 36 |
| issued to refund
or continue to refund those bonds issued |
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| before the effective date
of this amendatory Act of 1997;
(d) | 2 |
| made for any
taxing district to pay interest or principal on | 3 |
| bonds issued to refund or
continue to refund bonds issued after | 4 |
| the effective date of this amendatory Act
of 1997 if the bonds | 5 |
| were approved by referendum after the effective date of
this | 6 |
| amendatory Act of 1997;
(e) made for any
taxing district to pay | 7 |
| interest or principal on
revenue bonds issued before the | 8 |
| effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997
for payment of | 9 |
| which a property tax
levy or the full faith and credit of the | 10 |
| unit of local government is pledged;
however, a tax for the | 11 |
| payment of interest or principal on those bonds shall be
made | 12 |
| only after the governing body of the unit of local government | 13 |
| finds that
all other sources for payment are insufficient to | 14 |
| make those payments; (f) made
for payments under a building | 15 |
| commission lease when the lease payments are for
the retirement | 16 |
| of bonds issued by the commission before the effective date
of | 17 |
| this amendatory Act of 1997
pay for the building project; | 18 |
| (g) made for payments due under installment
contracts entered | 19 |
| into before the effective date of this amendatory Act of
| 20 |
| (h) made for payments
of principal and interest on limited | 21 |
| bonds,
as defined in Section 3 of the Local Government Debt | 22 |
| Reform Act, in an amount
not to exceed the debt service | 23 |
| extension base less the amount in items (b),
(c), and (e) of | 24 |
| this definition for non-referendum obligations, except
| 25 |
| obligations initially issued pursuant to referendum; (i) made | 26 |
| for payments
principal and interest on bonds issued under | 27 |
| Section 15 of the Local Government
Debt Reform Act;
made | 28 |
| for a qualified airport authority to pay interest or principal | 29 |
| on
general obligation bonds issued for the purpose of paying | 30 |
| obligations due
under, or financing airport facilities | 31 |
| required to be acquired, constructed,
installed or equipped | 32 |
| pursuant to, contracts entered into before March
1, 1996 (but | 33 |
| not including any amendments to such a contract taking effect | 34 |
| on
or after that date); and (k) made to fund expenses of | 35 |
| providing joint
recreational programs for the handicapped | 36 |
| under Section 5-8 of
Park District Code or Section 11-95-14 |
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| of the Illinois Municipal Code.
| 2 |
| "Debt service extension base" means an amount equal to that | 3 |
| portion of the
extension for a taxing district for the 1994 | 4 |
| levy year, or for those taxing
districts subject to this Law in | 5 |
| accordance with Section 18-213, except for
those subject to | 6 |
| paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 18-213, for the
| 7 |
| year in which the referendum making this Law applicable to the | 8 |
| taxing district
is held, or for those taxing districts subject | 9 |
| to this Law in accordance with
paragraph (2) of subsection (e) | 10 |
| of Section 18-213 for the 1996 levy year,
constituting an
| 11 |
| extension for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued | 12 |
| by the taxing
district without referendum, but not including | 13 |
| excluded non-referendum bonds. For park districts (i) that were | 14 |
| first
subject to this Law in 1991 or 1995 and (ii) whose | 15 |
| extension for the 1994 levy
year for the payment of principal | 16 |
| and interest on bonds issued by the park
district without | 17 |
| referendum (but not including excluded non-referendum bonds)
| 18 |
| was less than 51% of the amount for the 1991 levy year | 19 |
| constituting an
extension for payment of principal and interest | 20 |
| on bonds issued by the park
district without referendum (but | 21 |
| not including excluded non-referendum bonds),
"debt service | 22 |
| extension base" means an amount equal to that portion of the
| 23 |
| extension for the 1991 levy year constituting an extension for | 24 |
| payment of
principal and interest on bonds issued by the park | 25 |
| district without referendum
(but not including excluded | 26 |
| non-referendum bonds). The debt service extension
base may be | 27 |
| established or increased as provided under Section 18-212.
