Full Text of HR0023 102nd General Assembly
| | HR0023 | | LRB102 03841 MST 13855 r |
| 2 | | WHEREAS, Preeclampsia is a serious disease related to high | 3 | | blood pressure that can strike quickly and happen to any | 4 | | pregnant woman during the second half of her pregnancy or up to | 5 | | six weeks after delivery; finding preeclampsia early is | 6 | | important for both mothers and their babies; and
| 7 | | WHEREAS, Preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of | 8 | | pregnancy (HPDs) are the leading cause of maternal and infant | 9 | | death worldwide; approximately 76,000 maternal and 500,000 | 10 | | infant deaths occur every year as a result of HPDs; and
| 11 | | WHEREAS, Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are also a | 12 | | leading cause of maternal and infant illness; preeclampsia is | 13 | | a common cause of caregiver-initiated preterm delivery and | 14 | | accounts for approximately 20 percent of all intensive care | 15 | | unit admissions of newborn babies; and
| 16 | | WHEREAS, For mothers, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy | 17 | | can cause complications with long-lasting consequences, such | 18 | | as stroke; hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are strongly | 19 | | associated with a heightened risk of future cardiovascular | 20 | | disease, the leading non-communicable disease (NCD) worldwide; | 21 | | and
| | | HR0023 | - 2 - | LRB102 03841 MST 13855 r |
| 1 | | WHEREAS, Too many lives are taken or seriously affected by | 2 | | hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, which is especially true | 3 | | in countries where access to care is limited; with no known | 4 | | cause, the need for basic and clinical research to advance our | 5 | | medical understanding and healthcare practices must be | 6 | | prioritized; therefore, be it
| 7 | | RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE | 8 | | HUNDRED SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that | 9 | | we recognize World Preeclampsia Day on May 22, 2021 and its | 10 | | initiative to raise awareness of preeclampsia and its global | 11 | | impact on the lives of mothers, babies, and families; and be it | 12 | | further
| 13 | | RESOLVED, That we support all efforts that call upon | 14 | | governments and health systems to recognize the importance of | 15 | | detecting and diagnosing risk factors and preventing and | 16 | | treating hypertensive pregnancy disorders, that encourage | 17 | | additional research funding into preeclampsia and related | 18 | | disorders, that prioritize patient and community education and | 19 | | treatment for these disorders, that prioritize education, | 20 | | training, and access to medical resources for healthcare | 21 | | providers, that address prevention through a better | 22 | | understanding of the causes, and that encourage collaboration | 23 | | and partnerships between public and private sector | 24 | | organizations to support and advance these goals.