Full Text of HB4157 93rd General Assembly
HB4157 Enrolled |
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| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning professional regulation.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Illinois Dental Practice Act is amended by | 5 |
| changing
Sections 4, 6, and 18 as follows:
| 6 |
| (225 ILCS 25/4)
(from Ch. 111, par. 2304)
| 7 |
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2006)
| 8 |
| Sec. 4. Definitions. As used in this Act:
| 9 |
| (a) "Department" means the Illinois Department of | 10 |
| Professional Regulation.
| 11 |
| (b) "Director" means the Director of Professional | 12 |
| Regulation.
| 13 |
| (c) "Board" means the Board of Dentistry established by | 14 |
| Section 6 of this
| 15 |
| (d) "Dentist" means a person who has received a general | 16 |
| license pursuant
to paragraph (a) of Section 11 of this Act and | 17 |
| who may perform any intraoral
and extraoral procedure required | 18 |
| in the practice of dentistry and to whom is
reserved the | 19 |
| responsibilities specified in Section 17.
| 20 |
| (e) "Dental hygienist" means a person who holds a license | 21 |
| under this Act to
perform dental services as authorized by | 22 |
| Section 18.
| 23 |
| (f) "Dental assistant" means an appropriately trained | 24 |
| person
who, under the supervision of a dentist, provides dental | 25 |
| services
as authorized by Section 17.
| 26 |
| (g) "Dental laboratory" means a person, firm or corporation | 27 |
| which:
| 28 |
| (i) engages in making, providing, repairing or | 29 |
| altering dental
prosthetic appliances and other artificial | 30 |
| materials and devices which are
returned to a dentist for | 31 |
| insertion into the human oral cavity or which
come in | 32 |
| contact with its adjacent structures and tissues; and
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| (ii) utilizes or employs a dental technician to provide | 2 |
| such services; and
| 3 |
| (iii) performs such functions only for a dentist or | 4 |
| dentists.
| 5 |
| (h) "Supervision" means supervision of a dental hygienist | 6 |
| or a dental
assistant requiring that a dentist authorize the | 7 |
| procedure, remain in the
dental facility while the procedure is | 8 |
| performed, and approve the work
performed by the dental | 9 |
| hygienist or dental assistant before dismissal of
the patient, | 10 |
| but does not mean that the dentist must be present at all
times | 11 |
| in the treatment room.
| 12 |
| (i) "General supervision" means supervision of a dental | 13 |
| hygienist
requiring that the patient be a patient of record,
| 14 |
| that the dentist
examine the patient in accordance with Section | 15 |
| 18 prior to treatment by the
dental hygienist, and that the
| 16 |
| dentist authorize the procedures which
are being carried
out by | 17 |
| a notation in the patient's record , but not requiring that a | 18 |
| dentist
be present when the authorized
procedures are being | 19 |
| performed. The authorized procedures may also be
performed at a | 20 |
| place other than the dentist's usual place of practice. The
| 21 |
| issuance of a prescription to a dental laboratory by a
dentist | 22 |
| does not constitute general supervision.
| 23 |
| (j) "Public member" means a person who is not a health | 24 |
| professional.
For purposes of board membership, any person with | 25 |
| a significant financial
interest in a health service or | 26 |
| profession is not a public member.
| 27 |
| (k) "Dentistry" means the healing art which is concerned | 28 |
| with the
examination, diagnosis, treatment planning and care of | 29 |
| conditions within
the human oral cavity and its adjacent | 30 |
| tissues and structures, as further
specified in Section 17.
| 31 |
| (l) "Branches of dentistry" means the various specialties | 32 |
| of dentistry
which, for purposes of this Act, shall be limited | 33 |
| to the following:
endodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, | 34 |
| orthodontics and dentofacial
orthopedics, pediatric dentistry,
| 35 |
| periodontics, prosthodontics, and oral and maxillofacial
| 36 |
| radiology.
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| (m) "Specialist" means a dentist who has received a | 2 |
| specialty license
pursuant to Section 11(b).
| 3 |
| (n) "Dental technician" means a person who owns, operates | 4 |
| or is
employed by a dental laboratory and engages in making, | 5 |
| providing, repairing
or altering dental prosthetic appliances | 6 |
| and other artificial materials and
devices which are returned | 7 |
| to a dentist for insertion into the human oral
cavity or which | 8 |
| come in contact with its adjacent structures and tissues.
| 9 |
| (o) "Impaired dentist" or "impaired dental hygienist" | 10 |
| means a dentist
or dental hygienist who is unable to practice | 11 |
| with
reasonable skill and safety because of a physical or | 12 |
| mental disability as
evidenced by a written determination or | 13 |
| written consent based on clinical
evidence, including | 14 |
| deterioration through the aging process, loss of motor
skills, | 15 |
| abuse of drugs or alcohol, or a psychiatric disorder, of | 16 |
| sufficient
degree to diminish the person's ability to deliver | 17 |
| competent patient care.
