Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB0689
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB0689  103rd General Assembly




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1    AN ACT concerning local government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Illinois Local Library Act is amended by
5adding Section 1-8 as follows:
6    (75 ILCS 5/1-8 new)
7    Sec. 1-8. Book bans prohibited. The board of trustees or
8staff of a public library established under this Act shall not
9limit access to biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, or any
10other books or materials in the library or prohibit the
11purchase for the library's collection of biographies,
12autobiographies, memoirs, or any other books or materials
13based upon the depiction in those books or materials of
14matters of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, sexual and
15reproductive health, gender identity, religion, human rights
16activism, or any other subject. This Section does not restrict
17the board of trustees or staff of a public library established
18under this Act from imposing limitations on access to books or
19materials in the library for public safety reasons or based
20upon the age and developmental level of persons who will have
21access to those books or materials.
22    Section 10. The Illinois Library System Act is amended by



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1changing Section 3 as follows:
2    (75 ILCS 10/3)  (from Ch. 81, par. 113)
3    Sec. 3. The State Librarian and his or her staff shall
4administer the provisions of this Act and shall prescribe such
5rules and regulations as are necessary to carry the provisions
6of this Act into effect.
7    The rules and regulations established by the State
8Librarian for the administration of this Act shall be designed
9to achieve the following standards and objectives:
10    (A) provide library service for every citizen in the state
11by extending library facilities to areas not now served; .
12    (B) provide library materials for student needs at every
13educational level; .
14    (C) provide adequate library materials to satisfy the
15reference and research needs of the people of this state; .
16    (D) provide an adequate staff of professionally trained
17librarians for the state; .
18    (E) provide an adequate stock of books and other materials
19sufficient in size and varied in kind and subject matter to
20satisfy the library needs of the people of this state; .
21    (F) provide adequate library outlets and facilities
22convenient in time and place to serve the people of this
23state; .
24    (G) encourage existing and new libraries to develop
25library systems serving a sufficiently large population to



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1support adequate library service at reasonable cost; .
2    (H) foster the economic and efficient utilization of
3public funds; .
4    (I) promote the full utilization of local pride,
5responsibility, initiative and support of library service and
6at the same time employ state aid as a supplement to local
7support; and .
8    (J) prohibit the library systems established under this
9Act and their staff from limiting access to biographies,
10autobiographies, memoirs, or any other books or materials and
11prohibit the purchase of biographies, autobiographies,
12memoirs, or any other books or materials based upon the
13depiction in those books or materials of matters of race,
14ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion,
15human rights activism, or any other subject. This paragraph
16(J) does not restrict a library system or its staff from
17imposing limitations on access to books or materials in the
18library system for public safety reasons or based upon the age
19and developmental level of persons who will have access to
20those books or materials.
21    The Advisory Committee of the Illinois State Library shall
22confer with, advise and make recommendations to the State
23Librarian regarding any matter under this Act and particularly
24with reference to the formation of library systems.
25(Source: Laws 1965, p. 3077.)



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1    Section 15. The Public Library District Act of 1991 is
2amended by adding Section 1-60 as follows:
3    (75 ILCS 16/1-60 new)
4    Sec. 1-60. Book bans prohibited. The board of trustees or
5staff of a library established under this Act shall not limit
6access to biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, or any other
7books or materials in the library or prohibit the purchase for
8the library's collection of biographies, autobiographies,
9memoirs, or any other books or materials based upon the
10depiction in those materials of matters of race, ethnicity,
11sexual orientation, sexual and reproductive health, gender
12identity, religion, human rights activism, or any other
13subject. This Section does not restrict the board of trustees
14or staff of a library established under this Act from imposing
15limitations on access to books or materials in the library for
16public safety reasons or based upon the age and developmental
17level of persons who will have access to those books or
19    Section 20. The Village Library Act is amended by adding
20Section 6 as follows:
21    (75 ILCS 40/6 new)
22    Sec. 6. Book bans prohibited. The board of trustees or
23staff of a village library established under this Act shall



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1not limit access to biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, or
2any other books or materials in the library or prohibit the
3purchase for the village library's collection of biographies,
4autobiographies, memoirs, or any other books or materials
5based upon the depiction in those materials of matters of
6race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, sexual and reproductive
7health, gender identity, religion, human rights activism, or
8any other subject. This Section does not restrict the board of
9trustees of a village library established under this Act from
10imposing limitations on access to books or materials in the
11village library for public safety reasons or based upon the
12age and developmental level of persons who will have access to
13those books or materials.
14    Section 25. The School Code is amended by by adding
15Sections 10-20.85 and 34-18.82 as follows:
16    (105 ILCS 5/10-20.85 new)
17    Sec. 10-20.85. Book bans prohibited. Neither a school
18district nor its staff shall limit access to biographies,
19autobiographies, memoirs, or any other books or materials in a
20school library or prohibit the purchase for the school
21library's collection of biographies, autobiographies, memoirs,
22or any other books or materials based upon the depiction in
23those materials of matters of race, ethnicity, sexual
24orientation, sexual and reproductive health, gender identity,



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1religion, human rights activism, or any other subject. This
2Section does not restrict a school district or its staff from
3imposing limitations on access to books or materials in a
4school library for public safety reasons or based upon the age
5and developmental level of students who will have access to
6those books or materials.
7    (105 ILCS 5/34-18.82 new)
8    Sec. 34-18.82. Book bans prohibited. Neither the school
9district nor its staff shall limit access to biographies,
10autobiographies, memoirs, or any other books or materials in a
11school library or prohibit the purchase for the school
12library's collection of biographies, autobiographies, memoirs,
13or any other books or materials based upon the depiction in
14those materials of matters of race, ethnicity, sexual
15orientation, sexual and reproductive health, gender identity,
16religion, human rights activism, or any other subject. This
17Section does not restrict the school district or its staff
18from imposing limitations on access to books or materials in a
19school library for public safety reasons or based upon the age
20and developmental level of students who will have access to
21those books or materials.