| 28 |
| "Excluded non-referendum bonds" means (i) bonds authorized by | 29 |
| Public
Act 88-503 and issued under Section 20a of the Chicago | 30 |
| Park District Act for
aquarium and museum projects; (ii) bonds | 31 |
| issued under Section 15 of the
Local Government Debt Reform | 32 |
| Act; or (iii) refunding obligations issued
to refund or to | 33 |
| continue to refund obligations initially issued pursuant to
| 34 |
| referendum.
| 35 |
| "Special purpose extensions" include, but are not limited | 36 |
| to, extensions
for levies made on an annual basis for |
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| 1 |
| unemployment and workers'
compensation, self-insurance, | 2 |
| contributions to pension plans, and extensions
made pursuant to | 3 |
| Section 6-601 of the Illinois Highway Code for a road
| 4 |
| district's permanent road fund whether levied annually or not. | 5 |
| The
extension for a special service area is not included in the
| 6 |
| aggregate extension.
| 7 |
| "Aggregate extension base" means the taxing district's | 8 |
| last preceding
aggregate extension as adjusted under Sections | 9 |
| 18-215 through 18-230.
| 10 |
| "Levy year" has the same meaning as "year" under Section
| 11 |
| 1-155.
| 12 |
| "New property" means (i) the assessed value, after final | 13 |
| board of review or
board of appeals action, of new improvements | 14 |
| or additions to existing
improvements on any parcel of real | 15 |
| property that increase the assessed value of
that real property | 16 |
| during the levy year multiplied by the equalization factor
| 17 |
| issued by the Department under Section 17-30, (ii) the assessed | 18 |
| value, after
final board of review or board of appeals action, | 19 |
| of real property not exempt
from real estate taxation, which | 20 |
| real property was exempt from real estate
taxation for any | 21 |
| portion of the immediately preceding levy year, multiplied by
| 22 |
| the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section | 23 |
| 17-30, and
(iii) in counties that classify in accordance with | 24 |
| Section 4 of Article
IX of the
Illinois Constitution, an | 25 |
| incentive property's additional assessed value
resulting from | 26 |
| a
scheduled increase in the level of assessment as applied to | 27 |
| the first year
final board of
review market value.
In addition, | 28 |
| the county clerk in a county containing a population of
| 29 |
| 3,000,000 or more shall include in the 1997
recovered tax | 30 |
| increment value for any school district, any recovered tax
| 31 |
| increment value that was applicable to the 1995 tax year | 32 |
| calculations.
| 33 |
| "Qualified airport authority" means an airport authority | 34 |
| organized under
the Airport Authorities Act and located in a | 35 |
| county bordering on the State of
Wisconsin and having a | 36 |
| population in excess of 200,000 and not greater than
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| 1 |
| "Recovered tax increment value" means, except as otherwise | 2 |
| provided in this
paragraph, the amount of the current year's | 3 |
| equalized assessed value, in the
first year after a | 4 |
| municipality terminates
the designation of an area as a | 5 |
| redevelopment project area previously
established under the | 6 |
| Tax Increment Allocation Development Act in the Illinois
| 7 |
| Municipal Code, previously established under the Industrial | 8 |
| Jobs Recovery Law
in the Illinois Municipal Code, or previously | 9 |
| established under the Economic
Development Area Tax Increment | 10 |
| Allocation Act, of each taxable lot, block,
tract, or parcel of | 11 |
| real property in the redevelopment project area over and
above | 12 |
| the initial equalized assessed value of each property in the
| 13 |
| redevelopment project area.
For the taxes which are extended | 14 |
| for the 1997 levy year, the recovered tax
increment value for a | 15 |
| non-home rule taxing district that first became subject
to this | 16 |
| Law for the 1995 levy year because a majority of its 1994 | 17 |
| equalized
assessed value was in an affected county or counties | 18 |
| shall be increased if a
municipality terminated the designation | 19 |
| of an area in 1993 as a redevelopment
project area previously | 20 |
| established under the Tax Increment Allocation
Development Act | 21 |
| in the Illinois Municipal Code, previously established under
| 22 |
| the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the Illinois Municipal | 23 |
| Code, or previously
established under the Economic Development | 24 |
| Area Tax Increment Allocation Act,
by an amount equal to the | 25 |
| 1994 equalized assessed value of each taxable lot,
block, | 26 |
| tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project | 27 |
| area over
and above the initial equalized assessed value of | 28 |
| each property in the
redevelopment project area.
