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LRB093 08890 JAM 09122 b
1 AN ACT making appropriations to the Auditor General.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much of
5 those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are
6 appropriated to the Auditor General to meet the ordinary and
7 contingent expenses of the Office of the Auditor General, as
8 provided in the Illinois State Auditing Act:
9 For Personal Services:
10 For Regular Positions........................... $3,976,000
11 Employee Contribution to Retirement
12 System by Employer.......................... 159,000
13 For State Contribution to
14 State Employees' Retirement System.......... 534,300
15 For State Contribution to Social
16 Security.................................... 304,200
17 For Contractual Services........................ 653,300
18 For Travel...................................... 95,000
19 For Commodities................................. 20,000
20 For Printing.................................... 22,000
21 For Equipment................................... 50,000
22 For Electronic Data Processing.................. 75,000
23 For Telecommunications.......................... 75,000
24 For Operation of Auto Equipment................. 5,000
25 Total $5,968,800
26 Section 10. The sum of $14,123,715, or so much of that
27 amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Auditor
28 General from the Audit Expense Fund for audits, studies, and
29 investigations.
30 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect on
-2- LRB093 08890 JAM 09122 b
1 July 1, 2003.
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