Full Text of HB1974 102nd General Assembly
State of Illinois
2021 and 2022 HB1974 Introduced 2/17/2021, by Rep. Lawrence Walsh, Jr. SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
| 520 ILCS 5/1.2q-1 new | | 520 ILCS 5/1.2q-2 new | | 520 ILCS 5/2.37 | from Ch. 61, par. 2.37 | 520 ILCS 5/3.1-2 | from Ch. 61, par. 3.1-2 | 520 ILCS 5/3.1-4 | | 520 ILCS 5/3.1-7 | | 520 ILCS 5/3.3 | from Ch. 61, par. 3.3 |
Amends the Wildlife Code. Provides that a veteran who is certified by the Department of Veterans' Affairs to be at least 10% disabled with service related disabilities or who is in receipt of total disability pension may trap, as permitted by the Code, without procuring a trapping license. Provides further that a military member returning from mobilization and service outside the United States who is an Illinois resident may trap, as permitted by the Code, without paying any fees required to obtain a trapping license, if he or she applies for the license within 2 years after returning from service abroad or after mobilization. Adds trapping licenses to the terminally ill hunter licensing program. Provides that persons on active duty in the Armed Forces or Illinois residents with a Type 1 or Type 4, Class 2 disability as defined in the Illinois Identification Card Act may trap, as permitted by the Code, without procuring a trapping license. Adds definitions. Effective immediately.
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| | A BILL FOR |
| | | HB1974 | | LRB102 11758 KMF 17093 b |
| 1 | | AN ACT concerning wildlife.
| 2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 | | Section 5. The Wildlife Code is amended by changing | 5 | | Sections 2.37, 3.1-2, 3.1-4, 3.1-7, and 3.3 and by adding | 6 | | Sections 1.2q-1 and 1.2q-2 as follows: | 7 | | (520 ILCS 5/1.2q-1 new) | 8 | | Sec. 1.2q-1. Trapping license. "Trapping license" means an | 9 | | electronic or physical license authorizing the person to take | 10 | | a certain type of animal during a specified period of time. | 11 | | (520 ILCS 5/1.2q-2 new) | 12 | | Sec. 1.2q-2. Nuisance Wildlife Control Permit. "Nuisance | 13 | | Wildlife Control Permit" means an electronic or physical | 14 | | license authorizing the person to take a certain type of | 15 | | animal as provided in Section 2.37.
| 16 | | (520 ILCS 5/2.37) (from Ch. 61, par. 2.37)
| 17 | | Sec. 2.37. Authority to kill wildlife responsible for | 18 | | damage. Subject to
federal regulations and Section 3 of the | 19 | | Illinois Endangered Species Act, the Department may authorize | 20 | | owners
tenants of lands or their agents to remove or | 21 | | destroy any wild bird
or wild mammal when the wild bird or
wild |
| | | HB1974 | - 2 - | LRB102 11758 KMF 17093 b |
| 1 | | mammal
is known to be destroying property or causing a risk to | 2 | | human health or
safety upon his or her land.
| 3 | | Upon receipt by the Department of information from the | 4 | | owner, tenant,
or sharecropper that any one or more species of | 5 | | wildlife is damaging dams, levees, ditches, cattle pastures, | 6 | | or other
property on the land on which he resides or controls, | 7 | | together with a
statement regarding location of the property | 8 | | damages, the nature and
extent of the damage, and the | 9 | | particular species of wildlife committing
the damage, the | 10 | | Department shall make an investigation.
| 11 | | If, after investigation, the Department finds
that damage | 12 | | does exist and
can be abated only by removing or destroying
| 13 | | that wildlife, a permit shall be
issued by the Department to | 14 | | remove or destroy the species responsible for causing
the | 15 | | damage.