In the first | 29 |
| year after a municipality
removes a taxable lot, block, tract, | 30 |
| or parcel of real property from a
redevelopment project area | 31 |
| established under the Tax Increment Allocation
Development Act | 32 |
| in the Illinois
Municipal Code, the Industrial Jobs Recovery | 33 |
| Law
in the Illinois Municipal Code, or the Economic
Development | 34 |
| Area Tax Increment Allocation Act, "recovered tax increment | 35 |
| value"
means the amount of the current year's equalized | 36 |
| assessed value of each taxable
lot, block, tract, or parcel of |
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| real property removed from the redevelopment
project area over | 2 |
| and above the initial equalized assessed value of that real
| 3 |
| property before removal from the redevelopment project area.
| 4 |
| Except as otherwise provided in this Section, "limiting | 5 |
| rate" means a
fraction the numerator of which is the last
| 6 |
| preceding aggregate extension base times an amount equal to one | 7 |
| plus the
extension limitation defined in this Section and the | 8 |
| denominator of which
is the current year's equalized assessed | 9 |
| value of all real property in the
territory under the | 10 |
| jurisdiction of the taxing district during the prior
levy year. | 11 |
| For those taxing districts that reduced their aggregate
| 12 |
| extension for the last preceding levy year, the highest | 13 |
| aggregate extension
in any of the last 3 preceding levy years | 14 |
| shall be used for the purpose of
computing the limiting rate. | 15 |
| The denominator shall not include new
property. The denominator | 16 |
| shall not include the recovered tax increment
| 17 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-547, eff. 6-13-02; 93-601, eff. 1-1-04; | 18 |
| 93-606, eff. 11-18-03; 93-612, eff. 11-18-03; revised | 19 |
| 12-10-03.)
| 20 |
| Section 10. The Counties Code is amended by changing | 21 |
| Section 5-1062.1 as follows:
| 22 |
| (55 ILCS 5/5-1062.1) (from Ch. 34, par. 5-1062.1)
| 23 |
| Sec. 5-1062.1. Stormwater management planning councils in | 24 |
| Cook County.
| 25 |
| (a) Stormwater management in Cook County shall be conducted | 26 |
| as provided in Section 7h of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation | 27 |
| District Act. As used in this Section, "District" means the | 28 |
| Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
| 29 |
| The purpose of this Section is to create planning councils, | 30 |
| organized by watershed, to contribute to the stormwater | 31 |
| management process by advising the Metropolitan Water | 32 |
| Reclamation District of Greater Chicago and representing the | 33 |
| needs and interests of the members of the public and the local | 34 |
| governments included within their respective watersheds.
allow |
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| 1 |
| management and mitigation of
the effects of urbanization on | 2 |
| stormwater drainage in Cook County, and this
Section applies | 3 |
| only to Cook County. In addition, this Section is intended
to | 4 |
| improve stormwater and floodplain management in Cook County by | 5 |
| the
| 6 |
| (1) Setting minimum standards for floodplain and | 7 |
| stormwater management.
| 8 |
| (2) Preparing plans for the management of floodplains | 9 |
| and stormwater
runoff, including the management of natural | 10 |
| and man-made drainage ways.
| 11 |
| (b) The purpose of this Section shall be achieved by the | 12 |
| following:
| 13 |
| (1) Creating 6 Stormwater management planning councils | 14 |
| shall be formed for each of the following
to the
| 15 |
| established watersheds of the Chicago Metropolitan Area: | 16 |
| North Branch
Chicago River, Lower Des Plaines Tributaries, | 17 |
| Cal-Sag Channel, Little Calumet
River, Poplar Creek, and | 18 |
| Upper Salt Creek. In addition a stormwater management
| 19 |
| planning council shall be established for the combined | 20 |
| sewer areas of Cook
County. Additional stormwater | 21 |
| management planning councils may be formed by
the District
| 22 |
| Stormwater Management Planning Committee for other | 23 |
| watersheds within Cook
County. Membership on the watershed | 24 |
| councils shall consist of the chief
elected official, or | 25 |
| his or her designee, from each
municipality and township | 26 |
| within the watershed and the Cook County Board
President, | 27 |
| or his or her designee, if unincorporated area is included | 28 |
| in the
watershed. A municipality or township shall be a | 29 |
| member of more than one
watershed council if the corporate | 30 |
| boundaries of that municipality , or township
| 31 |
| entered into more than one watershed, or if the | 32 |
| municipality or township is
served in part by separate | 33 |
| sewers and combined sewers. Subcommittees of the
| 34 |
| stormwater management planning councils may be established | 35 |
| to assist the
stormwater management planning councils in | 36 |
| performing their duties
preparing and implementing a
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| stormwater management plan . The councils may adopt bylaws | 2 |
| to govern the
functioning of the stormwater management | 3 |
| councils and subcommittees.
