Full Text of HB3865 93rd General Assembly
HB3865 Enrolled |
LRB093 13358 LRD 18873 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT in relation to gaming.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Bingo License and Tax Act is amended by | 5 |
| changing
Section 1 as follows:
| 6 |
| (230 ILCS 25/1) (from Ch. 120, par. 1101)
| 7 |
| Sec. 1. The Department of Revenue shall, upon application | 8 |
| therefor on
forms prescribed by such Department, and upon the | 9 |
| payment of an
annual fee
of $200 or a triennial fee of $600 , | 10 |
| and
upon a determination by the
Department that the applicant | 11 |
| meets
all of the qualifications specified in this Section, | 12 |
| issue a license for
the conducting of bingo to any bona fide | 13 |
| religious, charitable, labor,
fraternal, youth athletic, | 14 |
| senior citizen, educational or veterans'
organization | 15 |
| organized in Illinois which operates without profit to its
| 16 |
| members, which has been in existence in Illinois continuously | 17 |
| for a period
of 5 years immediately before making application | 18 |
| for a license and which
has had during that entire 5 year | 19 |
| period a bona fide membership engaged in
carrying out its | 20 |
| objects. However, the 5 year requirement shall be
reduced to 2 | 21 |
| years, as applied to a local organization which is affiliated
| 22 |
| with and chartered by a national organization which meets the 5 | 23 |
| year
requirement. Each annual license expires at midnight, June | 24 |
| 30 following
its date
of issuance, except that, beginning with | 25 |
| applicants whose licenses expire
on June 30, 1983, the | 26 |
| Department shall stagger license expiration dates by
dividing | 27 |
| the applicants into 4 groups which are substantially equal in
| 28 |
| number. Licenses issued and license fees charged to applicants | 29 |
| in each
group shall be in accordance with the following | 30 |
| schedule:
31 | | Group No. | License Expiration Date | Fee |
32 | | 1 | December 31, 1983 | $100 |
33 | | 2 | March 31, 1984 | $150 |
34 | | 3 | June 30, 1984 | $200 |
35 | | 4 | September 30, 1984 | $250 |
4 |
| Following expiration under this schedule, each renewed license | 5 |
| shall be
in effect for one year from its date of issuance | 6 |
| unless suspended or revoked
by Department action before that | 7 |
| date. After June 30, 1983, every new
annual license shall | 8 |
| expire one year from the date of issuance unless
suspended or
| 9 |
| revoked and every new triennial license issued or renewed on or | 10 |
| after July
1, 2004 shall be in
effect for 3 years from its date | 11 |
| of issuance unless suspended or revoked by
Department action | 12 |
| before that date . A licensee may hold only one license and
that | 13 |
| license is valid
for only one location.
| 14 |
| For purposes of this Act, the following definitions apply: | 15 |
| "Organization":
A corporation, agency, partnership, | 16 |
| association, firm or other entity
consisting of 2 or more | 17 |
| persons joined by a common interest or purpose.
"Non-profit | 18 |
| organization": An organization or institution organized and
| 19 |
| conducted on a not-for-profit basis with no personal profit | 20 |
| inuring to any
one as a result of the operation. "Charitable | 21 |
| organization": An
organization or institution organized and | 22 |
| operated to benefit an indefinite
number of the public. | 23 |
| "Educational organization": An organization or
institution | 24 |
| organized and operated to provide systematic instruction in
| 25 |
| useful branches of learning by methods common to schools and | 26 |
| institutions
of learning which compare favorably in their scope | 27 |
| and intensity with the
course of study presented in | 28 |
| tax-supported schools. "Religious organization":
Any church, | 29 |
| congregation, society, or organization founded for the purpose
| 30 |
| of religious worship. "Fraternal organization": An | 31 |
| organization of persons,
including but not limited to ethnic | 32 |
| organizations, having a common
interest, organized and | 33 |
| operated exclusively to promote the welfare of its
members and | 34 |
| to benefit the general public on a continuing and consistent
| 35 |
| basis. "Veterans organization": An organization comprised of | 36 |
| members of
which substantially all are individuals who are |
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| 1 |
| veterans or spouses,
widows, or widowers of veterans, the | 2 |
| primary purpose of which is to promote
the welfare of its | 3 |
| members and to provide assistance to the general public
in such | 4 |
| a way as to confer a public benefit. "Labor organization": An
| 5 |
| organization composed of labor unions or workers organized with | 6 |
| the
objective of betterment of the conditions of those engaged | 7 |
| in such pursuit
and the development of a higher degree of | 8 |
| efficiency in their respective
occupations. "Youth athletic | 9 |
| organization": An organization having as its
exclusive purpose | 10 |
| the promotion and provision of athletic activities for
youth | 11 |
| aged 18 and under. "Senior citizens organization": An | 12 |
| organization
or association comprised of members of which | 13 |
| substantially all are
individuals who are senior citizens, as | 14 |
| defined in Section 3.05 of the
Illinois Act on the Aging, the | 15 |
| primary purpose of which is to promote the
welfare of its | 16 |
| members.
| 17 |
| Licensing for the conducting of bingo is subject to the | 18 |
| following
| 19 |
| (1) The license application, when submitted to the | 20 |
| Department of Revenue,
must contain a sworn statement | 21 |
| attesting to the not-for-profit character
of the | 22 |
| prospective licensee organization, signed by the presiding | 23 |
| officer
and the secretary of that organization.
| 24 |
| (2) The application for license shall be prepared in | 25 |
| accordance with the
rules of the Department of Revenue.
| 26 |
| (3) Each license shall state which day of the week and | 27 |
| at what location
the licensee is permitted to conduct | 28 |
| bingo. The Department may, on special
application made by | 29 |
| any organization having a bingo license, issue a special
| 30 |
| operator's permit for conducting bingo at other premises | 31 |
| and on other days
not exceeding 7 consecutive days, except | 32 |
| that a licensee may conduct bingo
at the Illinois State | 33 |
| Fair or any county fair held in Illinois during each
day | 34 |
| that the fair is in effect; such bingo games conducted at | 35 |
| the Illinois
State Fair or a county fair shall not require | 36 |
| a special operator's permit.
