Illinois General Assembly - HB5239Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB5239  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: HB5239
Proponents: 250Opponents: 1835No Position: 5
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 5/8/2024 2:00 PM
al Schroadermeme
Alice Ruscititaxpayernone
Alvin AlexanderOn behalf of selfIllinois Voter
Alyssa SonnenburgNoneself
Amy Boomsmaselfmy family
Andrew Von GillernCitizenSelf
Angela WilliamsCitizenCitizen
Anne Uhrinaselfself
Arlene M DovichiRetiredself
Barbara FischerSelfSelf
Barbara SchwarkTaxpayerCitizen
Becky BaileySelfSelf
Benjamin SonnenburgNoneself
Beth Carol RueggParents MatterIllinois Family Institute
Beverley Dawn Houseworthnonenone
Bill BeckmanIllinois Family Life CoalitionIllinois Family Life Coalition
Billie BingenheimerNASelf
bonnie bakerselfself
Bradley ReckerSelfSelf
Brian PettlonOn behalf of selfSelf
Brian R BackstromSelfself
BrucePrivate residentBruce Anderson
Bryan LaForgeSelfCitizen
Byron R Severselfself
Carol MossesTaxpayerSelf
Carol MyersSelfSelf
Carol RobbenTaxpayerSelf
Carol SkasickSelfMyself
Catherine HansenSelfSelf
Charlotte Drozdowskiselfself
Cherie R IngoldTaxpayerSelf
cheryl gilmartinSelfSelf
Cheryl R Shouse MPHCoterSelf
Christine MarthaSelfSelf
Cindy HallahanTaxpayerCitizen
Cindy ReckerNoneSelf
Claire ChildsPrivateCitizen
Connie Hesternonenone
Craig OdegaardnaSelf
Cynthia LascoTaxpayerself
Daniel MillerSelfSelf
Daniel SedolsTaxpayerTaxpayer
Daniel Whitesideselfself
Darla DayTax payerTax payer
Darlene PelzelSelfSelf
David AbneySelfNone
David CurtinIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
David SmithIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
David SmithIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Dean PellandTaxpayerSelf
deborah brownselfindiviual citizen
Deborah CoonleyTaxpayerSelf
Deborah KadinSelfSelf
Debra GilbertNASelf
Debra L MalinowskiYearself
Deena KriegerSelfSelf
Denise HurtSelfSelf
Dennis HallahanNoneMyself
Donald GilbertNASelf
Donna K BishopselfSelf
Douglas C CarrCertified Financial Plannerself
elizabeth yoreYoreChildren, LLCself
ellen smithnaself
Eric GastonTaxpayerSelf
Eva callicoMark ii tuneupMe
Evan BushSelfSelf
Franklin D LewisselfSelf
Gabriela BanatTaxpayerCitizen
Gary Foglemantaxpayertaxpayer
Gary GrissomSelfSelf
Gayle Holsteselfself
Geniece BrandtTaxpayerSelf
Gloria Jean Cosentinononemyself
Gloria jean cosentinononemyself-gloria j cosentino
Grant RichterIllinois CitizenSelf
Helen SluisTaxpayerSelf
Hilda MillerTaxpayerIndividual
IJeff KyptaSelfIllinois Family Institute
James SpielerSelfSelf
James Troskyselfnone
Janet MohrmanCitizenSelf
Jason GabelSelfSelf
Jeane WhitesideSelfSelf citizen
Jeanette HeesakerselfMy family and I
Jeanette MalafaCatholic Conference of ILCatholic Conference of IL
Jeanne S BarberSelfSelf
Jeanne S BarberSelfSelf
jeff MytychSelfSelf
Jennifer DiehlIndividualSelf
Jeremy RamseySelfSelf
Jerry Hengeholdtaxpayerself
Jessica PayneNoneself
Jessica PayneNoneself
Jim LazaroNoneSelf
John MurphyNoneNonr
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Joy Studerselfself
Karen Bergmancitizenself and others with common sense
Karen Blee NickelsSelfSelf
Kathleen BohnetNAself
Kathleen DownTaxpayerSelf
Kathleen ValenteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Kathy ValenteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Kathy WolsingSelfSelf
Kay HoganSelfCitizen
Keith OwanoSelfSelf
Kenneth FischerSelfSelf
Kenneth StoryNoneSelf
kevin fordselfself
Kim GoinsSelfSelf
Kimberly CasterNASelf
Kirk DonaldSelfSelf
L R BechtoldtNASelf
Lana KeeSelfSelf
Laura Millerretired school nurseself
Laurie Whitakerselfself
Leah KochSelfSelf
Lee Ann SamfordselfSelf
Lee Ann Samfordtaxpayercitizen
Linda FuhrSelfSelf
Linda FuhrSelfSelf
Linda HeifnerTax Payerself
LINDA JohnsonTaxpayerSelf
Linda Marie YoderMyselfMyself
Linda Marie YodernoneMyself
LINDA nicolaisnonenone
Linda WolfeSelfIllinois Family Institute
Lori WhiteSelfSelf
Madelyn FlahertySelfSelf
Margaret A Toninyself employedself
Margaret L Furtotaxpayerself
Marian Crossselfself
Marilyn SanduskyNoneJackie Haas, I, Marilyn Sandusky am requesting that you represent n my e by voting no to this bill
Marjorie McCulloughRetiredCitizen
Mark Bodettnonenone
Mark LytellSelfSelf
Mark ShubertUS citizenTaxpayer US citizen
Marlene MillerSelfSelf
Mary Bradyselfself
Mary C NedzaTaxpayerTaxpayer
Mary Carol PowersSelfSelf
Mary KellyIllinois ResidentIllinois Resident
Mary M LewisselfSelf
Melissa Odegaardnaself
Melissa WilliamsonCitizenSelf
Michael BuitingCitizenself
Michael CarrollselfSelf
Michelle GrandawSelfSelf
michelle pesceNAmyself
Michelle SidenerSelfSelf
Michelle WelbourneSelfNA
Monte LarrickSelfself
Nancy Beckmanselfself
Nancy Beckmanselfself
Nancy GrissomSelfSelf
Nancy KelseySelfSelf
Nicholas DeVriestaxpayertaxpayer
Pamela JonesSelfSelf
Patricia MillsSelfSelf
Patricia O GatesInsuranceNONE
Patricia Power-LeSageSELFSELF
pattie tackettnaself
Patty BertrandSelfSelf
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paul KennaIllinois IntiativeCitizen
Paul WhiteSelfSelf
Peter and Marian Lee AlthoffPeter Althoffself
Peter BriaTaxpayerNone
Ralph RiveraIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Ralph RiveraPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Rebecca DarlingNoneSelf
Rebecca Slatercitizencitizen
Renee DePriestselfself
Rhonda Wingerternonenone
Richard Alan SonnesonNoneNot Appearing
Richard J MarcantonioOn behalf of self.On behalf of self.
Rita Schwindselfself
Robert WolfeSelfIllinois Family In
Robin KeelSelfSelf
Robin KeelSelfSelf
Robin StefanikSelf employedself
rod knellerKlein's chimney service inc.Rodney Kneller & my family
Ron JaegerOPPOSETaxpayer
Ronald MartinSelfSelf
Rose Anna NelsonSelfSelf
Roxann Mosstaxpayerself
Roy HorrasSelfSelf
Ruby J Geilerselfself
Rudolf HeblingTaxpayercitizen
Ruth Hahntaxpayerself
Sam Entileselfself
Samantha Stutzindividualindividual
Sandra Kochnoneself
Stephen Crossselfself
Steve ScherrerNASelf
Steve WoolfSelfSelf
Sue Prattselfself
Susan BeeverTaxpayerSelf
Susan Schulenbergselfself
Suzanne H PavlusSelfSelf
Suzanne RitterselfHomemaker
Terry CoonleyTaxpayerSelf
Tex DarlingNoneSelf
Theresa R HardestySelfSelf
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Timothy P Friedrichnoneself
Tom Lahartcitizencitizen
Tonya OlsonTaxpayerTaxpayer
Viktoriia NaughtonSelfFamily.