| 4 |
| (2) Creating, by intergovernmental agreement, a | 5 |
| county-wide Stormwater
Management Planning Committee with | 6 |
| its membership consisting of the
Chairman of each of the | 7 |
| watershed management councils, the Cook County
Board | 8 |
| President or his designee, and the Northeastern Illinois | 9 |
| Planning
Commission President or his designee.
| 10 |
| (c)
(3) The principal duties of the watershed planning | 11 |
| councils shall be to
advise the District on the development | 12 |
| and implementation of the countywide
develop a stormwater | 13 |
| management plan with respect to matters relating to their | 14 |
| respective watersheds and to advise and represent the | 15 |
| concerns of
for the watershed area and to
recommend the | 16 |
| plan for adoption to the units of local government in the
| 17 |
| watershed area. The councils shall meet at least quarterly | 18 |
| and shall hold
at least one public hearing during the | 19 |
| preparation of the plan. Adoption
of the watershed plan | 20 |
| shall be by each municipality in the watershed and by
vote | 21 |
| of the County Board.
| 22 |
| (d)
(4) The District
principal duty of the county-wide | 23 |
| Stormwater Management
Committee shall give careful | 24 |
| consideration to the recommendations and concerns of the | 25 |
| watershed planning councils throughout the planning | 26 |
| process and shall
be to coordinate the 6 watershed plans as | 27 |
| developed and to
coordinate the planning process with the | 28 |
| adjoining counties to ensure that
recommended stormwater | 29 |
| projects will have no significant adverse impact on the
| 30 |
| levels or flows of stormwater in the inter-county watershed | 31 |
| or on the
capacity of existing and planned stormwater | 32 |
| retention facilities. The District shall include cost | 33 |
| benefit analysis in its deliberations and in evaluating | 34 |
| priorities for projects from watershed to watershed. The
| 35 |
| District
committee shall identify in an annual published | 36 |
| report steps taken by the
District to accommodate the |
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| concerns and recommendations of the watershed planning | 2 |
| councils.
committee to coordinate the development of plan | 3 |
| recommendations with
adjoining counties. The committee | 4 |
| shall also publish a coordinated
stormwater document of all | 5 |
| activity in the Cook County area and agreed upon
stormwater | 6 |
| planning standards.
| 7 |
| (5) The stormwater management planning committee shall | 8 |
| submit the
coordinated watershed plans to the Office of | 9 |
| Water Resources of the Department of Natural Resources and | 10 |
| to the
Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission for | 11 |
| review and recommendation.
The Office and the Commission, | 12 |
| in reviewing the plan,
shall consider those factors as | 13 |
| impact on the level or flows in the rivers and
streams and | 14 |
| the cumulative effects of stormwater discharges on flood | 15 |
| levels.
The review comments and recommendations shall be | 16 |
| submitted to the watershed
councils for consideration.
| 17 |
| (e)
(6) The stormwater management planning councils
| 18 |
| committee may recommend rules and
regulations to the | 19 |
| District
watershed councils governing the location, width,
| 20 |
| course, and release rates of all stormwater runoff | 21 |
| channels, streams, and
basins in their respective | 22 |
| watersheds
the county .
| 23 |
| (f)
(7) The Northwest Municipal Conference, the South | 24 |
| Suburban Mayors and
Managers Association, and the West | 25 |
| Central Municipal Conference shall be
responsible for the | 26 |
| coordination of the planning councils created under this | 27 |
| Section.
| 28 |
| (Source: P.A. 88-649, eff. 9-16-94; 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)
| 29 |
| Section 15. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District | 30 |
| Act is amended by adding Section 7h and by changing Section 12 | 31 |
| as follows: | 32 |
| (70 ILCS 2605/7h new)
| 33 |
| Sec. 7h. Stormwater management.
| 34 |
| (a) Stormwater management in Cook County shall be under the |
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| general
supervision of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation | 2 |
| District of Greater
Chicago. The District has the authority to | 3 |
| plan, manage, implement, and
finance activities relating to | 4 |
| stormwater management in Cook County.
