Illinois General Assembly - HB0569Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB0569  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: House Amendment 001
Proponents: 36Opponents: 238No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Energy & Environment (H) 4/18/2024 11:00 AM
Alice e Englebretsenselfself
Alice TellLeague of Women Voters ChicagoLeague of Women Voters Chicago
Aline RussellPresbyterian Church USA and Sierra Club
Ann CourterSelfSelf
Ariel HamptonIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Carol JuenSelfSelf
Carol ManciniNASelf
Caroline WootenSelfself
Chris KrusaLeague of Women VotersSelf
Chris KrusaLeague of Women VotersSelf
Christine FavillaSelfSelf
Cynthia KannerPrairie State Conservation CoalitionPrairie State Conservation Coalition
Cynthia LintonSelfClimate Reality Project - Chicago Metro Chapter
David BlumhagenNAmyself
David Bryantretired attorney
David J KubikIL SoybeanIL Soybean Growers
David K Bartram SrPrivate citizen
David Kent Bartram JrCottage Industries
Dawn DannenbringIllinois People's ActionIllinois People's Action
Don WeddSelfSelf
Donald Opltselfself
GH MerrittNew IllinoisNew Illinois, Inc.
Hannah Lee FlathSelfSelf
Jean Mary KorteIndividualIndividual
Jerry M HerstSelfSelf
Joseph J ZefranSelfMy Family and Friends
Joyce Moncelle-Kayenoneself
Julie D Prandiselfself
Karyn Campbellnoneindividual
Lan RichartEco-Justice CollaborativeEco-Justice Collaborative
Laura StampSelf
Lindsey HatcherNoneSelf
Lois Kainnoneself
Marilyn ShelleyLandownerSelf
Mary Shesgreenmyselfmyself
Nancy OliverSelf
Necia SchablowSelfSelf
Nicole Saulsberrysierra club IllinoisSierra Club Illinois
Pamela RichartEco-Justice CollaborativeCo-Director
Ray CampbellNoneIndividual
Robin Milleroutraged landowner, tired of the flim-flam shell billsself
Rodger CooleyChicago Food Policy Action CouncilChicago Food Policy Action Council
Sandy Crawfordselfself
Susan AlbertCitizen
Susan LucciSelf
Susan S RussoSelf
Susan YoungFamily Farm
Susan YoungLandowner Farm
Terry A WittenbergKravet
Timothea PapasselfSelf
Toni Louise OpltselfMetro East Green Alliance
Toni Louise Opltselfself
Virginia Woulfe-Beileselfself
Hearing Date and Time: Energy & Environment (H) 4/17/2024 9:30 AM
Jean DeddoSelfSelf
Ann BaskervilleSelfSelf
Barbara NjusSelfSelf
Bonnie GahrisSelfSelf
Candace ColbySelfSelf
Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayfordselfself
Craig Campbellnone
Diane Owerselfself
Diane Rachel StarkSelfSelf
Donly ChornNA
Douglas Owerselfself
Elizabeth KosuthIllinois Peopole's Action
Greg HubertSelf
Hannah Lee FlathSelfSelf
Holly Mirellselfself
J MonsourNekritz Amdor Andersson GroupIllinois Clean Jobs Coalition (ICJC)
james alwillSelfSelf
Jane CogieSelfSelf
Jeffrey GahrisSelfSelf
Jeffry GreenClimate Reality Project
Jerome Seidenfeldnoneself
Joan Lindgrenselfself
Joe LeCroyNaSelf
john Adamsjadams farm
Joseph Appellselfself
Joyce Blumenshineselfself
Joyce Harantselfself
julia FosdickFamily Farmself
Kate PotterSelf
Kathleen C Campbellself
Kathleen FischerNAself
Kathleen HamillSelfSelf
Laura Wintersself
Leonard Lindgrenselfself
Linda Sullivanselfself
Margaret Keylinselfself
Marian K Gambleselfself
Marilyn ShelleyLandownerSelf
Mark KraemerSelfSelf
Nicole Saulsberrysierra club IllinoisSierra Club Illinois
Pamela TateThe Climate Reality Project Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Patrick SullivanSelfSelf
Rex BurwellSelf
Richard StuckeySelfSelf
Rodger CooleyChicago Food Policy Action CouncilChicago Food Policy Action Council
Rosemary MaziarzSelfSelf
Ryne MitchellSelfSelf
Sally A LasserR Wildflower Farmself
Sally BurgessSierra ClubSelf
Sandra L Loftusselfself
Sue LeCroyNASelf
Susan J AdamsFarmer, landiwnerSelf
Tracy Meints FoxCentral IL Healthy Community AllianceCentral IL Healthy Community Alliance
Wendy VernonSelfSelf
William KoehlSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Energy & Environment (H) 4/15/2024 4:00 PM
Andrew RehnPrairie Rivers NetworkPrairie Rivers Network
Ariel HamptonIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Ariel HamptonIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Bill Ahausself
Bill Ahausselfself
Cynthia KannerPrairie State Conservation CoalitionPrairie State Conservation Coalition