| 16 | | A permit to control
the damage shall be for a period of up | 17 | | to 90 days,
shall specify the means and methods by which and | 18 | | the person or persons
by whom the wildlife may be removed or | 19 | | destroyed, and shall set forth the
disposition procedure to be | 20 | | made of all wildlife taken and other
restrictions the Director
| 21 | | considers necessary and appropriate in the
circumstances of | 22 | | the particular case. Whenever possible, the specimens
| 23 | | destroyed shall be given to a bona-fide public or State | 24 | | scientific,
educational, or zoological institution.
| 25 | | The permittee shall advise the
Department in writing, | 26 | | within 10 days after the expiration date of
the permit, of the |
| | | HB1974 | - 3 - | LRB102 11758 KMF 17093 b |
| 1 | | number of individual species of wildlife
taken, disposition | 2 | | made of them, and any other information which
the Department | 3 | | may consider necessary.
| 4 | | Subject to federal regulations and Section 3 of the | 5 | | Illinois Endangered
Species Act, the Department may grant to | 6 | | an individual,
association or a governmental body | 7 | | the authority
to control species protected by this Code | 8 | | pursuant to the issuance of a Nuisance Wildlife Control | 9 | | Permit . The Department
shall set forth applicable regulations
| 10 | | in an Administrative Order and may require periodic reports | 11 | | listing species
taken, numbers of each species taken, dates | 12 | | when taken, and other pertinent
| 13 | | Drainage Districts shall have the authority to control | 14 | | beaver provided
that they must notify the Department in | 15 | | writing that a problem exists and
of their intention to trap | 16 | | the animals at least 7 days before the trapping
begins. The | 17 | | District must identify traps used in beaver control outside
| 18 | | the dates of the furbearer trapping season with metal tags | 19 | | with the district's
name legibly inscribed upon them. During | 20 | | the furtrapping season, traps
must be identified as prescribed | 21 | | by law. Conibear traps at least size 330
shall be used except | 22 | | during the statewide furbearer trapping season. During
that | 23 | | time trappers may use any device that is legal according to the | 24 | | Wildlife
Code. Except during the statewide furbearer trapping | 25 | | season, beaver traps
must be set in water at least 10 inches | 26 | | deep. Except during the statewide
furbearer trapping season, |
| | | HB1974 | - 4 - | LRB102 11758 KMF 17093 b |
| 1 | | traps must be set within 10 feet of an inhabited
bank burrow or | 2 | | house and within 10 feet of a dam maintained by a beaver.
No | 3 | | beaver or other furbearer taken outside of the dates for the | 4 | | furbearer
trapping season may be sold. All animals must be | 5 | | given to the nearest
conservation officer or other Department | 6 | | of Natural Resources representative
within 48 hours
after they | 7 | | are caught. Furbearers taken during the fur trapping season
| 8 | | may be sold provided that they are taken by persons who have | 9 | | valid trapping
licenses in their possession and are lawfully | 10 | | taken. The District must
submit an annual report showing the | 11 | | species and numbers of animals caught.
The report must | 12 | | indicate all species which were taken.
| 13 | | The location of traps or snares authorized under this | 14 | | Section, either by the Department or any other governmental | 15 | | body with the authority to control species protected by this | 16 | | Code, shall be exempt from the provisions of the Freedom of | 17 | | Information Act. | 18 | | (Source: P.A. 97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 97-959, eff. 8-15-12; | 19 | | 98-1045, eff. 8-25-14.)
| 20 | | (520 ILCS 5/3.1-2) (from Ch. 61, par. 3.1-2)
| 21 | | Sec. 3.1-2.