The authority of the | 5 |
| District with respect to stormwater management extends
| 6 |
| throughout Cook County and is not limited to the area otherwise | 7 |
| within the
territory and jurisdiction of the District under | 8 |
| this Act.
| 9 |
| For the purposes of this Section, the term "stormwater | 10 |
| management"
includes, without limitation, the management of | 11 |
| floods and floodwaters.
| 12 |
| (b) The District may utilize the resources of cooperating | 13 |
| local watershed
councils (including the stormwater management | 14 |
| planning councils created under
Section 5-1062.1 of the | 15 |
| Counties Code), councils of local governments, the
| 16 |
| Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, and similar | 17 |
| organizations and
agencies. The District may provide those | 18 |
| organizations and agencies with
funding, on a contractual | 19 |
| basis, for providing information to the District,
providing | 20 |
| information to the public, or performing other activities | 21 |
| related
to stormwater management.
| 22 |
| The District, in addition to other powers vested in it, may | 23 |
| negotiate and enter into agreements with any county for the | 24 |
| management of stormwater runoff in accordance with subsection | 25 |
| (c) of Section 5-1062 of the Counties Code.
| 26 |
| The District may enter into intergovernmental agreements | 27 |
| with Cook County or
other units of local government that are | 28 |
| located in whole or in part outside
the District for the | 29 |
| purpose of implementing the stormwater management plan
and | 30 |
| providing stormwater management services in areas not included | 31 |
| within the
territory of the District.
| 32 |
| (c) The District shall prepare and adopt by ordinance a | 33 |
| countywide
stormwater management plan for Cook County. The | 34 |
| countywide plan may
incorporate one or more separate watershed | 35 |
| plans.
| 36 |
| Prior to adopting the countywide stormwater management |
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| plan, the District
shall hold at least one public hearing | 2 |
| thereon and shall afford interested
persons an opportunity to | 3 |
| be heard.
| 4 |
| (d) The District may prescribe by ordinance reasonable | 5 |
| rules and regulations
for floodplain and stormwater management | 6 |
| and for governing the location, width,
course, and release rate | 7 |
| of all stormwater runoff channels, streams, and
basins in Cook | 8 |
| County, in accordance with the adopted stormwater management
| 9 |
| plan. These rules and regulations shall, at a minimum, meet the | 10 |
| standards
for floodplain management established by the Office | 11 |
| of Water Resources of the
Department of Natural Resources and | 12 |
| the requirements of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency for | 13 |
| participation in the National Flood Insurance Program.
| 14 |
| (e) The District may impose fees on areas outside the | 15 |
| District but within
Cook County to mitigate the effects of | 16 |
| increased stormwater runoff resulting
from new development. | 17 |
| The fees shall not exceed the cost of satisfying the
onsite | 18 |
| stormwater retention or detention requirements of the adopted | 19 |
| stormwater
management plan. The fees shall be used to finance | 20 |
| activities undertaken by
the District or units of local | 21 |
| government within the District to mitigate the
effects of urban | 22 |
| stormwater runoff by providing regional stormwater retention
| 23 |
| or detention facilities, as identified in the plan. All such | 24 |
| fees collected
by the District shall be held in a separate fund | 25 |
| and used for implementation of this Section.
| 26 |
| (f) Amounts realized from the tax levy for stormwater | 27 |
| management purposes
authorized in Section 12 may be used by the | 28 |
| District for implementing this
Section and for the development, | 29 |
| design, planning, construction, operation, and
maintenance of | 30 |
| regional stormwater facilities provided for in the stormwater
| 31 |
| management plan.
| 32 |
| The proceeds of any tax imposed under Section 12 for | 33 |
| stormwater management
purposes and any revenues generated as a | 34 |
| result of the ownership or operation
of facilities or land | 35 |
| acquired with the proceeds of taxes imposed under Section
12 | 36 |
| for stormwater management purposes shall be held in a separate |
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| fund and used
either for implementing this Section or to abate | 2 |
| those taxes.
