Full Text of HJR0049 93rd General Assembly
HJ0049 |
LRB093 14768 MKM 40320 r |
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| WHEREAS, The number of children suffering from some type of | 3 |
| eating disorder that either results in unhealthy weight gain or | 4 |
| weight loss has increased significantly in the past 10 years | 5 |
| without discrimination as to age, sex, or race; and
| 6 |
| WHEREAS, An estimated 14 million children ages 2 to 17 are | 7 |
| considered obese and an additional 8.6 million children are | 8 |
| considered at risk for obesity, a figure that has nearly | 9 |
| tripled since the 1970s; and
| 10 |
| WHEREAS, Obese children often remain obese into adulthood, | 11 |
| placing them at risk for developing 4 of the 10 leading causes | 12 |
| of death in the United States: coronary heart disease, Type II | 13 |
| diabetes, stroke, and cancer; and
| 14 |
| WHEREAS, The cost of treating long-term health problems | 15 |
| linked to children and adults that are overweight or obese has | 16 |
| been estimated at more than $93 billion a year; and
| 17 |
| WHEREAS, The eating habits children develop at an early age | 18 |
| can help prevent them from becoming obese or developing other | 19 |
| unhealthy eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or | 20 |
| bulimia; and
| 21 |
| WHEREAS, The effort to improve the nutritional health and | 22 |
| well-being of our children must involve the entire community, | 23 |
| including health care specialists, educators, parents, | 24 |
| business leaders, and policy makers; therefore, be it
| 25 |
| SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we urge the Governor to convene | 28 |
| a Summit on Children's Nutritional Health and Well-Being in | 29 |
| order to gather experts and professionals in the field of |
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LRB093 14768 MKM 40320 r |
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| nutrition, members of the General Assembly, representatives of | 2 |
| the Department of Public Health the Department of Human | 3 |
| Services, and the State Board of Education, business leaders, | 4 |
| educators, and other child advocacy representatives in order to | 5 |
| articulate a vision and policy stance for the State of Illinois | 6 |
| regarding children's nutritional health; and be it further
| 7 |
| RESOLVED, That the Summit shall consist of no more than 30 | 8 |
| members; and be it further
| 9 |
| RESOLVED, That the President of the Senate and the Minority | 10 |
| Leader of the Senate shall each appoint 2 members of the | 11 |
| General Assembly and 2 members of the public to the Summit and | 12 |
| the Speaker of the House and the Minority Leader of the House | 13 |
| shall each appoint 2 members of the General Assembly and 2 | 14 |
| members of the public to the Summit; and be it further
| 15 |
| RESOLVED, That the Department of Public Health, the | 16 |
| Department of Human Services, and the Illinois State Board of | 17 |
| Education shall each appoint one member to the Summit; and be | 18 |
| it further
| 19 |
| RESOLVED, That the Governor shall appoint up to 11 | 20 |
| additional members, consisting of of at least one certified | 21 |
| nutritionist, one expert on childhood diabetes, and one | 22 |
| licensed psychiatrist, as well as other professionals in the | 23 |
| field of nutrition, educators, and business leaders, and the | 24 |
| Governor shall also appoint one member as the Chair of the | 25 |
| Summit; and be it further
| 26 |
| RESOLVED, That the Summit shall explore the status of | 27 |
| children's nutritional health in Illinois, develop policy | 28 |
| recommendations, and explore possible funding streams for | 29 |
| continued and ongoing nutritional programs and awareness | 30 |
| campaigns; and be it further
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LRB093 14768 MKM 40320 r |
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| RESOLVED, That the Summit shall hold open forums and public | 2 |
| hearings to allow members of the public to attend and testify | 3 |
| before the members; and be it further
| 4 |
| RESOLVED, That the Summit shall convene no later than one | 5 |
| month following the adoption of this resolution, with | 6 |
| preliminary findings and recommendations reported to the the | 7 |
| Governor and to the General Assembly no later than January 1, | 8 |
| 2005; and be it further
| 9 |
| RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be | 10 |
| presented to the Governor, the Director of the Department of | 11 |
| Public Health, the Secretary of Human Services, and the | 12 |
| Illinois State Board of Education.