William Beckmanselfself
William KlanCitizenSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 4/3/2024 8:30 AM
al schroadernonenone
Al Theistax payer
Alice Ruscittitaxpayer
Allison Nicole Jabaaytaxpayer
alta frySelf
Alvin AlexanderOn behalf of selfIllinois Voter
Alyssa SonnenburgNoneself
Amanda KernSelfSelf
Amy HartkeSelf
Amy Ritterselfself
Amy ScrantonSelfSelf
Andrew HornNoneSelf
Andrew Von GillernCitizen
Angela CasperTaxpayer
Angela M HarrisSelfself
Angela RenfroeNaFamily
Anita BushTaxpayer
Anita KuhnSelfSelf
Ann Marie SalemiTaxpayer
Ann Marie SalemiTaxpayer
Ann Ritternoneself
Anna Mucciantiselfself
Annalisa McMasterTaxpayer
Anne Uhrinaself
Annette OvermanTaxpayer
Annette SmithNA
Anthony MadormoNone
Anthony Mucciantiselfself
Ashley VanDrieltaxpayer
Barbara FischerSelfSelf
Barbara SteinTaxpayer
Barbara Wilsonnone
Barry WilliamsonTaxpayerself
Belinda GuytonOn behalf of selfSelf
Bernard DeYoungTaxpayer
Beth Carol RueggParents MatterIllinois Family Institute
Beth DeYoungTaxpayer
Betty NelsonTaxpayer
Beverley Dawn Houseworthnoneself
Beverly GarlandNASelf
Beverly Lewissamesame
Bill BeckmanIllinois Family Life CoalitionIllinois Family Life Coalition
Bill LehmanTaxpayer
bonnie bakerselfself
Bradley G ColeNASame
Brian Josephsselfself
Brian PettlonOn behalf of selfSelf
Brian PohlmanTaxpayerSelf
Brian R BackstromSelf
Brittany Vander VeerTaxpayer
Bryan AndersonSelfSelf
Burdette RosendaleSelfSelf
Carl Zeganself
Carol HowardSelf
Carol M SchaapTaxpayer
Carol RobbenTaxpayer
Carol SkasickMyselfMyself
Carol VanDerWoudeHomeFamily
Carol WagnerTax payer
Carole Laniercitizen
Carole Reverstaxpayer
Carrie Savinotaxpayer
Catherine HansenSelfSelf
Catherine HansenSelfSelf
Catherine Stacktaxpayer
Cathy JenkinsVermilioncounty
Chanli LiuTax Payer
charles backhausselfself
Charlotte Bendorfself
Charlotte Drozdowskiself
Cheryl Ann Haugenself
Cheryl Ann Haugenself
Cheryl FornelliSelf
cheryl gilmartin12Self
Cheryl GilmartinSelf
Cheryl Gilmartin PharmDSelf
Chonya DavisTaxpayer
Christine HenthornTaxpayer
Christine MarthaSelfself
Christopher G DahmDahm Resources, Inc.Dahm Resources, Inc.
Christopher Raymondselfself
Claire SullivanTaxpayer
Colleen SylvesterSelfSelf
Connie DavisSelf
Corrie Brobergselfself
Craig OdegaardNA
Cyndi HolichIllinois VoterIllinois Voter
Cynthia Faford-WestphalTaxpayer
Dale Dragerttaxpayerself
Dale TippettSelf
Dale TippettSelf
Dana WagnerPersonalSelf
Daniel MillerSelfSelf
Daniel SedolsEWT3DCNC
Daniel SedolsEWT3DCNC
Daniel Whitesideselfself
Darren WisemanPrivate Citizen
David Allen MikitkaTaxpayer
David CurtinIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
David E SmithIllinois Family Institute
Dawn Renee Hillselfself
Deb Muldertax payer
Debby Masontaxpayer
deborah brownself
Deborah CoonleyTaxpayerSelf
Deborah Leiningerself
Delores Tanisvoter
Delores Tanisvoter
Denise crossSelfself
Dennis DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Dennis HowardTaxpayer
Diane GrayNA
Diane Neumanntaxpayer
Diane Squierstaxpayer
Diane StrieterTaxpayer
Dianne Mitropulostaxpayer
Don BlairSelfSelf
Donald Vander ZeeTax payer
Donna K BishopselfSelf
Douglas AnkeleTaxpayer
Dwayne WilsonSelf
Edith Biekerself
Elaine De YoungTaxpayer
Elaine De YoungTaxpayer
Elizabeth BronPrairie Team Productions
Elizabeth DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Elizabeth KillionTaxpayerna
Elizabeth Langtaxpayerself
Ellen Hedricknoneself
ellen smithna
Eric GastonTaxpayerSelf
Erica Donohoselfself
Franklin D LewisselfSelf
Freddy M RobinsonTaxpayer
Gary A BrinesSelf
Gary Foglemantaxpayertaxpayer
Gayle Holsteselfself
Geniece BrandtTaxpayerVoter
Gentry DaylaNa
Glen HankinsTaxpayer
Glen MeisnerSelfSelf
Glenda RabyTaxpayer
Glenda RabyTaxpayer
Glenn M Beckertaxpayer
Gloria CollinsTaxpayer
Gloria TurnerTaxpayerMyself
Grant RichterIllinois CitizenSelf
H D MattinglySelfConcerned citizen
Hai-Lin LiPlease Select
Hassell BullockRetired professor
Heather HankinsTaxpayer
Heather LongbonsTaxpayer
Heather McCordSelfSelf
helen kinserselfself
Hollie ShoupIL citizenself
Hugh W Showntaxpayer
Ilene Brinernoneself
Jacqueline K Vander ZeeNot Applicable
James Barthself
James I Judith McGannCitizen
James SpielerSelf
James Thompsonselfself
James Troskyself
Janet Ulmertaxpayer
Janice Clarktaxpayer
Jason HinkleTaxpayer
Jay SalesMyself
Jayne HellrungTaxpayer
Jeanette Heesakerself
Jeanette MalafaCatholic Conference of ILCatholic Conference of IL
Jeff KyptaSelfIllinois Family Institute
Jeff MillerNA
Jennifer Mucciantitaxpayerself
Jerry Biekerself
Jerry BrownTaxpayer
Jessica WengerNAtaxpayer
Jim LazaroNoneSelf
Joanne GastonTaxpayer
Joanne McCoytaxpayer
Joe ReinhardTaxpayerIL taxpayer citizen
John Joseph BiekerTax Payer
John ZirbesSelf
Jonathan Sebastiantaxpayer
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Joyce McNamara Coughlincitizenna
Judith Bergselfself
Judy Repkingselfself
Julia D KatsionTaxpayer
Julie Ann EmbalabalaTaxpayer
Julie K Barthself
Karen Bergmantaxpayer
Karen Blee NickelsSelfSelf
Karen Rustself
Karen Stinsontaxpayer
Karie NordinTax Payer
Katherine MurschelHouseholdSelf
Kathleen DriscollTaxpayer
Kathleen Andersonselfself
Kathleen DownTaxpayer
Kathleen Kaufmanselfself
Kathleen Kaufmanselfself
Kathy KramerSelfSelf
Kathy NelsonHenry County Board Member
Kathy SalesSelf
Kathy WolsingSelfSelf
Katie DavisIllinois citizenself
Keith DixonTaxpayer
Keith Engnoneself