| 18 |
| (p) "Nurse" means a registered professional nurse, a | 19 |
| certified registered
nurse anesthetist licensed as an advanced | 20 |
| practice
nurse, or a licensed practical nurse licensed under | 21 |
| the Nursing and
Advanced Practice Nursing Act.
| 22 |
| (q) "Patient of record" means a patient for whom the | 23 |
| patient's most recent
dentist has obtained
relevant medical | 24 |
| and dental history and on whom the dentist has performed an
| 25 |
| examination and evaluated the condition to be treated.
| 26 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-138, eff. 1-1-00; 91-689, eff. 1-1-01; 92-280, | 27 |
| eff. 1-1-02;
92-651, eff. 7-11-02.)
| 28 |
| (225 ILCS 25/6)
(from Ch. 111, par. 2306)
| 29 |
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2006)
| 30 |
| Sec. 6. Board of Dentistry - Report By Majority Required. | 31 |
| There
is created a Board of Dentistry, to be composed of | 32 |
| persons designated from
time to time by the Director, as | 33 |
| follows:
| 34 |
| Eleven persons, 8 of whom have been dentists for a period | 35 |
| of 5
years or
more; 2 of whom have been dental hygienists
for a |
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| period of 5 years or more, and one public member.
None of the | 2 |
| members shall be an officer, dean, assistant dean, or associate
| 3 |
| dean of a
dental college or dental department of an institute | 4 |
| of learning, nor shall any
member be
the program director of | 5 |
| any dental hygiene program. A board member who holds a
faculty | 6 |
| position in a dental school or dental hygiene program shall not
| 7 |
| participate in the
examination of applicants for licenses from | 8 |
| that school or program.
None of the
members shall be employed | 9 |
| by or be an officer of any dental college, or
dental or dental | 10 |
| hygiene department of any institution of learning. The
| 11 |
| hygienists shall not participate in the examination of
| 12 |
| applicants for licenses
to practice dentistry. The public | 13 |
| member shall not participate in the
examination of applicants | 14 |
| for licenses to
practice dentistry or dental
hygiene. The board | 15 |
| shall annually elect a chairman who shall be a dentist.
| 16 |
| Terms for all members shall be for 4 years. Partial terms | 17 |
| over 2 years
in length shall be considered as full terms. A | 18 |
| member may be reappointed
for a successive term, but no member | 19 |
| shall serve more than 2 full terms in
his or her lifetime.
| 20 |
| The membership of the Board shall include only residents | 21 |
| from various
geographic areas of this State and shall include | 22 |
| at least some graduates
from various institutions of dental | 23 |
| education in this State.
| 24 |
| In making appointments to the Board the Director shall give | 25 |
| due
consideration to recommendations by organizations of the | 26 |
| dental profession
in Illinois, including the Illinois State | 27 |
| Dental Society and Illinois
Dental Hygienists Association, and | 28 |
| shall promptly give due notice to
such organizations of any | 29 |
| vacancy in the membership of the Board.
The Director may | 30 |
| terminate the appointment of any member for cause which in
the | 31 |
| opinion of the Director reasonably justifies such termination.
| 32 |
| A vacancy in the membership of the Board
shall not impair | 33 |
| the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights
and perform | 34 |
| all the duties of the Board.
Any action to be taken by the | 35 |
| Board under this Act may be authorized
by resolution at any | 36 |
| regular or special meeting, and each such resolution
shall take |
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| effect immediately. The Board shall meet at least quarterly.
| 2 |
| The Board may adopt all rules and regulations necessary and | 3 |
| incident
to its powers and duties under this Act.
| 4 |
| The members of the Board shall each receive as compensation | 5 |
| a reasonable
sum as determined by the Director for each day | 6 |
| actually engaged in the
duties of the office, and all | 7 |
| legitimate and necessary expense incurred in
attending the | 8 |
| meetings of the Board.
| 9 |
| Members of the Board shall be immune from suit in any | 10 |
| action based
upon any disciplinary proceedings or other | 11 |
| activities performed in good
faith as members of the Board.
| 12 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-594, eff. 1-1-00.)
| 13 |
| (225 ILCS 25/18)
(from Ch. 111, par. 2318)
| 14 |
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2006)
| 15 |
| Sec. 18. Acts constituting the practice of dental hygiene ; .
| 16 |
| limitations.
| 17 |
| (a) A person practices dental hygiene within the meaning of | 18 |
| this Act when
he or she performs the following acts under the | 19 |
| supervision of a dentist:
A dental hygienist
may be employed or | 20 |
| engaged only:
| 21 |
| (a) Under the supervision of a dentist:
| 22 |
| (1) In the office of a dentist;
| 23 |
| (2) By a federal, State, county or municipal agency | 24 |
| or institution;
| 25 |
| (3) By a public or private school; or
| 26 |
| (4) By a public clinic operating under the | 27 |
| direction of a hospital or
federal, State, county, | 28 |
| municipal or other public agency or
| 29 |
| When employed or engaged pursuant to this paragraph (a) a | 30 |
| dental
hygienist may perform the following procedures and acts:
| 31 |
| (i) the operative procedure of dental hygiene, | 32 |
| consisting of oral
prophylactic procedures;
| 33 |
| (ii) the exposure and processing of X-Ray films of | 34 |
| the teeth and
surrounding structures;
| 35 |
| (iii) the application to the surfaces of the teeth |
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| or gums of chemical
compounds designed to be | 2 |
| desensitizing agents or effective agents in the
| 3 |
| prevention of dental caries or periodontal disease;
| 4 |
| (iv) all services which may be performed by a
| 5 |
| dental assistant as specified by rule pursuant to | 6 |
| Section 17;
| 7 |
| (v) administration and monitoring of nitrous oxide | 8 |
| upon successful
completion of a
training program | 9 |
| approved by the Department;
| 10 |
| (vi) administration of local anesthetics upon | 11 |
| successful completion of
training program approved | 12 |
| by the Department; and
| 13 |
| (vii) such other procedures and acts as shall be | 14 |
| prescribed
rule or regulation of the Department.
