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SB21 Enrolled LRB093 02561 DRH 02571 b
1 AN ACT in relation to vehicles.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by
5 adding Section 12-601.1 as follows:
6 (625 ILCS 5/12-601.1 new)
7 Sec. 12-601.1. Traffic control signal preemption
8 devices.
9 (a) As used in this Section, "traffic control signal
10 preemption device" means any device, either mechanical or
11 electrical, that emits a pulse of light or other signal that,
12 when received by a detector attached to a traffic control
13 signal, changes that traffic control signal to a green light
14 or, if the traffic control signal is already green, extends
15 the duration of the green light.
16 (b) Except as provided in subsection (d), a traffic
17 control signal preemption device may not be installed on a
18 motor vehicle, may not be transported in the passenger
19 compartment of a motor vehicle, and may not be operated by
20 the driver or passenger of a motor vehicle.
21 Violation of this subsection (b) is a Class A
22 misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of $1,000 in addition to
23 any other penalty that may be imposed.
24 (c) A retailer or manufacturer may not sell a traffic
25 control signal preemption device to any person or entity for
26 any intended use other than operation as permitted under
27 subsection (d).
28 Violation of this subsection (c) is a Class A
29 misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of $5,000 for each sale of
30 each device, in addition to any other penalty that may be
31 imposed.
SB21 Enrolled -2- LRB093 02561 DRH 02571 b
1 (d) Installation of a traffic control signal preemption
2 device is permitted on the following vehicles, and operation
3 of the device is permitted as follows:
4 (1) Police department vehicles, when responding to
5 a bona fide emergency, when used in combination with
6 red or blue oscillating, rotating, or flashing lights.
7 (2) Law enforcement vehicles of State or local
8 authorities, when responding to a bona fide emergency,
9 when used in combination with red oscillating, rotating,
10 or flashing lights.
11 (3) Vehicles of local fire departments and State or
12 federal firefighting vehicles, when responding to a bona
13 fide emergency, when used in combination with red
14 oscillating, rotating, or flashing lights.
15 (4) Vehicles that are designed and used exclusively
16 as ambulances or rescue vehicles, when responding to a
17 bona fide emergency, when used in combination with red
18 oscillating, rotating, or flashing lights.
19 (5) Vehicles that are equipped and used exclusively
20 as organ transport vehicles, when the transportation is
21 declared an emergency by a member of the transplant team
22 or a representative of the organ procurement
23 organization, when used in combination with red
24 oscillating, rotating, or flashing lights.
25 (6) Vehicles of the Illinois Emergency Management
26 Agency and vehicles of the Department of Nuclear Safety,
27 when responding to a bona fide emergency, when used in
28 combination with red oscillating, rotating, or flashing
29 lights.
30 (7) Commuter buses owned by any political
31 subdivision of this State, operated either by the
32 political subdivision or its lessee or agent, and
33 offering short-haul for-hire regularly scheduled
34 passenger transportation service, over regular routes
SB21 Enrolled -3- LRB093 02561 DRH 02571 b
1 with fixed schedules, within metropolitan and suburban
2 areas, when used to extend the duration of an already
3 green light to meet schedules.
4 (8) Vehicles used for snow removal owned by any
5 political subdivision of this State, operated either by
6 the political subdivision or its lessee or agent, when
7 used during a snow emergency in combination with yellow
8 or amber oscillating, rotating, or flashing lights, when
9 used to extend the duration of an already green light.
10 (e) This Section does not prohibit use by motorcycles of
11 electronic or magnetic safety devices designed to allow
12 traffic control signal systems to recognize or detect
13 motorcycles.
14 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
15 becoming law.
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