Kelli JacksonSelf
Kelli JacksonSelf
Kem WilsonTaxpayerMy Family
Kenneth B Cooley JrMyselfMyself
Kenneth FischerSelfSelf
Kenneth James CooleySelfSelf
kevin fordself
Kevin Lemanpersonalpersonal
Kim R MersmanSelfSelf
Kimberly RappTaxpayer
Kimberly RappTaxpayer
Kristin SalzmanTaxpayer
L R BechtoldtNASelf
Lana KeeCitizen
Laura a A Williamsself
Laura HoisNone
Laura MillerRetired School Nurse
Laura S GieseSelf
Laurie Whitakerself
Laurinda MeisnerSelfSelf
Lawrence ServinTaxpayer
Leah KochSelfSelf
Linda ParsonsTaxpayerSelf
Linda BrinesSelf
Linda Calzadaselfself
Linda H CarrollNoneself
Linda HeifnerTax Payerself
Linda Hutchesonselfself
LINDA JohnsonTaxpayer
Linda Marie Yodernone
Linda OlesonTaxpayerSelf
Linda SamutaIllinois Citizen
Linda WolfeSelfMy Family
Lisa StankusSelf
Lisa ThompsonSelf
Lisa WellsSelfMr & Mrs Christopher Wells
Lorelei Marveltaxpayer
Lori EtzelTaxpayer
Luann LytellSelfSelf
Lynn A Cookself
Lynn BosSelfSelf
Lynn Fergusontaxpayernone
Manuel Calzadaself
marcia bonnematax payer
Marcia E Sailsburynonenone
Maria SlatterySelfSelf
Marietta LoweryTaxpaperSelf
Marina SteinTaxpayer
MarkSt Marys Catholic ChurchSt Mary's Pittsfield Illinois
Mark LytellSelf
Marla Ainscoughvoter
Marsha Elhoffertaxpayertaxpayer
Marsha Elhoffertaxpayertaxpayer
Mary Ann BlockSelfSelf
Mary Beth Nagleself
Mary C NedzaTaxpayer
Mary F Lestertaxpayer
Mary LambertTaxpayer
Mary M LewisselfSelf
Mary P RobinTaxpayer
Mary WolskiTaxpayer
Matthew KernSelfSelf
Matthew Simontaxpayer
Melissa Odegaardna
Melissa WilliamsonTaxpayerSelf
Michael AdenSelfCitizen
Michael CarrollselfSelf
Michael LeiningerSelf
Michael Pszczolkowskiselfself
Michael Robert KolkTaxpayer
Michael RossTax PayerSelf
Michael SchlautmanTaxpayer
Michael WalshTaxpayer
Michele FigieHeaven's Chapel
Michele FigieHeaven's Chapel
Mickey FransonTaxpayer
Mike and Pat HardisonTaxpayer
Mike SteffenRICO GOP
Molly RumleyPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Molly JulianTaxpayer
Molly RumleyIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Monte LarrickSelf
Mycah Amstutzself
Nancy Beckmanself
Nancy ColeNone
Nancy KelseyTaxpayer
Nancy Tessmannnaself
Naomi BennettTaxpayer
Naomi BennettTaxpayer
Nathan KlapatchNASelf
Nick Mucciantiselfself
Nikeya Youngno title
Noel C Samutataxpayer
Norma WhiteSelfSelf
Pamela G Fritzenmeiertaxpayerself
Pamela R CooleyTaxpayerSelf
Pamela RoseTaxpayerCitizens
Pamela ZirbesSelf
Pastor Art EllingsenTalk 2 a Pastor a Biblical Counseling MinistryTalk 2 a Pastor a Biblical Counseling Ministry
Patrice RonczkowskiCitizen
Patricia Josephsnoneself
Patricia Josephsnoneself
Patricia Josephsnoneself
Patricia NeumannSelfSelf
Patricia Power-LeSageSELFSelf
Patricia StoaTaxpaper
Patti Power-LeSageSelf
pattie tackettna
pattie tackettna
Patty BertrandSelfSelf
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paul HofmannPersonalSelf
Paul KennaIllinois IntiativeCitizen
Penny Hinrichstax payer
Peter BriaTaxpayerNone
Peter MatrenecRegistered VoterSelf
Phil BlockCitizenSelf
Philip LambertTaxpayer
Phyllis McClellanTaxpayer
Preston LewisSelf
Quincy Vanderhooftaxpayer
Rachel BanningSelf
Rachel BanningSelf
Rachel BirkySelfSelf
Ralph RiveraIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Ralph RiveraPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Randy Bergerself
Raymond WagnerTax payer
Rebecca Cheekself
Rebecca DarlingNoneSelf
Rebecca TerharkTaxpayer
Regina PostSelf
Renee AdamsAdams Family Eye Care, PC
Rhonda Wingerternone
Richard Alan SonnesonTaxpayer
Richard BrowneTax Payer
Richard BurkhartSelfSelf
Richard J MarcantonioOn behalf of self.On behalf of self.
Richard VoglerRetiredSelf
Rick LaibSelfSelf
Rick LeiningerCitizen
Rob RenfroeNaFamily
Robert GilliganCatholic Conference of IllinoisCatholic Conference of Illinois
Robert H McCann Barbara A McCannself
Robert StrieterSelf
Robert WolfeSelfFamilies
Roberta Jane EvensenTaxpayer
Rodney McMahonSelfSelf
Roger BirkyTaxpayer
Ronald RockCITIZENSelf
Rose blockNoneSelf
Roxann Mosstaxpayer
Roxanne Dragerttaxpayerself
Roxenia Eileen Bienemantaxpayer
Roxenia Eileen Bienemantaxpayer
Ruby J Geilertaxpayer
Rudolf Heblingtaxpayercitizen
Russell BennettTaxpayer
Russell ChristTaxpayerSelf
Russell ChristTaxpayerSelf
Samantha Stutzcitizencitizen
Sandi Kochnoneself
Sandra FritzenmeierTaxpayer
Sandra ShoemakerTaxpayer
Sarah TurnerSelfSelf
Scott HendrieTaxpayer
Sharon Larsonself
Sharon ThomasTaxpayerSelf
Shelley s Andersonprivate citizen
Sherry ParkerNone
Sheryl Palmateertaxpayer
Sheryl Palmateertaxpayer
Shirley GeraceTaxpayer
Skot Lienselfself
Stephanie Blazenselfself
Steve kitchensself
Steve ScherrerNASelf
Steven BorelloTax payer
Streenz TonyTaxpayer
Susan A Evanstaxpayer
Susan Freisevoter & citizenself
Susan ManuelSelfNone
Susan MillsTaxpayer
Susan ReichartTaxpayer
Susan Schulenbergselfself
Susan WhitsonTaxpayer
Suzanne Rittertaxpayer
Tamara EfsenSelfSelf
Tammy KosarekTaxpayer
Tanya RossTax PayerCitizen
Terry CoonleyTaxpayerSelf
Terry Spulerna
Tex DarlingNoneSelf
Theresa HardestySelfSelf
Thiffany LozanoTaxpayerSelf
Tiara BertrandSelfSelf
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Tim SteinTaxpayer
Timothy G Kennyrepresenting myself
Timothy P Friedrichnoneself
Tina LehmanTaxpayer
Tom DavisIndividualIndividual
Tony Savinotaxpayer
Tricia MaxeyDoes not apply
Valerie KemmeNASelf
Vickie VinesSelf
Viktoriia NaughtonSelfFamily.
