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BOB093 00130 BLW 00130 b
1 AN ACT making appropriations.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
5 Section 1.1. The following named amounts, or so much
6 thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
7 for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the
8 ordinary and contingent expenses of the State Employees'
9 Retirement System:
12 For Personal Services......................... $ 44,200
13 For Employee Retirement Contributions
14 Paid by Employer ............................ 1,800
15 For State Contributions to the State
16 Employees' Retirement System................. 6,000
17 For State Contributions to
18 Social Security.............................. 3,400
19 For Contractual Services...................... 19,050
20 For Travel.................................... 1,100
21 For Commodities............................... 200
22 For Printing ................................. 0
23 For Equipment ................................ 0
24 For Electronic Data Processing ............... 0
25 For Telecommunications Services............... 300
26 Total $76,050
28 For Employee Retirement Contributions
29 Paid by Employer for Prior Fiscal Year:
30 Payable from General Revenue Fund...............$ 45,000
-2- BOB093 00130 BLW 00130 b
1 Section 1.2. The sum of $15,150,000, minus the amount
2 transferred to the State Employees' Retirement System
3 pursuant to continuing appropriation authorized by the State
4 Pensions Fund Continuing Appropriation Act, is appropriated
5 from the State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the
6 State Employees' Retirement System pursuant to the provisions
7 of Section 8.12 of "An Act in relation to State finance",
8 approved June 10, 1919, as amended.
9 Section 1.3. The sum of $1,420,575,000, or so much
10 thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Pension
11 Contribution Fund to the State Employees Retirement System
12 pursuant to the provisions of Section 7.2 of "An Act in
13 relation to General Obligation Bonds."
14 Section 2.1. The sum of $35,032,000, or so much thereof
15 as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
16 Fund to the Board of Trustees of the Judges' Retirement
17 System for the State's Contribution, as provided by law.
18 Section 2.2. The sum of $1,530,000, minus the amount
19 transferred to the Judges' Retirement System pursuant to
20 continuing appropriation authorized by the State Pensions
21 Fund Continuing Appropriation Act, is appropriated from the
22 State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the Judges'
23 Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.12
24 of "An Act in relation to State finance", approved June 10,
25 1919, as amended.
26 Section 2.3. The sum of $143,230,000, or so much thereof
27 as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Pension
28 Contribution Fund to the Board of Trustees of the Judges'
29 Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of Section 7.2
30 of "An Act in relation to General Obligation Bonds."
-3- BOB093 00130 BLW 00130 b
1 Section 3.1. The sum of $5,490,000, or so much thereof
2 as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
3 Fund to the Board of Trustees of the General Assembly
4 Retirement System for the State's Contribution, as provided
5 by law.
6 Section 3.2. The sum of $300,000, minus the amount
7 transferred to the General Assembly Retirement System
8 pursuant to continuing appropriation authorized by the State
9 Pensions Fund Continuing Appropriation Act, is appropriated
10 from the State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the
11 General Assembly Retirement System, pursuant to the
12 provisions of Section 8.12 of "An Act in relation to State
13 finance", approved June 10, 1919, as amended.
14 Section 3.3. The sum of $28,025,000, or so much thereof
15 as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Pension
16 Contribution Fund to the Board of Trustees of the General
17 Assembly Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of
18 Section 7.2 of "An Act in relation to General Obligation
19 Bonds."
20 Section 4.1. The following named amount, or so much
21 thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated
22 from the General Revenue Fund to the Teachers' Retirement
23 System for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
24 For additional costs due to the establishment
25 of minimum retirement allowances
26 pursuant to Sections 16-136.2 and
27 16-136.3 of the "Illinois
28 Pension Code", as amended.................... $3,400,000
29 Total $3,400,000
30 Section 4.1a. The sum of $47,360,000, minus the amount
-4- BOB093 00130 BLW 00130 b
1 transferred to the Teachers' Retirement System pursuant to
2 continuing appropriation authorized by the State Pensions
3 Fund Continuing Appropriation Act, is appropriated from the
4 State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the Teachers'
5 Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.12
6 of "AN ACT in relation to State finance", approved June 10,
7 1919, as amended.
8 Section 4.1b. The sum of $4,439,890,000, or so much
9 thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Pension
10 Contribution Fund to the Board of Trustees of the Teachers'
11 Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of Section 7.2
12 of "An Act in relation to General Obligation Bonds."
13 Section 5.1. The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
14 may be necessary, is appropriated to the Public School
15 Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago, for
16 supplementary payments as set forth in Sections 17-154,
17 17-155 and 17-156 of the "Illinois Pension Code", approved
18 March 18, 1963, as amended.
19 Section 6.1. The sum of $15,660,000, minus the amount
20 transferred to the State Universities Retirement System
21 pursuant to continuing appropriation authorized by the State
22 Pensions Fund Continuing Appropriation Act, is appropriated
23 from the State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the
24 State Universities Retirement System of Illinois pursuant to
25 the provisions of Section 8.12 of "AN ACT in relation to
26 State finance", approved June 10, 1919, as amended.
27 Section 6.2. The sum of $1,468,280,000, or so much
28 thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Pension
29 Contribution Fund to the Board of Trustees of the State
30 Universities Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of
-5- BOB093 00130 BLW 00130 b
1 Section 7.2 of "An Act in relation to General Obligation
2 Bonds."
3 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect on
4 July 1, 2003.
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