Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0983
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0983  103rd General Assembly



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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate Sylvia Marie Johnson Jones, Ed.D. on the occasion
4of her retirement as executive director of the Career and Job
5Placement Center at the College of Lake County; and
6    WHEREAS, Dr. Johnson Jones is an educator, a leader, a
7mentor, a certified career coach, and a philanthropist; and
8    WHEREAS, Dr. Johnson Jones earned her Bachelor of Science
9in Healthcare from Southern Illinois University Carbondale,
10her Master of Arts in Human Resource Development from
11Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, and her Doctor of
12Education from Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee,
13Wisconsin; and
14    WHEREAS, Prior to joining the education sector, Dr.
15Johnson Jones was employed in various positions, including
16management at the Lake County Health Department from 2001 to
172004; and
18    WHEREAS, Dr. Johnson Jones initially joined the College of
19Lake County as director of Career Services in 2004, a position
20she held until 2007, before serving as an adjunct faculty
21member from 2007 to 2008; she became executive director of the



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1Career and Job Placement Center in 2007, where she served
2until her retirement; and
3    WHEREAS, Dr. Johnson Jones has had a 30-year career in
4workforce development education and training; she has
5presented on various workforce and education topics at local,
6regional, and national conferences; she has also been
7published in a book that covers narratives on modeling,
8mentoring, and other mothering; and
9    WHEREAS, Dr. Johnson Jones is the founder and CEO of the
10SMJ Scholarship Fund and Shining Stars, which she established
11in 2009; she has raised $40,000 in scholarships for North
12Chicago Community High School seniors aspiring to further
13their education; and
14    WHEREAS, Dr. Johnson Jones has further contributed to her
15community through serving as vice president of the Lake County
16Health Department and Community Health Center, vice president
17of North Chicago Community Unit School District 187, and
18president of the Waukegan Township Coalition to Reduce
19Recidivism; she is also a life member of the NAACP Lake County
20Branch, a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and a
21member of nonprofit The Links, Inc.; and
22    WHEREAS, Dr. Johnson Jones has been the recipient of



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1various awards, including the Most Influential African
2American Educational Award, the Martin Luther King Jr.
3Humanitarian Award from the College of Lake County, the Unity
4Values Recognition Award from the College of Lake County, the
5Women's History Month of Lake County Award by the Lake County
6Chamber of Commerce, and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s
7Dreamers Award by the Waukegan Township; and
8    WHEREAS, Dr. Johnson Jones is known as an advocate for the
9underserved and underprivileged, and she remains dedicated to
10giving back to the Lake County community; therefore, be it
12ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Sylvia
13Marie Johnson Jones, Ed.D. on her retirement as executive
14director of the Career and Job Placement Center at the College
15of Lake County; and be it further
16    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
17presented to Dr. Johnson Jones as an expression of our esteem
18and respect.