| 3 |
| (g) The District may plan, implement, finance, and operate | 4 |
| regional
stormwater management projects in accordance with the | 5 |
| adopted countywide
stormwater management plan.
| 6 |
| The District shall provide for public review and comment on | 7 |
| proposed
stormwater management projects. The District shall | 8 |
| conform to State and
federal requirements concerning public | 9 |
| information, environmental assessments,
and environmental | 10 |
| impacts for projects receiving State or federal funds.
| 11 |
| The District may issue bonds under Section 9.6a of this Act | 12 |
| for the
purpose of funding stormwater management projects.
| 13 |
| The District shall not use Cook County Forest Preserve | 14 |
| District land for
stormwater or flood control projects without | 15 |
| the consent of the Forest
Preserve District.
| 16 |
| (h) Upon the creation and implementation of a county | 17 |
| stormwater management
plan, the District may petition the | 18 |
| circuit court to dissolve any or all
drainage districts created | 19 |
| pursuant to the Illinois Drainage Code or
predecessor Acts that | 20 |
| are located entirely within the District.
| 21 |
| However, any active drainage district implementing a plan | 22 |
| that is consistent
with and at least as stringent as the county | 23 |
| stormwater management plan may
petition the District for | 24 |
| exception from dissolution. Upon filing of the
petition, the | 25 |
| District shall set a date for hearing not less than 2 weeks, | 26 |
| nor
more than 4 weeks, from the filing thereof, and the | 27 |
| District shall give at
least one week's notice of the hearing | 28 |
| in one or more newspapers of general
circulation within the | 29 |
| drainage district, and in addition shall cause a copy
of the | 30 |
| notice to be personally served upon each of the trustees of the | 31 |
| drainage
district. At the hearing, the District shall hear the | 32 |
| drainage district's
petition and allow the drainage district | 33 |
| trustees and any interested parties
an opportunity to present | 34 |
| oral and written evidence. The District shall render
its | 35 |
| decision upon the petition for exception from dissolution based | 36 |
| upon the
best interests of the residents of the drainage |
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| district. In the event that
the exception is not allowed, the | 2 |
| drainage district may file a petition with
the circuit court | 3 |
| within 30 days of the decision. In that case, the notice
and | 4 |
| hearing requirements for the court shall be the same as | 5 |
| provided in this
subsection for the petition to the District. | 6 |
| The court shall render its
decision of whether to dissolve the | 7 |
| district based upon the best interests
of the residents of the | 8 |
| drainage district.
| 9 |
| The dissolution of a drainage district shall not affect the | 10 |
| obligation
of any bonds issued or contracts entered into by the | 11 |
| drainage district nor
invalidate the levy, extension, or | 12 |
| collection of any taxes or special
assessments upon the | 13 |
| property in the former drainage district. All property
and | 14 |
| obligations of the former drainage district shall be assumed | 15 |
| and managed
by the District, and the debts of the former | 16 |
| drainage district shall be
discharged as soon as practicable.
| 17 |
| If a drainage district lies only partly within the | 18 |
| District, the District may
petition the circuit court to | 19 |
| disconnect from the drainage district that
portion of the | 20 |
| drainage district that lies within the District. The property
| 21 |
| of the drainage district within the disconnected area shall be | 22 |
| assumed and
managed by the District. The District shall also | 23 |
| assume a portion of the
drainage district's debt at the time of | 24 |
| disconnection, based on the portion of
the value of the taxable | 25 |
| property of the drainage district which is located
within the | 26 |
| area being disconnected.
| 27 |
| A drainage district that continues to exist within Cook | 28 |
| County shall conform
its operations to the countywide | 29 |
| stormwater management plan.
| 30 |
| (i) The District may assume responsibility for maintaining | 31 |
| any stream
within Cook County.
| 32 |
| (j) The District may, after 10 days written notice to the | 33 |
| owner or
occupant, enter upon any lands or waters within the | 34 |
| county for the purpose
of inspecting stormwater facilities or | 35 |
| causing the removal of any obstruction
to an affected | 36 |
| watercourse. The District shall be responsible for any damages
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| occasioned thereby.
