Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB0693
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB0693  103rd General Assembly



SB0693 EnrolledLRB103 03146 AWJ 48152 b

1    AN ACT concerning local government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Illinois Waterway Ports Commission Act is
5amended by changing Sections 5, 10, and 15 as follows:
6    (70 ILCS 1816/5)
7    Sec. 5. Creation; membership; administrative support.
8    (a) The Illinois Waterway Ports Commission is hereby
9created. The Commission shall exercise jurisdiction with
10respect to the duties and powers delegated to it under this Act
11within the following port districts and counties: the Seneca
12Regional Port District, the Ottawa Port District, the Illinois
13Valley Regional Port District, the Heart of Illinois Regional
14Port District, and the Havana Port District and Fulton, Mason,
15Tazewell, Peoria, Woodford, Marshall, Putnam, Bureau, LaSalle,
16and Grundy counties.
17    (b) The Commission shall consist of the following 9
18appointed members:
19        (1) a member appointed by the Chairperson of the Board
20    of the Seneca Regional Port District, appointed by the
21    Chairperson of the Board;
22        (2) a member appointed by the Chairperson of the Board
23    of the Ottawa Port District, appointed by the Chairperson



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1    of the Board;
2        (3) a member appointed by the Chairperson of the Board
3    of the Illinois Valley Regional Port District, appointed
4    by the Chairperson of the Board;
5        (4) a member appointed by the Chairperson of the Board
6    of the Heart of Illinois Regional Port District, appointed
7    by the Chairperson of the Board;
8        (5) a member appointed by the Chairperson of the Board
9    of the Havana Regional Port District, appointed by the
10    Chairperson of the Board;
11        (6) a member from a not-for-profit organization that
12    assists with local government planning within the northern
13    territory of the Commission, appointed by the majority
14    vote of the chairpersons of the Seneca Regional Port
15    District, Ottawa Port District, Illinois Valley Regional
16    Port District, Heart of Illinois Regional Port District,
17    and Havana Regional Port District;
18        (7) a member appointed by the Tri-County Regional
19    Planning Commission from the Tri-County Regional Planning
20    Commission;
21        (8) a member from a not-for-profit organization that
22    assists with local government planning within the southern
23    territory of the Commission, appointed by the majority
24    vote of the chairpersons of the Seneca Regional Port
25    District, Ottawa Port District, Illinois Valley Regional
26    Port District, Heart of Illinois Regional Port District,



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1    and Havana Regional Port District;
2        (9) a member that is recommended by the Chairperson of
3    the Board of the Heart of Illinois Regional Port District
4    and appointed by the majority vote of the chairpersons of
5    the Seneca Regional Port District, Ottawa Port District,
6    Illinois Valley Regional Port District, Heart of Illinois
7    Regional Port District, and Havana Regional Port District.
8    The members shall be appointed no later than 90 days after
9the effective date of this Act. The members shall hold office
10for a period of 6 years, or until a successor has been
11appointed, and the members shall serve without compensation.
12At the expiration of the term of an appointed member, the
13person, organization, chairperson, or chairpersons who
14appointed the member shall appoint a successor who shall hold
15office for 6 years or until a successor has been appointed.
16    (c) The members of the Commission shall elect a
17chairperson of the Commission for a 2-year term after all the
18members are selected. A member of the Commission shall not
19serve more than 2 terms as chairperson.
20    (d) If a vacancy occurs in the Commission membership, the
21vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original
22appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term.
23    (e) The Commission shall meet no less than once a year.
24    (f) The Heart of Illinois Regional Port District shall
25provide administrative support and other support to the



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1(Source: P.A. 103-214, eff. 6-30-23.)
2    (70 ILCS 1816/10)
3    Sec. 10. Duties. The Commission has the following duties:
4    (1) to coordinate and synchronize common efforts and
5initiatives within the areas over which it has jurisdiction
6under this Act in order to enhance the reporting and benefits
7of statistical data;
8    (2) to make recommendations to the Governor, the General
9Assembly, Congress, and federal agencies on regional issues
10that impact multimodal transportation, economic development,
11environmental sustainability, and climate resiliency within
12the areas over which it has jurisdiction under this Act;
13    (3) to coordinate and synchronize common efforts and
14initiatives with the Mid-America Port Commission and the
15Joliet Regional Port District;
16    (4) to coordinate and synchronize federal activities
17associated with the nonfederal sponsorship and development of
18the M-55 Illinois-Gulf Marine Highway; and
19    (5) to request funding or assist in requesting funding, as
20it deems necessary, for those areas over which it has
21jurisdiction under this Act.
22(Source: P.A. 103-214, eff. 6-30-23.)
23    (70 ILCS 1816/15)
24    Sec. 15. Powers.



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1    (a) The Commission may request funding from any federal,
2state, municipal, or local government or any other person or
3organization for purposes of the Commission within the
4Commission's jurisdiction. The individual port districts
5within the Commission's jurisdiction retain authority to
6request funding from any federal, state, municipal, or local
7government or any other person or organization for purposes of
8the individual port districts within the Commission area.
9    (b) The Commission may enter into a memorandum of
10understanding or intergovernmental agreement with the State, a
11unit of local government, or a federal governmental
12organization in the performance of its duties. The Commission
13may not exercise control over an a operation of a port district
14established by any other law except by voluntary agreement
15between the port district and the Commission.
16    (c) The Commission may acquire, purchase, install, lease,
17construct, own, hold, maintain, equip, use, control, or
18operate ports, harbors, waterways, channels, wharves, piers,
19docks, quays, elevators, tipples, compresses, bulk loading and
20unloading facilities, warehouse, dry docks, marine support
21railways, tugboats, ships, vessels, shipyards, shipbuilding
22facilities, machinery and equipment dredges, or any other
23facilities required or incidental to the construction,
24outfitting, dry docking, or repair of ships or vessels, or
25water, air, or rail terminals, or roadways or approaches to
26the facilities or other structures or facilities necessary for



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1the convenient use of the same in the aid of commerce,
2including the dredging, deepening, extending, widening, or
3enlarging of any ports, harbors, rivers, channels, or
4waterways, the damming of inland waterways, the establishment
5of a water basin, the acquisition and development of
6industrial sites, or the reclaiming of submerged lands.
7    (d) The Commission may not exercise control over the
8operation of port districts established by any other law of
9the State, except by voluntary agreement between the port
10district and the Commission.
11    (e) (c) The Commission may perform any other act that may
12be useful in performing its duties under Section 10 or powers
13under this Section, including, but not limited to, enhancing
14the reporting and benefits of statistical data.
15(Source: P.A. 103-214, eff. 6-30-23; revised 9-25-23.)
16    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
17becoming law.