| 15 |
| (b) A dental hygienist may be employed or engaged only:
| 16 |
| (1) by a dentist;
| 17 |
| (2) by a federal, State, county, or municipal agency or | 18 |
| institution;
| 19 |
| (3) by a public or private school; or
| 20 |
| (4) by a public clinic operating under the direction of | 21 |
| a hospital or
State, county, municipal, or other | 22 |
| public agency or institution.
| 23 |
| (c) When employed or engaged in the office of a dentist, a | 24 |
| dental hygienist
perform, under general supervision, those | 25 |
| procedures found in items (i) through
(iv) of
subsection (a) of | 26 |
| this Section, provided the patient has been examined by the
| 27 |
| dentist
within one year of the provision of dental hygiene | 28 |
| services, the dentist has
approved the
dental hygiene services | 29 |
| by a notation in the patient's record and the patient
has been
| 30 |
| notified that the dentist may be out of the office during the | 31 |
| provision of
dental hygiene
| 32 |
| (d) If a patient of record is unable to travel to a dental | 33 |
| office because of
infirmity, or
imprisonment, a dental | 34 |
| hygienist may perform, under the general supervision of
a | 35 |
| dentist,
those procedures found in items (i) through (iv) of | 36 |
| subsection (a) of this
provided the patient is located |
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| in a long-term care facility licensed by the
State of Illinois,
| 2 |
| a mental health or developmental disability facility, or a | 3 |
| State or federal
(b) Under the general supervision of a | 4 |
| dentist in a long-term care
licensed by the State of | 5 |
| Illinois, or a mental health or developmental
disability | 6 |
| facility operated by the Department of Human Services, if the
| 7 |
| patient is unable
to travel to a dental office because of | 8 |
| illness or infirmity. The dentist
shall personally examine and | 9 |
| diagnose the patient and determine which
services are necessary | 10 |
| to be performed, which shall be contained in an
written order | 11 |
| to the hygienist and a notation in the patient's record .
Such | 12 |
| order must be implemented within 120 days
of its issuance, and | 13 |
| an updated medical history and observation of oral
| 14 |
| oral inspection
must be performed by the hygienist immediately | 15 |
| prior to beginning the
procedures to ensure that the patient's | 16 |
| health has not changed in any
manner to warrant a reexamination | 17 |
| by the dentist.
| 18 |
| (e) School-based oral health care,
consisting of and | 19 |
| limited to oral prophylactic
procedures, sealants, and | 20 |
| fluoride treatments,
may be provided by a dental hygienist
| 21 |
| under the general supervision of a dentist. A dental hygienist | 22 |
| may not provide
other dental hygiene treatment in a | 23 |
| school-based setting, including but not
limited to | 24 |
| administration or monitoring of nitrous oxide or | 25 |
| administration of
local anesthetics. The school-based | 26 |
| procedures may be performed provided the
patient is located at | 27 |
| a public or private school and the program is being
conducted | 28 |
| by a State, county or local public health department initiative | 29 |
| or in
conjunction with a dental school or dental hygiene | 30 |
| program.
The dentist shall personally examine and diagnose the | 31 |
| patient and
which services are necessary to be | 32 |
| performed, which shall be contained in an
order to the
| 33 |
| hygienist and a notation in the patient's record. Any such | 34 |
| order for sealants must be implemented within 120 days after | 35 |
| its issuance. Any such order for oral prophylactic procedures | 36 |
| or fluoride treatments must be implemented within 180 days |
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| after its issuance. An updated medical history and observation | 2 |
| of
oral conditions
must be
performed by the hygienist | 3 |
| immediately prior to beginning the procedures to
ensure that
| 4 |
| the patient's health has not changed in any manner to warrant a | 5 |
| reexamination
by the
| 6 |
| (f)
(c) Without the supervision of a dentist, a dental | 7 |
| hygienist
may perform
dental health education functions and may | 8 |
| record case histories and oral
conditions observed.
| 9 |
| (g) The number of dental hygienists practicing in a dental | 10 |
| office shall
exceed, at any one time, 4 times the number of | 11 |
| dentists practicing in the
office at the time.
| 12 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-113, eff. 1-1-04.)
| 13 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 14 |
| becoming law.