Virginia BrashingerTaxpayer
Walter CercavschiTaxpayer
Wendy Lynn Simmonstaxpayer
Wendy Lynn Simmonstaxpayer
Wendy OwanoSelfSelf
William Beckmanself
William De YoungTaxpayer
William RobinSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/21/2024 8:30 AM
Addison Sharpenoneself
al Schroadernoneme
Alvin AlexanderOn behalf of selfIllinois Voter
Alyssa SonnenburgNoneself
Angela Eskertaxpayer
Angie RunyanSelf
Anita BushTax payer
Anita HintzTaxpayer
Anita HintzTaxpayer
Ann Ritternoneself
Anna Butzinselfself
Barbara FischerSelfSelf
Barbara SteinTaxpayer
Belinda GuytonOn behalf of selfSelf
Benjamin SonnenburgNoneself
Beth Novakselfself
Betty NelsonTaxpayer
Beverley Dawn Houseworthnoneself
Beverly BryantSelfSelf
Beverly GarlandNASelf
Bill LehmanTaxpayer
Billie BingenheimerNASELF
bonnie bakerselfself
Bradley G ColeNASame
Brett Wiegerscitizen
Brian Josephsselfself
Brian PettlonOn behalf of selfSelf
Brooklyn MaysTaxpayerSelf
Bruce GussPersonPerson
Bryan LaForgeSelf
Burdette RosendaleSelfSelf
Cari Klinkenborgnana
Carl E Knableself
Carl M Knableself
Carol HowardSelfSelf
Carol RobbenTaxpayerSelf
Carol SchaapTaxpayer
Carol SkasickCitizenMyself
Carol VossGardening Angels
Carol WagnerSelf
Carole ReversTaxpayerself
Catherine HansenSelfSelf
Charles HartmanSelf
Charmaine Fairselfself
Charmaine WillandTaxpayerSelf
Cherie R IngoldTaxpayer
Cheryl FornelliSelf
Cheryl HartmanSelf
Cheryl Mathewsselfself
Chonya DavisTaxpayerSelf
Chris DrewelFamilyfamily
Christine DubaTaxpayerSelf
Christine MarthaselfFamily
Christine MuratoriSelfSELF
Christopher Raymondselfself
Cindy HeslingaSelfSelf
Cindy ParrTaxpayerSelf
Claudia Loethenself
Colleen SylvesterTaxpayerSelf
Constance Malinowskiselfself
Craig Bakalichselfself
Cyndi HolichIllinois VoterOn behalf of self
Cynthia Dunnvoter
Dale GaskinsNone
Dale TippettSelfSelf
Dan Risleytaxpayercitizen
Dana WagnerPersonalSelf
Daniel MillerSelfSelf
Daniel MitchellretiredSelf
Daniel Whitesideselfself
Darla DayTax payerTax payer
Darrell WittenbergSelfSelf
Darren DalenbergScattered Acres EnterprisesSelf
Dave HeslingaMyselfMyself
David GussPersonPerson
David MerrillTaxpayer
David WeinbergerOn Behalf of SelfSelf
David ZalarPrivate CitizenMyself
deborah brownself
Deborah ReedTaxpayer
Delores TanisselfVOTER
Dena WiesnerWiesnerself
Dennis DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Dennis Menkeselfself
Devin CorbettSelfSelf
Diane JohnsonTaxpayer---
Diane StrieterSelf
Dona G Bellselfself
Douglas C Carrself
Edward Kighttaxpayerself
Elizabeth DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Ellen SimsTaxpayer
Elsie MorrisseyIllinois Right to Life
Eric Bridgestaxpayer
Eric GastonTaxpayerSelf
Erin LyonsTaxpayerTaxpayer
Frank JohnsonTaxpayer---
Gary Foglemantaxpayer
Gary RickmanSelfSelf
Gaye AhlersSelfSelf
Gayle Holsteselfself
Geniece BrandtTaxpayerVoter
Gina JayNASelf
Glen MeisnerSelfSelf
Grant RichterIllinois CitizenSelf
Heidi SiebertTaxpayerSelf
Helen Sluistaxpayer
Herb BackhausSelfSelf
Hollie ShoupIL citizenself
Holly MockoTaxpayerSelf
Ilene Brinernonenone
Illinois Family InstituteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Jack Sheltonselfself
James LauresOn behalf of SelfSelf
James M OdomTaxpayerSelf
James MuratoriSelfSELF
James OzeeTaxpayer
James Spielertaxpayer
James Troskyself
Jamieson Banmanselfself
Jan KlaasTaxpayer
jan sosinskinone
Janet MohrmanSelf
Janet Ulmertaxpayer
Janet Van RyswykNANA
Janice MillerNoneIllinois Freedom Alliance
Janine RockeSelf
Jean Schiszikselfself
Jeannette Nedzatax payer
Jeff MillerNANA
Jeffrey MorinTaxpayernone
Jennifer HughesSelfSelf
Jennifer Mucciantitax payerself
Jennifer Mucciantitaxpayerself
Jerry Hengeholdtaxpayerself
Jessica WengerNAtaxpayer
Jim LazaroNoneSelf
Joan WoodyattTax PayerTAX payer
Joanne SavageSelfSelf
Jody Oltmanselfself
Joe ReinhardTaxpayerIL tax payer
Joseph A RodrickSelfSelf
Joseph D Eskertaxpayer
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Judith Bergselfself
Justus DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Kandy WaldieNoneSelf
Karen Blee NickelsSelfSelf
Karen RednourCitizenSelf
Kathleen Andersonselfself
kathleen domitrovitsselfself
Kathleen DownTaxpayer
Kathleen Kaufmanselfself
Kathy R Resslerself
Kathy ValenteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Kathy WolsingSelfSelf
Katie Knableself
Keith DixonTaxpayer
Kenneth B Cooley JrMyselfMyself
Kenneth FischerSelfSelf
kevin e fordselfself
Kevin Lemanpersonalpersonal
Kevin Lemanpersonalpersonal
Kevin Savageselfself
Kim Kolbertself
Kim M KimplerTaxpayerNone
Kim M KimplerTaxpayerNone
Kim M Paputsaself
Kimberly RappTaxpayerSelf
Kristin SalzmanTaxpayerNone
Kurt BobsinSelf
Kyle CounterTaxpayer
L R BechtoldtNASelf
Lana keeTaxpayer
Laura Millerretired school nhrseself
Laurie Whitakerself
Laurinda MeisnerSelfSelf
Lawrence ServinTaxpayer
Lee Ann Samfordtaxpayer
Linda Calzadaselfself
Linda CurtisTaxpayer
Linda CurtisTaxpayer
Linda H Carrolltaxpayerself
Linda HeifnerTax Payerself
Linda L Calanoneself
Lisa WellsSelfMr & Mrs Christopher Wells
Lissette GuzmanSelfSelf
Loraine HenthornTaxpayer
Lori WhiteTaxpayerSelf
Lorna V TippettSelf
Lorrie K Crosetaxpayer
Luann LytellSelfSelf
Lynn A Cookselfself
Lynn BosSelfSelf
Lynn FergusontaxpayerNONE
Manuel Calzadaselfself
Margaret L Furtotaxpayerself
Margarita MatlisSelfSelf
Marian Crossselfself
Marietta LoweryTaxpayer
Marina SteinTaxpayer
Marjorie McCulloughCitizenNone
Mark E Gregselfself
Mark StellaTaxpayer
Mark WelchSt Marys Catholic ChurchSt Mary's Pittsfield Illinois
Marla Ainscoughvoter
Mary Ann KerleyNoneNone
Mary Ann KerleyNoneNone
Mary Ann KerleyNoneNone
Mary C NedzaTaxpayer
Mary Carol PowersSelfSelf
Mary F Lestertaxpayer
Mary Gorskiselfself
Mary WolskiTaxpayerSelf
Matthew ZurekTaxpayer
Maureen TarrantTax payer
Meegan McNultyselfself
Megan BradySelf
Megan ClohertyTaxpayerNA
Melissa WilliamsonTaxpaying Citizenself
Michael CarrollselfSelf
Michael CarrollselfSelf
Michael FenelonTaxpayerSelf
Michael Francis Delaneyselfself
Michael GassoTaxpayer
Michael O'TooleSelfSelf
Michael P Jakubiecselfna
Michelle Lapeyreself-employedself
Michelle MathiaSelfSelf
Mike and Pat HardisonNone
Mike Lawrencenaself
Mike SteffenRICO GOP
Molly RumleyPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Molly RumleyIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Monte LarrickSelf
Morgan Fultonselfself
Morgan Fultonselfself
Mrs Judith Idorwattnoneself
Nancy KelseySelfSelf
Nicholas DeVriesTaxpayer
Pamela G Fritzenmeiertaxpayerself
Pamela R CooleyTaxpayerSelf
Pamela RoseTaxpayerCitizens
Patricia HalversonSelf
Patricia Josephsselfself
Patricia NeumannSelfSelf
Patrick WeberTax payerSelf
Patti Sharpenoneself
Patty BertrandSelfSelf
Paul KennaIllinois IntiativeCitizen
Paul LindstromSelfSelf and Church
Paul WhiteTaxpayerSelf
Paula EsserTaxpayer
Paula KonczalTaxpayer
Paula KonczalTaxpayer
Paula KonczalTaxpayer
Peter BriaTaxpayerNone
Peter Tarchaselfself
Quincy Vanderhoofcitizen
Rachel BirkytaxpayerNone
Ralph RiveraIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Ralph RiveraPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Rebecca DarlingNoneSelf
Rebecca TerharkTaxpayerSelf
Regina Ngon behalf of self
Regina PostSelfSelf
Richard BurkhartSelf
Richard G VoglerSelfSelf
Richard J MarcantonioOn behalf of self.On behalf of self.