Veterans who, according to the determination | 22 | | of the Veterans'
Administration as certified by the Department | 23 | | of Veterans' Affairs, are
at least 10% disabled with | 24 | | service-related disabilities or in receipt of
total disability | 25 | | pensions may hunt and trap any of the species protected by |
| | | HB1974 | - 5 - | LRB102 11758 KMF 17093 b |
| 1 | | Section
2.2, during such times, with such devices and by such | 2 | | methods as are permitted
by this Act, without procuring | 3 | | hunting and trapping licenses, on the condition that their
| 4 | | respective disabilities do not prevent them from hunting and | 5 | | trapping in a manner which
is safe to themselves and others.
| 6 | | (Source: P.A. 83-58.)
| 7 | | (520 ILCS 5/3.1-4) | 8 | | Sec. 3.1-4. Military members returning from mobilization | 9 | | and service outside the United States. | 10 | | (a) After returning from service abroad or mobilization by | 11 | | the President of the United States as an active duty member of | 12 | | the United States Armed Forces, the Illinois National Guard, | 13 | | or the Reserves of the United States Armed Forces, an Illinois | 14 | | resident may hunt and trap any of the species protected by | 15 | | Section 2.2 of this Code without paying any fees required to | 16 | | obtain a hunting license or a trapping license for the time | 17 | | period prescribed by subsection (b) of this Section if the | 18 | | Illinois resident applies for a license within 2 years after | 19 | | returning from service abroad or mobilization. The applicant | 20 | | shall provide acceptable verification of service or | 21 | | mobilization to the Department either at the Department's | 22 | | office in Springfield or at a Regional Office of the | 23 | | Department. | 24 | | (b) For each year that an applicant is an active duty | 25 | | member pursuant to subsection (a) of this Section, the |
| | | HB1974 | - 6 - | LRB102 11758 KMF 17093 b |
| 1 | | applicant shall receive one free hunting license, one free | 2 | | trapping license, one free Deer Hunting Permit as provided in | 3 | | Section 2.26 of this Code and rules adopted pursuant to that | 4 | | Section, and one free State Habitat Stamp. For the purposes of | 5 | | this determination, if the period of active duty is a portion | 6 | | of a year (for example, one year and 3 months), the applicant | 7 | | will be credited with a full year for the portion of a year | 8 | | served. | 9 | | (c) (Blank).
| 10 | | (c-5) An Illinois resident veteran may obtain an Illinois | 11 | | Hunter Education card if he or she completes the online study | 12 | | section of the Illinois Hunter Education program and provides | 13 | | the Department with acceptable verification of service or | 14 | | mobilization. | 15 | | (d) For the purposes of this Section, "acceptable | 16 | | verification of service or mobilization" means official | 17 | | documentation from the Department of Defense or the | 18 | | appropriate Major Command showing mobilization dates or | 19 | | service abroad dates, including: (i) a DD-214, (ii) a letter | 20 | | from the Illinois Department of Military Affairs for members | 21 | | of the Illinois National Guard, (iii) a letter from the | 22 | | Regional Reserve Command for members of the Armed Forces | 23 | | Reserve, (iv) a letter from the Major Command covering | 24 | | Illinois for active duty members, (v) personnel records for | 25 | | mobilized State employees, and (vi) any other documentation | 26 | | that the Department, by administrative rule, deems acceptable |
| | | HB1974 | - 7 - | LRB102 11758 KMF 17093 b |
| 1 | | to establish dates of mobilization or service abroad. | 2 | | (e) For the purposes of this Section, the term "service | 3 | | abroad" means active duty service outside of the 50 United | 4 | | States and the District of Columbia, and includes all active | 5 | | duty service in territories and possessions of the United | 6 | | States. | 7 | | (Source: P.A. 98-118, eff. 7-30-13.) | 8 | | (520 ILCS 5/3.1-7) | 9 | | Sec. 3.1-7. Terminally ill hunter or trapper licensing | 10 | | program. In order to facilitate hunting , trapping, and fishing | 11 | | opportunities for a terminally ill person, the Director may | 12 | | issue any license, tag, permit, or stamp and waive fees, | 13 | | including transaction and dealer fees. | 14 | | Youth may take game outside of an established season if | 15 | | that youth is deemed to be terminally ill and the hunt is | 16 | | pre-approved by the Director.
| 17 | | (Source: P.A. 97-215, eff. 1-1-12.)
