Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1280
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1280  103rd General Assembly



SR1280LRB103 43090 ECR 76347 r


2    WHEREAS, Captain James A. Lovell, a resident of Lake
3Forest, is the oldest living former astronaut of the National
4Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); and
5    WHEREAS, Captain Lovell was born in Cleveland, Ohio on
6March 25, 1928; he attended the University of Wisconsin and
7received a Bachelor of Science from the U.S. Naval Academy in
81952; he graduated from Test Pilot School at the Naval Air
9Training Command in 1958, Aviation Safety School at the
10University of Southern California in 1961, and the Advanced
11Management Program at the Harvard Business School in 1971; he
12has received honorary doctorates from a number of institutions
13of higher learning, including Rockhurst College, Illinois
14Wesleyan University, Western Michigan University, Mary
15Hardin-Baylor College, and the Milwaukee School of
16Engineering; and
17    WHEREAS, During his naval career, Captain Lovell had
18numerous aviator assignments, including a four-year tour as a
19test pilot at the Naval Air Test Center; while there, he served
20as program manager for the F4H Phantom Fighter; he also served
21as safety engineer with Fighter Squadron 101 at the Naval Air
22Station; he has logged more than 7,000 hours of flying time and
23more than 3,500 hours in jet aircraft; and



SR1280- 2 -LRB103 43090 ECR 76347 r

1    WHEREAS, Captain Lovell was selected to be an astronaut
2for NASA in September 1962; he served as a backup pilot for the
3Gemini 4 flight, as a backup commander for the Gemini 9 flight,
4and as a backup commander to Neil Armstrong for the Apollo 11
5lunar landing mission; and
6    WHEREAS, On December 4, 1965, Captain Lovell and Frank
7Borman were launched into space on the history-making Gemini 7
8mission, where the first rendezvous of two manned maneuverable
9spacecraft occurred; along with pilot Edwin Aldrin, he flew
10the Gemini 12 mission from November 11 through November 14,
111966; and
12    WHEREAS, Captain Lovell served as command module pilot and
13navigator on the six-day journey of Apollo 8 from December 21
14to December 27, 1968; he and his fellow crewmen, Frank Borman
15and William A. Anders, became the first humans to leave the
16Earth's gravitational influence and orbit the moon, and this
17mission marked the first time humans were able to see and
18photograph the far side of the moon, leading to the capture of
19the famous Earthrise photograph; and
20    WHEREAS, Captain Lovell completed his fourth mission as
21spacecraft commander of the Apollo 13 flight from April 11 to
22April 17, 1970, becoming the first man to journey twice to the



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1moon; despite a catastrophic malfunction on the Apollo 13, he
2and his crew were able to return to Earth safely; and
3    WHEREAS, Captain Lovell retired from the Navy and from the
4Space Program to the join Bay-Houston Towing Company in
5Houston, Texas on March 1, 1973; he was promoted to the
6position of president and chief executive officer at the
7company on March 1, 1975; he became president of Fisk
8Telephone Systems, Inc. in Houston, Texas on January 1, 1977;
9he was appointed group vice president of Business
10Communications Systems at the Centel Corporation on January 1,
111981; he retired from Centel as executive vice president and
12as a member of the board of directors on January 1, 1991; and
13    WHEREAS, Captain Lovell served as a trustee of the
14National Space Institute, as a fellow of the Society of
15Experimental Test Pilots and the American Astronautical
16Society, as a member of the Explorers Club, on the board of
17directors of the Federal Signal Corporation, the Astronautics
18Corporation of America, and the Astronaut Memorial Foundation,
19on the Sports Medicine Advisory Board at Rush Presbyterian at
20St. Luke's Medical Center, on the board of trustees of Lake
21Forest College, as a trustee of the National Space Institute
22and the Association of Space Explorers, and as the chairman of
23the National Eagle Scouts Association; he served as director
24of the Federal Signal Corporation and the Chicago Astronautics



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1Corporation of America; he is a regent emeritus for the
2Milwaukee School of Engineering; and
3    WHEREAS, Captain Lovell received the Harmon International
4Trophy in 1966, 1967, and 1969, the FAI De Laval and Gold Space
5Medals in 1967, the Robert J. Collier Trophy in 1968, the
6Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy in 1969, the H. H. Arnold
7Trophy in 1969, the General Thomas D. White USAF Space Trophy
8in 1969, the City of New York Gold Medal in 1969, the City of
9Houston Medal of Valor in 1969, the National Academy of
10Television Arts and Sciences Special Trustees Award in 1969,
11the Institute of Navigation Award in 1969, the AIAA Haley
12Astronautics Award in 1970, the University of Wisconsin's
13Distinguished Alumni Service Award in 1970, the Presidential
14Medal of Freedom in 1970, the Sam Houston Area Council
15Distinguished Eagle Scout Award in 1976, the Lincoln
16Leadership Prize in 2010, the Order of Lincoln Award in 2012,
17the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, two Navy Distinguished
18Flying Crosses, the American Academy of Achievement Golden
19Plate Award, and the Henry G. Bennett Distinguished Service
20Award; he was also the co-recipient of the American
21Astronautical Society Flight Achievement Award in 1966 and
221968; and
23    WHEREAS, Despite his myriad of achievements, Captain
24Lovell believes his family to be his greatest accomplishment;



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1he married Marilynn Lillie Gerlach at St. Anne's Church in
2Annapolis, Maryland on June 6, 1952, and she passed away on
3August 27, 2023; the two had begun dating while they were in
4high school, and as a college student, Marilyn transferred
5from Wisconsin State Teachers College to George Washington
6University in Washington, D.C., so she could be near Jim while
7he was at Annapolis; together, they welcomed four children,
8Barbara, James, Susan, and Jeffrey; therefore, be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we declare December
1121, 2024 as Captain James A. Lovell Day in the State of
12Illinois; and be it further
13    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
14presented to Captain Lovell as a symbol of our esteem and