Rick LaibSelfSelf
Robert CarltonPersonal
Robert E Bellselfself
Robert E GoettingTaxpayer
Robert StrieterSelf
Roberta Updykeself
Roberta WilsonDreifkeTaxpayer
Robin NetzelTaxpayer
Robyn MurovSelfConcerned citizens
Roger Birkytaxpayer
Rose Anna NelsonSelf
Roxann Mosstaxpayerself
Roy HorrasSelfSelf
Ruby J Geilerself
Rudolf HeblingTaxpayercitizen
Russ HintzTaxpayer
Russell ChristTaxpayerSelf
Ruth Hahntaxpayerself
Ruth ThompsonSelfSelf
Samantha Stutzcitizenindividual
Samuel Entileself
Sandi Kochnoneself
Sandra FritzenmeierTaxpayerSelf
Sarah Lindquistselfself
Scott Butzinselfself
Scott HendrieTaxpayer
Scott ShoupSelfSelf
Sharon ThomasTaxpayerSelf
Sherri Urbantax payerself
Sherri Urbantax payerself
Sherrie SaratoreSelfSelf
Sherry L kurzSelfSelf
Stephanie Wrightcitizen
Stephen Crossselfself
Steve kitchensself
Steve ScherrerNASelf
Steve Woolfcitizen
Steven BergquistSelf
steven whitetaxpayer
Sue Johnsonselfself
Sue MacRoyTaxpayerSelf
Sue Prattselfself
Susan A Evanstaxpayer
Susan B Dixonselfself
Susan BeeverTaxpayerSelf
Susan OrdnerTaxpayer
Susan P Jordanon behalf of selfon behalf of self
Susan Schulenbergselfself
Susan SheaTaxpayer
Suzanne GassoTaxpayer
Suzanne GassoTaxpayer
Suzanne H PavlusSelf
Suzanne RickmanSelfSelf
Terry Spulerna
Tex DarlingNoneSelf
Thomas HampsonNone
Tiffany EhlersTaxpayer
Tim SteinTaxpayer
Timothy KowachTaxpayer
Timothy P Friedrichnoneself
Tina LehmanTaxpayer
tom laharttaxpayernone
Vittorio T CiummoTaxpayerSelf
Walter CercavschiselfSelf
Wendy Bartoliniself
William BulthuisTaxpayerSelf
William Mark DousmanTaxpayer
William SchiffererSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/13/2024 8:30 AM
Bernard butcherTax payer
Abby Walkertaxpayer
Alice E Ruscittitaxpayer
Alice Steljesself
Alvin AlexanderOn behalf of selfIllinois Voter
Alyssa SonnenburgNoneself
Amy ChristensenTaxpayer
Amy Gorskiselfself
Amy Ritterselfself
Anamaria AybarSelf
Andrew Von GillernCitizen
Angela CushingTaxpayerSelf
Angela Eskertaxpayer
Ann CaravelloSelfSelf
Ann IwatsukiSelfSelf
Ann Noonanselfself
Ann Noonanselfself
Ann Ritternoneself
Anna Butzinselfself
Anna HarringtonSelf
Anna Mucciantiselfpro life advocates
Anne KumaranayagamTaxpayer
Anne Uhrinaselfself
Anthony HolmesSelf
Anthony Koehlerselfself
April SalavaSelf
Barbara FischerSelfSelf
Barbara SchexnayderSelfSelf
Barbara SteinTaxpayer
Barry WilliamonTaxpayerself
Belinda GuytonOn behalf of selfSelf
Benjamin SonnenburgNoneSelf
Bernard butcherTax payer
Beth TalleyTaxpayer
Betty NelsonTaxpayer
Beverley Dawn Houseworthnonecitizen
Bill KramerSelfSelf
Bill KuhlemeierTaxpayer
Bill LehmanTaxpayer
Billie BingenheimerNASelf
Billie MichaelTaxpayer
Bonnie KimkerTaxpayerNone
Bradley G ColeNA
Bradley ReckerSelf
Bret HemmerSelf
Brett Wiegerscitizen
Brian Josephsselfself
Brian PettlonOn behalf of selfSelf
Brian Pohlmantaxpayer
Brian R BackstromSelf
Bruce GussPersonPerson
Bruce Petersselfself
Bryan SpearsTaxpayer
Burdette RosendaleSelfSelf
Byron R Severselfself
Carl Pasquarelli JrRetiredAwake Illinois Member
Carla K MidgettSelf
Carla K MidgettSelf
Carol DavisIllinois Conservative UnionIllinois Conservative Union IEIP
Carol HowardSelf
Carol MossesSelfSelf
Carol NorbutTaxpayerNone
Carol SchaapTaxpayer
Carol SkasickTaxpayerMyself
Carol VanDerWoudeHomeFamily
Carol VossGardening Angels
Carol WagnerSelf
Caroline Massotaxpayer
Catherine EegTaxpayer
Catherine HolmesSelf
Cathleen BarrettTaxpayer
Chad RuotSelfSelf
charles backhausself
Charles Keith GibsonTaxpayer
Charlotte BendorfTaxpayer
Charlotte Drozdowskiselfself
Cheri DzikIllinois ResidentMyself
Cherie R IngoldTaxpayer
Cheryl FornelliSelf
Cheryl Mathewsselfself
Cheryl Szmukstataxpayer
Chonya DavisTaxpayer
Christian JepsenTaxpayer
Christie Fearnleytaxpayer
Christina Meskerselfself
Christina Meskerselfself
Christine MarthaSelfSelf
Christine Ricoself
Cindy HallahanTaxpayerCitizen
Cindy Reckerself
Claire IngersollTaxpayer
Claire PerezSelfSelf
Colleen SylvesterSelfSelf
Connie Wadetaxpayer
Constance M MallyTaxpayer
Constance Malinowskiselfself
Craig Bakalichself
Craig OdegaardSelfSelf
Cristine Wiesnerselfself
Cynthia LascoTaxpayerself
Dale DragertCitizenSelf
Dan Risleytaxpayer
Daniel MillerSelfSelf
Daniel Whitesideselfself
Danielle RiveraSelf & FamilySelf and Family
Darla DayAugust
Darlene Marie StewartTaxpayer
Darrell WittenbergSelfSelf
Dave M MallaryMallary constructionSelf
David A MikitkaTaxpayer
David BaderOn behalf of self
David BaderOn behalf of self
David E CampbellAd Works Publishing IncEffingham County Board
David FaganNot ApplicableDavid Fagan
David GussPersonPerson
David SmithIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Dawn BensonTaxpayer
Dcn Edward B SzymanskiTaxpayer
deborah brownself
Deborah ReedTaxpayer
Debra GilbertNASelf
Debra Hansontaxpayer
Debra L MalinowskiYearself
Delores TanisselfVOTER
Dena Wiesnerselfself
Dena WiesnerWiesnerself
denise CrossTaxpayer
Denise Heinsontaxpayer
Denise HornSelfself
Denise HurtSelf
Denise Westselfself
Dennis DetweilerSelfSelf
Dennis DetweilerSelfSelf
Diane Graytaxpayer
Diane HallamTaxpayer
Diane StrieterTaxpayer
Dona G Bellselfself
Donald GilbertNASelf
Donna GerthCitizenSelf
Donna JulianoSelf
Donna K BishopSelf
Doreen JenkelTaxpayerFamily
Douglas AnkeleTaxpayer
Douglas AnkeleTaxpayer
Eddie GarciaMyself
Edward Kighttaxpayerself
Elaine BryaSelf
Elaine PerezSelfSelf
Elizabeth DetweilerSelfSelf
Elizabeth DetweilerSelfSelf
Elizabeth Langtaxpayerself
Elizabeth WeadickTaxpayerSelf
Elizabeth WeggesserResident