| 2 |
| (k) The District shall report to the public annually on its | 3 |
| activities and
expenditures under this Section and the adopted | 4 |
| countywide stormwater
management plan.
| 5 |
| (l) The powers granted to the District under this Section | 6 |
| are in addition
to the other powers granted under this Act. | 7 |
| This Section does not limit the
powers of the District under | 8 |
| any other provision of this Act or any other law.
| 9 |
| (m) This Section does not affect the power or duty of any | 10 |
| unit of local
government to take actions relating to flooding | 11 |
| or stormwater, so long as those
actions conform with this | 12 |
| Section and the plans, rules, and ordinances adopted
by the | 13 |
| District under this Section.
| 14 |
| A home rule unit located in whole or in part in Cook County
| 15 |
| (other than a municipality with a population over 1,000,000)
| 16 |
| may not
regulate stormwater management or planning in Cook | 17 |
| County in a manner
inconsistent with this Section or the plans, | 18 |
| rules, and ordinances adopted by
the District under this | 19 |
| Section; provided, within a municipality with a
population over | 20 |
| 1,000,000, the stormwater management planning program of Cook
| 21 |
| County shall be conducted by that municipality or,
to the | 22 |
| extent provided in an intergovernmental agreement between the
| 23 |
| municipality and the District, by the District pursuant to this | 24 |
| Section;
provided further that the power granted to such | 25 |
| municipality shall not be
inconsistent with existing powers of | 26 |
| the District.
Pursuant to paragraph (i) of Section 6 of
Article | 27 |
| VII of the Illinois Constitution, this Section specifically | 28 |
| denies and
limits the exercise of any power that is | 29 |
| inconsistent with this Section by a
home rule unit that is a | 30 |
| county with a population of 1,500,000 or more or is
located, in | 31 |
| whole or in part, within such a county, other than a | 32 |
| municipality
with a population over 1,000,000.
| 33 |
| (70 ILCS 2605/12) (from Ch. 42, par. 332)
| 34 |
| Sec. 12. The board of commissioners annually may levy taxes | 35 |
| for
corporate purposes upon property within the territorial |
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| limits of such
sanitary district, the aggregate amount of | 2 |
| which, exclusive of the
amount levied for (a) the payment of | 3 |
| bonded indebtedness and the
interest on bonded indebtedness (b) | 4 |
| employees' annuity and benefit
purposes (c) construction | 5 |
| purposes, and (d) for the purpose of
establishing and | 6 |
| maintaining a reserve fund for the payment of claims,
awards, | 7 |
| losses, judgments or liabilities which might be imposed on such
| 8 |
| sanitary district under the Workers' Compensation Act or the | 9 |
| Workers'
Occupational Diseases Act, and any claim in tort, | 10 |
| including but not
limited to, any claim imposed upon such | 11 |
| sanitary district under the
Local Governmental and | 12 |
| Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act, and for
the repair or | 13 |
| replacement of any property owned by such sanitary
district | 14 |
| which is damaged by fire, flood, explosion, vandalism or any
| 15 |
| other peril, natural or manmade, shall not exceed the sum | 16 |
| produced by
extending the rate of
.46% for each of the years
| 17 |
| year 1979 through 2004 and by extending the rate of 0.41% for | 18 |
| the year 2005 and each year thereafter, upon the assessed
| 19 |
| valuation of all taxable property within the sanitary district | 20 |
| as
equalized and determined for State and local taxes. | 21 |
| In addition, for stormwater management purposes, including | 22 |
| but not limited to those provided in subsection (f) of Section | 23 |
| 7(h), the board of commissioners may levy taxes for the year | 24 |
| 2005 and each year thereafter at a rate not to exceed 0.05% of | 25 |
| the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the | 26 |
| District as equalized and determined for State and local taxes.