Cynthia KannerPrairie State Conservation CoalitionPrairie State Conservation Coalition
David McEllisEnvironmental Law and Policy CenterEnvironmental Law and Policy Center
Douglas Owerselfself
Jerry M HerstSelfSelf
Julia UtsetLeague of Women Voters of ChicagoLeague of Women Voters of Chicago
Julia UtsetLeague of Women Voters of ChicagoLeague of Women Voters of Chicago
Karen DaiterCllimate Reality Project- Chicago Metro Chapterself
Karen L SandefurSelf
Kathryn BalkNAself
Kay Ahausselfself
Kay Ahausselfself
Kim StoneSelfSelf
Laura DerksSelf
Laura WintersNA
Liz Moran StelkSelfSelf
Mary Shesgreenmyselfmyself
Nancy SchietzeltnoneMyself
Nicole SaulsberrySierra Club IllinoisSierra Club Illinois
Pamela TateThe Climate Reality Project Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Patricia IversonClimate Reality Project Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Rachel Fredericksselfself
Rachel Fredericksselfself
Regina GomezIndividualSelf
Regina Strussselfself
Sara Buehlernone
Sarah Scottselfself
Susan Linkselfself
Susan Linkselfself
Susan ZimnyNone
Thomas ColemanClimate Reality Chicagoclimate Reality Chicago
Tim J Deverselfself
Wendy Greenhouse--
Hearing Date and Time: Energy & Environment (H) 4/10/2024 4:00 PM
Adrienne B NaumannLaw Office of Adrienne B. NaumannSierra Club Illinois
Alice TellLeague of Women Voters ChicagoLeague of Women Voters Chicago
Andrew RehnPrairie Rivers NetworkPrairie Rivers Network
Ariel HamptonIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Bob FisherIllinois Ornithological SocietyIllinois Ornithological Society
Brian UrbaszewskiRespiratory Health AssociationRespiratory Health Association
Cynthia KannerPrairie State Conservation CoalitionPrairie State Conservation Coalition
Cynthia LintonSelfClimate Reality Project - Chicago Chapter
David KraftNuclear Energy Information ServiceNEIS
David KubikIL Soybean GrowersIL Soybean Growers
Douglas Owerselfself
J MonsourNekritz Amdor Andersson GroupIllinois Clean Jobs Coalition (ICJC)
Jerome Seidenfeldnoneself
Jizelle TorresSelfSelf
Kati L Kroenleinself
Nicole SaulsberrySierra Club IllinoisSierra Club Illinois
Paul Culhaneselfself
Robert BaconDNAself
Robin Millerself
Hearing Date and Time: Energy & Environment (H) 4/2/2024 4:00 PM
Amanda Dixonself
Amber TowleSelf
Ann BaskervilleSelfSelf
Ariel HamptonIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Arlene RiesIllinois Freedom Allianceself
Becky Fehrnamyself
Betsy PechPech Hereford FarmSelf
Bob JorgensenSelfSelf
Carolyn AdamsFarm LandownerSelf
Charles BallingerFarmSelf
Connie J SchneiderProgressive Prairie Inc
Craig Campbellnone
Dan Clotfelterindividualself
Dan Fehrnamyself
daniel c batesagriculture
daniel c batesagriculture
David SasseG&D Four Farming inc
Dawn DannenbringIllinois People's ActionIllinois People's Action
Donna BishopSelfSelf
Donna K BishopSelfSelf
Eileen D Benneself
Emory Stephensonindividualself
Frank A HoblitHoblit Farms
Gail Apel-SasseGail's Pumpkin Patch
Gail NunnerySelf
Hannah Lee FlathSelfSelf
Heather M McMeekanSelf.Self.
Holly MirellSelfself
james alwillSelfSelf
Jane ryanIndividual
Jay B AndersonEbel-Anderson FarmsOWNER
Jennifer CasselEarthjusticeEarthjustice
John AdamsJohn Adams
John LyonPICR
John MeigsFarm landownerSelf
Joyce Blumenshineselfself
Joyce Harantnonecitizen
Joyce LeesmanLandowner
Judy BallingerFarmSelf
Julia Fosdickfamily farmcitizen
Julie Newhousefarmer
Kathleen C Campbellnoneself
Kevin L LeesmanLandowner
Lan RichartEco-Justice CollaborativeEco-Justice Collaborative
Libby Andersonfamily farm owner
Linda Ambroseindividualself
Lisa ThompsonSelf
Lois Kainnoneself
Marilyn ShelleyLandownerSelf
Marla SkeltonSelf
Mary Shesgreenmyselfmyself
Matthew Ambroseindividualself
Matthew Hughesself
MelMonroe Family Farm
Melissa DuncanRepresenting myself
P Thomas Ambroseindividualself
P WilliamsSelfSelf
Pamela RichartEco-Justice CollaborativeCo-Director
pamela s batesagriculture
Richard StuckeySelfSelf
Rita K WhiteSelf
Sandra StemlerSelfself
Staci Stephensonindividualself
Susan AdamsLandowner - FarmingSusan Adams
Susan YoungES Farm Partnership
Thaddeus HughesSelf
Vara BurtonNoneFamily
Wayne StreitmatterWayne Streitmatter Farm
William DaviesselfSelf