Ellen PettigrewTaxpayer
ellen smithna
Emily PerezSelfSelf
Eric Bridgestaxpayer
Eric GastonTaxpayerSelf
Erin BallardNone
Evan BushSelf
Frank L Kerkemeyertaxpayer
Freddy M RobinsonTaxpayer
Gary Foglemantaxpayer
Gary Foglemantaxpayertaxpayer
Gaye AhlersGaye Ahlers
Gayle Holsteselfself
Geniece BrandtTaxpayerVoter
Gerardo RiveraSelf & FamilySelf and Family
Gina ButzenSelfSelf
Glen MeisnerSelfSelf
Glenn DyeTaxpayer
Glenn HurtSelf
Gloria HenkeTaxpayer
Grant RichterIllinois CitizenSelf
Hai-Lin Liself
Harold MillsTaxpayer
Heidie KuhlemeierKuhlemeier Farms
Helen KinserHelen Kinserself
Helen SluisTaxpayer
Hollie ShoupIL citizenself
Holly MillerTax Payer
Holly MockoTaxpayerSelf
Hugh W Showntaxpayer
Ilene Brinernoneself
Illinois Family InstituteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Ivan PriceNANA
J Blair GarberNAmyself
Jack SheltonselfSelf
Jackie Gammeltaxpayer
Jacob PeiperSelfSelf
Jacob Van Dyketaxpayer
Jacqueline and Charles DawsonSelfSelf
James Spielertaxpayer
James Troskyself
James W LauresOn behalf of SelfSelf
Jan Farmerselfself
jan sosinskinone
Janet BassTaxpayerCitizen
Janet Ulmertaxpayer
Janine Schneiderself
Jean Schiszikselfself
Jeanette Heesakerself
Jeanette MalafaCatholic Conference of ILCatholic Conference of IL
Jeannette HeineyTaxpayer
Jeannette Nedzaself
Jeff DzikIllinois ResidentMyself
Jeff MillerNANA
Jeffrey MatternIllinois citizen
Jeffrey MussattoNA
Jennifer HughesSelfSelf
Jennifer L Jonestaxpayer
Jennifer Mucciantitaxpayerpro life advocates
Jeremy RamseySelfSelf
Jerry BrownTaxpayer
Jerry Hengeholdtaxpayerself
Jessica WengerNAtaxpayer
Jim AniolWoodstock Free Methodist Church
Jim EhmenselfNA
Jim LazaroNoneSelf
Joanne GastonTaxpayer
Joanne SavageTaxpayerSelf
Jody Oltmanselfself
Joe ReinhardTaxpayerIL tax payer
John DealNAMyself
John NewmanTaxpayer
John ONeillResidenceSelf
Joseph D Eskertaxpayer
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Josetta Burchardttaxpayer
joyce mcnamara coughlincitizen
Judith BergSelfself
Judith D ZanottiTaxpayer
Judy EllefsenTaxpayerSelf
Julie FosterSelf
Julie K Barthself
June HoltSelf
Justus DetweilerSelfSelf
Justus DetweilerSelfSelf
Karen Bergmantaxpayer
Karen Blee NickelsSelfSelf
Karen BorowTaxpayer
Karen BrammerTaxpayer
Karen LushNa
Karen RednourCitizenSelf
Karen SampsonSelfSampson family
Karl PenningsTaxpayer
Katharina Fischertaxpayer
Katherine WolteringSelfSelf
Kathleen BohnetTaxpayer
kathleen domitrovitsselfself
Kathleen DownTaxpayer
Kathleen DriscollTaxpayer
Kathleen Kaufmanselfself
Kathy KramerSelfSelf
Kathy ValenteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Kathy WolsingSelf
Kay HoganTaxpayer
Kay HoganTaxpayer
Kayla BellSelfSelf
Kayla BellSelfSelf
Keith DixonTaxpayer
Keith OwanoSelfSelf
Keith Schimmeltaxpayer
Ken DeJongRetired
Kenneth B Cooley JrMyselfMyself
Kenneth D Reutteron behalf of self
Kenneth FischerSelfSelf
Kenneth RonningTax payer
Kenneth StoryNone
Keri Gaulselfself
Kevin Condontax payer
Kim M Paputsaself
Kim NorwoodNAna
Kim R MersmanSelfSelf
Kimberly RappTaxpayerSelf
Kris MittsSelfSelf
Krissa PowellTax payer
Kristen EschSelfSelf
Kristen McDonaldSelfVoter
Kristin M SalzmanTaxpayer
Kristin priceSelfSelf
Kristina MenzelTAXPAYER
Kurt GlazierSelfSelf
L R BechtoldtNASelf
Laura VandercarnoneSelf
Laurie Whitakerself
Laurinda MeisnerSelfSelf
Lawrence ServinTaxpayer
Leah KochSelfSelf
Lee Kempertaxpayer
Leslie HuntTaxpayer
Linda A Hutchesonselfself
Linda Bushtaxpayer
Linda Calzadaselfself
Linda Carrnaself
Linda GrittonTaxpayer
Linda H CarrollNoneSelf
Linda HeifnerTax payerSelf
LINDA JohnsonTaxpayer
LINDA nicolaisnonenone
Linda OBrienTaxpayer
Linda WolfeSelfIllinois Family Institute
Lisa Bonillataxpayer
Lisa BowmanSelfSelf
Lisa WellsSelfMr & Mrs Christopher Wells
Lissette GuzmanSelfSelf
Loraine HenthornTaxpayer
Lorelei Marvelself
Lori WhiteSelfSelf
Lucas DzikIllinois ResidentMyself
Lucas J Glendenningtaxpayer
Lucille Mary Frettself
Luke WolteringSelfSelf
Lynn BosSelfSelf
Lynn Fergusontaxpayer
Lynn RischeTaxpayer
Lynne BugleNone
Lynne Davisself
Madelyn FlahertySelfSelf
Madelyn FlahertySelfSelf
Maggie LambSelfSelf
Manuel Calzadaselfself
Margaret A Toninyself employedself
Margaret L Furtotaxpayerself
Margarita MatlisSELFSelf
Margie NanningaSelfSelf
Maria Arnoldtaxpayer
Maria SchuhriemenSelf
Marian Crossselfself
Mariann JohnstonSelfSelf
Marietta LoweryTaxpayerSelf
Marina Jurassi-Paocicselfself
Marina SteinTaxpayer
Marjorie McCulloughNone
Mark A CasciaTaxpayer
Mark Bodettnone
Mark DiGiacomaSelfSelf
Mark DobzynCitizen
Mark MitchellTaxpayer
Mark PorysSelfSelf
Mark StellaTaxpayer
Marla AinscoughTaxpayer
Marta McCormackTaxpayer
Mary Ann KerleyNone
Mary Bradyselfself
Mary Bridgestaxpayer
Mary CarterSelfSelf
Mary Eileen Feusertaxpayer
Mary L DeanTaxpayer
Mary l guerreroTaxpayer
Mary Louise StrubTaxpayer
Mary Neubeckerselfself
Mary PulliNone
MaryCatherine SehrTaxpayer
Matthew BowmanSelfSelf
Matthew MazzaCitizen
Matthew SwensonTaxpayer
Maureen FisherSelfSelf
Maureen TarrantTaxpayer
Megan ClohertyNASelf
Meghan AbnerSelfSelf
Melissa Odegaardnaself
Melissa WilliamsonTaxpayerself
Michael BrownTaxpayer
Michael CarrollselfSelf
Michael GassoTaxpayer
Michael Hansontaxpayer
Michael P Jakubiecself
Michael Pszczolkowskitaxpayerself
Michelle Lapeyreself-employedself
Michelle WelbourneTaxpayer
Mike SteffenRICO GOP
Molly RumleyPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Molly RumleyIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Molly SpechtCitizen
Monte LarrickSelf
Morgan Fultonselfself