| 27 |
| And in addition
thereto, for construction purposes as | 28 |
| defined in Section 5.2 of this
Act, the board of commissioners | 29 |
| may levy taxes for the year 1985 and
each year thereafter which | 30 |
| shall be at a rate not to exceed .10%
of the assessed valuation | 31 |
| of all taxable property within the sanitary
district as | 32 |
| equalized and determined for State and local taxes. Amounts
| 33 |
| realized from taxes so levied for construction purposes shall | 34 |
| be limited
for use to such purposes and shall not be
available | 35 |
| for appropriation or used to defray the cost of repairs to or
| 36 |
| expense of maintaining or operating existing or future |
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| facilities, but
such restrictions, however, shall not apply to | 2 |
| additions, alterations,
enlargements, and replacements which | 3 |
| will add appreciably to the value,
utility, or the useful life | 4 |
| of said facilities. Such rates shall be
extended against the | 5 |
| assessed valuation of the taxable property within
the corporate | 6 |
| limits as the same shall be assessed and equalized for the
| 7 |
| county taxes for the year in which the levy is made and said | 8 |
| board
shall cause the amount to be raised by taxation in each | 9 |
| year to be
certified to the county clerk on or before the | 10 |
| thirtieth day of March;
provided, however, that if during the | 11 |
| budget year the General Assembly
authorizes an increase in such | 12 |
| rates, the board of commissioners may
adopt a supplemental levy | 13 |
| and shall make such certification to the
County Clerk on or | 14 |
| before the thirtieth day of December.
| 15 |
| For the purpose of establishing and maintaining a reserve | 16 |
| fund for
the payment of claims, awards, losses, judgments or | 17 |
| liabilities which
might be imposed on such sanitary district | 18 |
| under the Workers'
Compensation Act or the Workers' | 19 |
| Occupational Diseases Act, and any
claim in tort, including but | 20 |
| not limited to, any claim imposed upon such
sanitary district | 21 |
| under the Local Governmental and Governmental
Employees Tort | 22 |
| Immunity Act, and for the repair or replacement, where
the cost | 23 |
| thereof exceeds the sum of $10,000, of any property owned by
| 24 |
| such sanitary district which is damaged by fire, flood, | 25 |
| explosion,
vandalism or any other peril, natural or man-made, | 26 |
| such sanitary
district may also levy annually upon all taxable | 27 |
| property within its
territorial limits a tax not to exceed | 28 |
| .005% of the assessed valuation
of said taxable property as | 29 |
| equalized and determined for State and local
taxes; provided, | 30 |
| however, the aggregate amount which may be accumulated
in such | 31 |
| reserve fund shall not exceed .05% of such assessed valuation.
| 32 |
| All taxes so levied and certified shall be collected and | 33 |
| enforced in
the same manner and by the same officers as State | 34 |
| and county taxes, and
shall be paid over by the officer | 35 |
| collecting the same to the treasurer
of the sanitary district, | 36 |
| in the manner and at the time provided by the
general revenue |
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| law. No part of the taxes hereby authorized shall be
used by | 2 |
| such sanitary district for the construction of permanent, | 3 |
| fixed,
immovable bridges across any channel constructed under | 4 |
| the provisions of
this Act. All bridges built across such | 5 |
| channel shall not necessarily
interfere with or obstruct the | 6 |
| navigation of such channel, when the same
becomes a navigable | 7 |
| stream, as provided in Section 24 of this Act, but
such bridges | 8 |
| shall be so constructed that they can be raised, swung or
moved | 9 |
| out of the way of vessels, tugs, boats or other water craft
| 10 |
| navigating such channel. Nothing in this Act shall be so | 11 |
| construed as to
compel said district to maintain or operate | 12 |
| said bridges, as movable
bridges, for a period of 9 years from | 13 |
| and after the time when the water
has been turned into said | 14 |
| channel pursuant to law, unless the needs of
general navigation | 15 |
| of the Des Plaines and Illinois Rivers, when
connected by said | 16 |
| channel, sooner require it. In levying taxes the board
of | 17 |
| commissioners, in order to produce the net amount required by | 18 |
| the
levies for payment of bonds and interest thereon, shall | 19 |
| include an
amount or rate estimated to be sufficient to cover | 20 |
| losses in collection
of taxes, the cost of collecting taxes, | 21 |
| abatements in the amount of such
taxes as extended on the | 22 |
| collector's books and the amount of such taxes
collection of | 23 |
| which will be deferred; the amount so added for the
purpose of | 24 |
| producing the net amount required shall not exceed any
| 25 |
| applicable maximum tax rate or amount.
| 26 |
| (Source: P.A. 84-630.)
| 27 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 28 |
| becoming law.