No more than 2 special |
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| 1 |
| operator's permits may be issued in one year to any
one | 2 |
| organization. Any organization, qualified for a license | 3 |
| but not
holding one, upon application and payment of a $50 | 4 |
| fee may receive a
limited license to conduct bingo at no | 5 |
| more than 2 indoor or outdoor
festivals in a year for a | 6 |
| maximum of 5 days on each occasion or, upon
application and | 7 |
| payment of a $150 fee, may receive a limited license to | 8 |
| conduct
bingo at no more than 2 indoor or outdoor festivals | 9 |
| in a year for up to 3 years
for a maximum of 5 days on each | 10 |
| occasion . Such limited
license shall be prominently | 11 |
| displayed at the site of the bingo games.
| 12 |
| (4) The licensee shall display a license in a prominent | 13 |
| place in the area
where it is to conduct bingo.
| 14 |
| (5) The proceeds from the license fee imposed by this | 15 |
| Act shall be paid
into the General Revenue Fund of the | 16 |
| State Treasury.
| 17 |
| (6) A license authorizes the licensee to conduct the | 18 |
| game commonly known
as bingo, in which prizes are awarded | 19 |
| on the basis of designated numbers
or symbols on a card | 20 |
| conforming to numbers or symbols selected at random.
| 21 |
| (7) The Director has the power to issue or to refuse to | 22 |
| issue a license
permitting a person, firm or corporation to | 23 |
| provide premises for the
conduct of bingo; provided, | 24 |
| however, that a municipality shall not be
required to | 25 |
| obtain a license to provide such premises. The fee for such
| 26 |
| providers' license is $200. A person, firm or corporation | 27 |
| holding such a
license may receive reasonable expenses for | 28 |
| providing premises for
conducting bingo. Reasonable | 29 |
| expenses shall include only those expenses
defined as | 30 |
| reasonable by rules promulgated by the Department.
| 31 |
| (8) The Department may issue restricted licenses to | 32 |
| senior citizens
organizations. The fee for a restricted | 33 |
| license is $10 per year
or $30 for 3 years . Restricted | 34 |
| licenses shall be subject to the following
| 35 |
| (A) Bingo shall be conducted only at a facility | 36 |
| which is owned by a unit
of local government to which |
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| the corporate authorities have given their
approval | 2 |
| and which is used to provide social services or a
| 3 |
| meeting place to senior citizens, or in common areas in | 4 |
| multi-unit federally
assisted rental housing | 5 |
| maintained solely for the elderly and handicapped;
| 6 |
| (B) The price paid for a single card shall not | 7 |
| exceed 5 cents;
| 8 |
| (C) The aggregate retail value of all prizes or | 9 |
| merchandise awarded in
any one game of bingo shall not | 10 |
| exceed $1;
| 11 |
| (D) No person or organization shall participate in | 12 |
| the management or
operation of bingo under a restricted | 13 |
| license if the person or organization
would be | 14 |
| ineligible for a license under this Section;
| 15 |
| (E) No license is required to provide premises for | 16 |
| bingo conducted under
a restricted license; and
| 17 |
| (F) The Department may, by rule, exempt restricted | 18 |
| licensees from such
requirements of this Act as the | 19 |
| Department may deem appropriate.
| 20 |
| The Director has the power to issue a license permitting an | 21 |
| Illinois person,
firm or corporation to sell, lease or | 22 |
| distribute to any organization licensed
to conduct bingo games | 23 |
| or to any licensed bingo supplier all cards, boards,
sheets, | 24 |
| markers, pads and all other supplies, devices and equipment
| 25 |
| designed for use in the play of bingo. No person, firm or | 26 |
| corporation shall
sell, lease or distribute bingo supplies or | 27 |
| equipment without having first
obtained a license therefor upon | 28 |
| written application made, verified and
filed with the | 29 |
| Department in the form prescribed by the rules and
regulations | 30 |
| of the Department. The fee for such license is $200.
| 31 |
| Applications for providers' and suppliers' licenses shall | 32 |
| be made in writing
in accordance with Department rules. Each | 33 |
| providers' or suppliers' license
is valid for one year from | 34 |
| date of issuance, unless suspended or revoked by
Department | 35 |
| action before that date.
| 36 |
| The following are ineligible for any license under this |
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| 1 |
| Act:
| 2 |
| (a) any person who has been convicted of a felony;
| 3 |
| (b) any person who has been convicted of a violation of | 4 |
| Article 28 of
the "Criminal Code of 1961";
| 5 |
| (c) any person found gambling, participating in | 6 |
| gambling or knowingly
permitting gambling on premises | 7 |
| where bingo is being conducted;
| 8 |
| (d) any firm or corporation in which a person defined | 9 |
| in (a), (b) or (c)
has a proprietary, equitable or credit | 10 |
| interest, or in which such person
is active or employed;
| 11 |
| (e) any organization in which a person defined in (a), | 12 |
| (b) or (c) is an
officer, director, or employee, whether | 13 |
| compensated or not;
| 14 |
| (f) any organization in which a person defined in (a), | 15 |
| (b) or (c) is to
participate in the management or operation | 16 |
| of a bingo game.
| 17 |
| (Source: P.A. 87-758.)
| 18 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, | 19 |
| 2004.