| 18 | | (520 ILCS 5/3.3) (from Ch. 61, par. 3.3)
| 19 | | Sec. 3.3. Trapping license required. Before any person | 20 | | shall trap any
of the mammals protected
by this Act, for which | 21 | | an open trapping season has been established, he shall
first | 22 | | procure a trapping license from the Department to do so. No | 23 | | traps
shall be placed in the field, set or unset, prior to the | 24 | | opening day of
the trapping season.
| | | HB1974 | - 8 - | LRB102 11758 KMF 17093 b |
| 1 | | Traps used in the taking of such mammals shall be marked or
| 2 | | tagged with metal tags or inscribed in lettering giving the | 3 | | name and
address of the owner or the customer identification | 4 | | number issued by the Department, and absence of such mark or | 5 | | tag shall be prima
facie evidence that such trap or traps are | 6 | | illegally used and the trap
or traps shall be confiscated and | 7 | | disposed of as directed by the
| 8 | | Before any person 18 years of age or older shall trap, | 9 | | attempt to
trap, or sell the green hides of any mammal of the | 10 | | species defined as
fur-bearing mammals by Section 2.2 for | 11 | | which an open season is established
under this Act, he shall | 12 | | first have procured a State Habitat Stamp.
| 13 | | Beginning January 1, 2016, no trapping license shall be | 14 | | issued to any
person born on or after January 1, 1998 unless he | 15 | | or she presents to the authorized issuer of the license | 16 | | evidence that he or she has a
certificate of competency | 17 | | provided for in this Section.
| 18 | | The Department of Natural Resources shall authorize
| 19 | | personnel of the Department,
or volunteer instructors, found | 20 | | by the Department to be competent,
to provide instruction in | 21 | | courses on trapping techniques and ethical trapping
behavior | 22 | | as needed throughout the State, which courses shall be at | 23 | | least
8 hours in length. Persons so authorized shall provide | 24 | | instruction in such
courses to individuals at no charge, and | 25 | | shall issue to individuals
successfully completing such | 26 | | courses certificates of competency in basic
trapping |
| | | HB1974 | - 9 - | LRB102 11758 KMF 17093 b |
| 1 | | techniques. The Department shall cooperate in establishing | 2 | | such
courses with any reputable association or organization | 3 | | which has as one of
its objectives the promotion of the ethical | 4 | | use of legal fur harvesting
devices and techniques. The | 5 | | Department shall furnish information on the
requirements of | 6 | | the trapper education program to be distributed free of
charge | 7 | | to applicants for trapping licenses by the persons appointed | 8 | | and
authorized to issue licenses.
| 9 | | The owners residing on, or bona fide tenants of farm | 10 | | lands, and their
children actually residing on such lands, | 11 | | shall have the right to trap
mammals protected by this Act, for | 12 | | which an open trapping season has been
established, upon such | 13 | | lands, without procuring licenses, provided that
such mammals | 14 | | are taken during the periods of time and with such devices as
| 15 | | are permitted by this Act.
| 16 | | Any person on active duty in the Armed Forces or any person | 17 | | with a disability who is a resident of Illinois, may trap any | 18 | | of the species protected by Section 2.2, during such times, | 19 | | with such devices and by such methods as are permitted by this | 20 | | Act, without procuring a trapping license. For the purposes of | 21 | | this Section, a person is considered a person with a | 22 | | disability if he or she has a Type 1 or Type 4, Class 2 | 23 | | disability as defined in Section 4A of the Illinois | 24 | | Identification Card Act. For purposes of this Section, an | 25 | | Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card issued | 26 | | pursuant to the Illinois Identification Card Act indicating |
| | | HB1974 | - 10 - | LRB102 11758 KMF 17093 b |
| 1 | | that the person thereon named has a Type 1 or Type 4, Class 2 | 2 | | disability shall be adequate documentation of such a | 3 | | disability. | 4 | | (Source: P.A. 100-638, eff. 1-1-19; 100-964, eff. 8-19-18; | 5 | | 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)
| 6 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 7 | | becoming law.