Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0032
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0032  103rd General Assembly




SR0032LRB103 27892 LAW 54270 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of JoHaan Parise Cotton Wilson; and
4    WHEREAS, JoHaan Cotton Wilson was born on September 20,
51960; she earned her Bachelor of Arts from Texas Southern
6University; she continued her education in Human Resource
7Management at National Louis University and Metaphysical
8Science at the University of Sedona; she was inducted into
9Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on April 26, 1997; and
10    WHEREAS, JoHaan Cotton Wilson served as academic coach and
11events coordinator for the College of Lake County (CLC) on the
12Lakeshore Campus; she was also the coordinator and host of the
13Annual Salute to Gospel Program; she began her career at CLC as
14a community outreach and special projects coordinator on the
15Lakeshore Campus in March 1992; throughout her 30-year career
16of dedication and service to the Lakeshore Campus in
17coordinating student support and community programs, she
18ensured that students were always the focus of CLC initiatives
19and that the institution was a valuable asset to the
20community; she was known for her exemplary dedication and
21commitment to serving students and the community; and
22    WHEREAS, JoHaan Cotton Wilson continued her commitment to



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1communities around the country through her advocacy in the
2National Alliance of Faith and Justice, where she served as
3Illinois State Coordinator for its national Pen or Pencil
4program, and the National Association of Blacks in Criminal
5Justice; she was the founder and CEO of the Juneteenth
6Cultural Committee of Lake County, establishing the
7county-wide Juneteenth festival; she also served as the Lake
8County Coordinator of the Corporation for National and
9Community Service and was a board member of Trinity Universal
10Center, KoCo Women, and the Youth Empowerment Foundation,
11among others; and
12    WHEREAS, JoHaan Cotton Wilson was a member of Trinity
13United Church of Christ; therefore, be it
15ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
16JoHaan Parise Cotton Wilson and extend our sincere condolences
17to her family, friends, and all who knew and loved her; and be
18it further
19    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
20presented to the family of JoHaan Cotton Wilson as an
21expression of our deepest sympathy.