Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0536
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0536  103rd General Assembly



SR0536LRB103 34925 LAW 64801 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Wyonia Nix Coleman, who passed away on
4October 13, 2023; and
5    WHEREAS, Wyonia Coleman was born to Sidney L. Nix Sr. and
6Lela R. Nix in Coatopa, Alabama on September 9, 1945; she
7committed to her faith at an early age and was baptized at Oak
8Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Coatopa; she received her
9education through the Belmont school system; after her high
10school graduation, she moved to New Jersey to seek employment;
11she later moved to and settled in Waukegan, Illinois; and
12    WHEREAS, Wyonia Coleman married George Phelps, and they
13had two children together, Susan and Tina, and raised an older
14daughter, Erma; later in life, she had her last child,
15Lynette; she married Sheriff Perry Coleman, and he preceded
16her in death; and
17    WHEREAS, Wyonia Coleman was employed with Naval Station
18Great Lakes at Galley 535 for 25 years and Baxter's Food
19Service Aramark for 20 years before retiring; and
20    WHEREAS, Wyonia Coleman eventually joined and became a
21faithful member of the Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church,



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1where she served on the Mother's Board and wherever she was
2needed; she was fondly known as "Mother Coleman" by her fellow
3parishioners; and
4    WHEREAS, Wyonia Coleman, affectionately known as "Doll
5Baby", loved giving and feeding whomever was in need; she
6possessed a strong work ethic, a skill she passed on to her
7children and siblings; she will be remembered for her
8beautiful smile, for bestowing kind words to all, and for
9loving her family dearly; and
10    WHEREAS, Wyonia Coleman was preceded in death by her
11parents; her sister, Corine Chambers; and her brothers, Sidney
12Nix Jr., Henry L. Nix, John W. Nix, Selton Nix, and Elmer Nix;
14    WHEREAS, Wyonia Coleman is survived by her daughters, Erma
15Graham, Susan (Kevin Hall) Phelps, Tina Phelps, and Lynette
16Phelps; her grandchildren, Mikayla Hall, Liam Phelps, Lybria
17Phelps, Antonio Waller Jr., and Lela Phelps; her
18great-grandchild, Lamyah Phelps; her brothers, Joseph (Mattie)
19Nix and Bennett (Rosie) Nix; her sisters, Doris (Bernard) Nix
20and Deborah (Rod) Stinson; a host of nieces, nephews, cousins,
21extended Wheeler family members, and church family; her best
22friends, Mary Cunningham and Mary Darden; and many other
23friends; therefore, be it



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2ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
3Wyonia Nix Coleman and extend our sincere condolences to her
4family, friends, and all who knew and loved her; and be it
6    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to the family of Wyonia Coleman as an expression of
8our deepest sympathy.