Nancy Albrechttax payer
Nancy Beckmanselfself
Nancy WeslingPregnancy Care Clinicself
Naomi MibbTaxpayer
Nicholas DeVriesTaxpayer
Nicholas HaapSelfSelf
Nicole Baileytaxpayer
Oscar MikeSelfSelf
Owen FranklandSelfSelf
Pamela BauerTaxpayer
Pamela DrozdTaxpayer
Pamela G Fritzenmeiertaxpayerself
Pamela R CooleyTaxpayerSelf
Parker Gaulselfself
Patricia Josephsnoneself
Patricia Sue HatterRetiredCitizen
patsy lenzself
pattie tackettna
Patty BertrandSelfSelf
Patty McGinnisTaxpayer
Paul WhiteSelfSelf
Paula EsserTaxpayer
Penelope GarbeParish Respect Life committee
Peter BriaTaxpayerNone
Peter Tarchaselfself
Philip J Aylwardgeneral public
Philip Wachniaktaxpayer
Quincy VanderhoofTax Payer
Rachel Birkyselfnone
Rachel ErmelResidentSelf
Rachel Kramerselfself
Ralph RiveraIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Ralph RiveraPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Randall C BogottTaxpayer
Randall DuncanCitizen
Ray Hinschtaxpayer
Rebecca A WenzelTaxpayer
Rebecca Cheekself
Rebecca DarlingNoneSelf
Rebecca J Guardiolatax payer
Rebecca L SlaterCitizen
Rebecca TerharkTaxpayer
Regina PostSelf
Rhonda BodkinTax payer
Rhonda ZemanTaxpayer
Rich Laveryself
Richard BrownSelf
Richard G VoglerSelfSelf
Richard J MarcantonioOn behalf of self.On behalf of self.
Rick LaibSelfSelf
Rita Schwindself
Robert BossTaxpayer
Robert DombrowskiTaxpayer
Robert E Bellself
Robert E GoettingTaxpayer
Robert McDonaldSelfVoter
Robert Scottself
Robert StrieterSelf
Robert TaylorSelfSelf
Robin NetzelTaxpayer
Rodney McMahonSelfSelf
Roger Birkyselfself
Roger GermannoneMacon County Parents Demanding their Parental Rights
Ron NorwoodNaNA
Ronald Guidiceself
Ronnie Bushtaxpayer
Rose Anna NelsonSelf
Roxann Mosstaxpayerself
Roxanna DragertCitizenSelf
Roy HorrasSelfSelf
Ruby J Geilertaxpayer
Rudolf Heblingtaxpayercitizen
Russell ChristTaxpayer
Ruth Hahnselfself
Ruth ThompsonSelfSelf
Ryan WollandNASelf
Sadie Van Dyketaxpayer
Samantha Stutzcitizen
Samuel Entileself
Samuel Mesataxpayer
Sandi Kochnoneself
Sandra CalhounTax Payer
Sarah HanviriyapuntSelf, Hana Enterprises, LLCSelf, Hana Enterprises, LLC
Scott Butzinselfself
Scott HendrieSelf
Scott JonesTaxpayer
Scott Senffnerself
Scott ShoupSelfSelf
Scott StrackMyselfMyself
Seth Holmenselfself
Sharon ThomasTaxpayerSelf
Sherry KurzChristian Liberty Academy
Sherry PierceSelf
Sherry VandergriffCitizen
Sherry VandergriffCitizen
Sheryl Palmateertaxpayer
Shirley Geracetaxpayer
Shirley JordanTaxpayer
Skot Lienselfself
Stephanie Wrightcitizen
Stephen Crossselfself
Stephen LambselfSelf
Stephen Papaletaxpayer
Steve Czeropskitaxpayer
Steve ScherrerNASelf
Steven RudolphSelf
Susan A Evanstaxpayer
Susan BeeverTaxpayerSelf
Susan K BenigniLincoln Elementary School
Susan LecasTaxpayer
Susan Ordnertaxpayer
Susan P Jordanon behalf of selfon behalf of self
Susan Schulenbergselfself
Suzanne ProbstSelfSelf
Tara BangertIffert's Electric, Inc.
Terese Biondoselfself
Terrence J RonczkowskiTaxpayer
Tex DarlingNoneSelf
Theodis LewisTaxpayer
Theresa KocanSelfSelf
Theresa PalmerSelfSelf
Therese Seybertselfself
Thiffany LozanoTaxpayer
Thomas BarrettTaxpayer
Thomas StechmillerSelfSelf
Tim SteinTaxpayer
Timothy P Friedrichnoneself
Timothy RothTaxpayer
Tina LehmanTaxpayer
Tom DavisIndividualIndividual
Tricia MaxeyTaxpayer
Tyra RaisnerCitizenCitizens
Virginia WoodmanTaxpayer
Vittorio T CiummoTaxpayerSelf
Walter CercavschiTaxpayer
Warren DormanTaxpayer
Wendy BartoliniCitizen
William Beckmanselfself
William F PappConcerned citizen
William Langtaxpayerself
William Mark DousmanTax Payer
WILLIAM R LAPPCitizenWilliam Lapp (self)
Yvette R MaderSelf
Yvette R MaderSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/6/2024 8:30 AM
Carol L WiedmannNone
Aaron SparlingSelfSelf
Alice Steljesself
Alice Steljesself
Alvin AlexanderOn behalf of selfIllinois Voter
Amanda M ShawSelf
Amber BogleSelfIllinois Voter
Amy L Loeschself
Andrea Dennertaxpayer
Andrew HornNoneSelf
Angel HamptonHome
Angela Eskernoneself
Anita KuhnSelf
Ann Marie SalemiTaxpayerTaxpayer
Ann Ritternoneself
Annalisa McMasterSt. Mary Parishself
Anne Uhrinaselfself
Barbara Eileen Palsgroveself
Barbara StillmanTax payerself
Belinda GuytonOn behalf of selfSelf
Beth Findley SmithLa Salle County RepublicansSelf
Beverley Dawn Houseworthnoneself
Bill KramerSelfSelf
Bill LehmanTaxpayerSelf
Billie BingenheimerNASelf
Bobbi QuinnSelfSelf
Bonnie Bakerselfself
Brenda Marshallcitizencitizen
Brendan AppelNAMyself
Brett Wiegerstaxpayer
Brian Josephsselfself
Bruce Finkselfself
Bruce SchnizleinSelfSelf
Burdette RosendaleSelfSelf
Byron R Severselfself
Carol Davisnoneself
Carol G SkasickMyselfMyself
Carol HowardSelfSelf
Carol Robbentaxpayer
Carol SchaapTaxpayer
Carole Laniertaxpayer
Carrie Savinotaxpayertaxpayer
Catherine HansenSelfSelf
Catherine O'SheaSelfSelf
Cathy JenkinsVermilioncounty
Cheryl EisenmengerTaxpayerSelf
Cheryl Mathewsselfself
Christine E DubaCitizen
Christine HenthormTaxpayerNone
Christine MarthaSelfSelf
Cindy HallahanTaxpayerCitizen
Clara JO Amesself
Colleen SylvesterSelfSelf
Connie HesterNANA
Cynthia LascoTaxpayerself
Dallas BearState of IllinoisSelf
Dallas BearState of IllinoisSelf
Daniel Whitesideselfself
David SmithIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Deborah Attebery-LobergTaxpayer
Deborah CoonleyTaxpayerSelf
Deborah Leiningerselfself
Deborah Reedtaxpayer
Debra L MalinowskiYearself
Denise HurtSelf
Denise crossSelfself
Denise crossSelfself
Don BlairSelfSelf
Don BoydSelfSelf
Donald JacksonNone
