Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB3351
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB3351  103rd General Assembly



SB3351 EnrolledLRB103 38388 KTG 68523 b

1    AN ACT concerning housing.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Subsidized Housing Joint Occupancy Act is
5amended by changing Sections 2 and 4 as follows:
6    (310 ILCS 75/2)  (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 1352)
7    Sec. 2. Legislative findings. The General Assembly makes
8the following findings:
9    (1) Elderly persons and persons with disabilities
10frequently desire to share a residence (i) to maximize the
11effectiveness of the portion of their often limited incomes
12that is spent for housing; (ii) for protection; and (iii) for
13assistance in performing necessary daily tasks of life such as
14cooking and cleaning.
15    (1-5) Elderly parents of adult children with disabilities
16frequently desire to share a residence with their adult child
17with disabilities (i) to maximize the effectiveness of the
18portion of their often-limited incomes that is spent for
19housing; (ii) for protection; and (iii) for assistance in
20performing necessary daily tasks of life such as cooking and
22    (2) Many elderly persons and persons with disabilities
23desire to live in federally subsidized housing units because



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1of their limited incomes.
2    (3) Rules of the federal Department of Housing and Urban
3Development permit 2 or more unrelated elderly persons or
4persons with disabilities to occupy the same unit in federally
5subsidized housing, although local housing authorities
6frequently do not permit those persons to occupy the same
8    (3-5) Rules of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
9Development do not force persons of different generations or
10opposite sex to share the same bedroom in federally subsidized
11housing, although local housing authorities frequently require
12that living situation based upon the local housing authority's
13occupancy standards.
14    (4) The State of Illinois should do all it can to assist
15its elderly persons and persons with disabilities in
16maximizing the effectiveness of their incomes and to insure
17that those citizens are not unnecessarily burdened in
18accomplishing the daily tasks of life.
19(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
20    (310 ILCS 75/4)  (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 1354)
21    Sec. 4. Joint occupancy of subsidized housing.
22    (a) Two elderly persons or two persons with disabilities
23who are not related to each other by blood or marriage shall
24not be prohibited from jointly occupying subsidized housing or
25a unit of subsidized housing solely because they are not



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1related, provided they have filed a form for such joint
2occupation with the clerk of the county in which the housing
3they seek to occupy is located and otherwise meet all other
4eligibility requirements. A member of the joint occupancy may
5withdraw from the joint occupancy at any time.
6    (b) An elderly parent with an adult child with
7disabilities of the opposite sex shall not be required to
8occupy subsidized housing with only one bedroom. Exceptions to
9the largest permissible unit size for subsidized housing shall
10be made when the elderly parent and adult child with
11disabilities of the opposite sex otherwise meet all other
12eligibility requirements.
13(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)