Donna GerthTaxpayerSelf
Donna K BishopSelfSelf
Doreen JenkelFamilyFamily
Edward KightNAna
Eileen Garvinselfself
Elaina GastonTaxpayer
Elise JoosSelfSelf
ellen smithna
Emmett McGovernNorthridge Prepself
Eric Bridgestaxpayer
Eric GastonTaxpayerSelf
Eric MastSelfSelf
Eric SoderholmNoneVoter
Frank T VossSelfSelf
Franklin D LewisselfSelf
Gary Foglemantaxpayer
Gayle Holsteselfself
Geniece BrandtSelfSelf
George PearsonGDP Transport LLC
Glen MeisnerSelfSelf
Grant RichterIllinois CitizenSelf
Helen KinserHelen Kinserself
Herb BackhausSelfSelf
Hollie ShoupIL citizenself
Illinois Family Institute -- David CurtinIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
James MaskelNA
James OzeeTaxpayer
James Sternishaselfconcerned resident and voter
jan sosinskinone
Janet KochtaxpayerSelf
Jeanette MalafaCatholic Conference of ILCatholic Conference of IL
Jeff MillerNANA
Jennifer A Stoutnone
Jennifer Mucciantitaxpayerself
Jennifer Mucciantitaxpayerself
Jerry Hengeholdtaxpayerself
Jim Veenstrataxpayer
Joanne McCoyTax payersCitizen
Joanne SavageTaxpayerSelf
John P Loeschselfself
John TalleyTaxpayer
John ZirbesSelf
John ZirbesSelf
Jorge GomezSelfFamily
Joseph D Eskernoneself
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Karen Blee NickelsSelfSelf
Karen ReedSelfSelf
Karen SteurerTaxpayer
Katherine Knableselfself
Kathleen AndrewsSelf
Kathleen Clark-ColtonTaxpayer
kathleen domitrovitsselfself
Kathleen Kaufmanselfself
Kathy BrightIndividual
Kathy I HardeeVoter
Kathy KramerSelfSelf
Kathy Morintaxpayer
Kathy WolsingSelfSelf
Kay HoganTaxpayerSelf
Keith OwanoSelfSelf
Kelly VeraSelf
Kem WilsonTaxpayerMy family
Ken DeJongSelf
Kenneth B Cooley JrMyselfMyself
Kenneth James CooleySelfSelf
Keri Gaulselfself
Kevin wilsmanSoarYana
kevin fordselfself
Kevin Lemanpersonalpersonal
Kevin Savageselfself
Kim R MersmanSelfSelf
Kimberly Kolbertselfself
Kimberly RappTaxpayerSelf
Kimberly SparlingSelfSelf
L R BechtoldtNASelf
Larry LangstonSelfSelf
Laura a A Williamsself
Laura De Loeraselfself
Laura FolkSelf
Laurinda MeisnerSelfSelf
Lawrence ServinSelfSelf
Layne HausserSelf
Lee Ann SamfordSelfSelf
Leon AusecSelf
Linda H CarrollNoneself
Linda HeifnerTax payerSelf
Linda Hutchesonselfself
Linda JohnsonTaxpayerSelf
Lisa CentersTaxpayerNone
Lisa WellsSelfMr & Mrs Christopher Wells
Lois RowlingIllinois resident tax payerSelf
Loraine HenthornTaxpayerMyself
Lori Sternishaselfconcerned resident and voter
Lori WhiteSelfSelf
Luann LytellSelfSelf
Lynn A Cookself
Lynn BosSelfSelf
Lynn Fergusontaxpayer
Lynn WilsonNAself
Lynne Davisself
Marcia E Sailsburynonenone
Margaret L Furtotaxpayerself
Marian Crossselfself
Mark Amesself
Mark LytellSelfSelf
Mark WelchSt Mary's Catholic Church PittsfieldSt Mary's Pittsfield Illinois
Marla Ainscoughvoterregistered voter
Martin Rue JrNoneSelf
Mary Ann KerleyNoneNone
Mary BridgestaxpayerPerson
Mary C NedzaTaxpayerMary C Nedza
Mary Carol PowersSelfSelf
Mary F LesterNA
Mary M LewisselfSelf
Mary NevinsSelfSelf
Melissa Jamesonselfself
Melissa WilliamsonSelfSelf not a bot
Michael AdenCitizenself
Michael BuitingCitizenself
Michael CarrollselfSelf
Michael Kolktaxpayer
Michelle LannesSelf
Michelle MathiaSelfSelf
Michelle MathiaSelfSelf
Molly RumleyPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Molly RumleyIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Nancy Beckmanselfself
Nancy J Woodcocktaxpayer
Nancy KelseyTaxpayerSelf
Nancy MottNA
Neal ZirbesSelf
Neal ZirbesSelf
Owen FranklandSelfSelf
Pamela G Fritzenmeiercitizenself
Pamela KruswickiSelf
Pamela R CooleyTaxpayerSelf
Pamela ZirbesSelf
Pamela ZirbesSelf
Patricia Josephsnoneself
Patrick WeberTax payer
patsy lenztax payer
Patti Power-LeSageSELF
pattie tackettna
Patty BertrandSelfSelf
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Peter BriaTaxpayerNone
Quincy Vanderhoofself
Ralph RiveraIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Ralph RiveraPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Randall C BogottBogott farms
Rebecca Baileytaxpayerself
Rebecca CenkarCitizen
Rebecca Cheekself
Rebecca DarlingNoneSelf
Rebecca TerharkTaxpayerSelf
Rev Bob Vanden BoschConcerned Christian AmericansConcerned Christian Americans
Richard BrowneTax PayerSelf
Richard G VoglerSelfSelf
Richard J MarcantonioOn behalf of self.On behalf of self.
Richard PetraitisSelf
Robert DombrowskiSelf
Roberta Adenself
Ron NorwoodNaNA
Roxann Mosstaxpayerself
Ruby J Geilertaxpayer
Rudolf Heblingtaxpayercitizen
Russell ChristTaxpayer
Ruth A LoweCitizen
Ruth Hahntaxpayerself
Ruth ThompsonSelfSelf
Samantha Stutztaxpayercitizen
Samuel Entileself
Sandi Kochnoneself
Scott HendrieTaxpayer
Scott JonesTaxpayer
Scott ShoupSelfSelf
Scott StrackMyselfMyself
Sharon RadekTaxpayerNot part of a group, etc.
Sharon ThomasTaxpayerSelf
Sherry VandergriffCitizen
Sondra StroheckerPersonal
Sondra StroheckerPersonal
Stephanie WrightCitizen
Stephen Crossselfself
Sue MacRoyTaxpayer
Sue Prattself
Susan BeeverTaxpayerSelf
Susan JacobsSelf
Susan MillsSelf
Susan Ordnerselfself
Susan ReichartTaxpayer
Susan ZarembaselfSELF
Terry CoonleyTaxpayerSelf
Tex DarlingNoneSelf
Theresa R HardestyTaxpayerSelf
Thiffany LozanoTaxpayerMyself
Thomas KriegerSelfSelf
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Timothy AssellSelfSelf
Timothy CarpenterTaxpayerSelf
Timothy P Friedrichnoneself
Tina LehmanTaxpayerSelf
tom laharttaxpayernone
Tom MyersNA
Victoria TiltonTaxpayer
Vittorio T CiummoSelfSelf
William Beckmanselfself
Wojciech A Mardulaselfself