Illinois General Assembly - HB1797Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB1797  100th General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB1797
Proponents: 59Opponents: 18No Position: 2
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: State Government (S) 5/18/2017 2:30 PM
Civic FederationCivic FederationCivic Federation
Diane Niesmanselfself
Elizabeth Haderleinselfself
Frederick N BatesFriends of the ParksFriends of the Parks
Gary Mechanicselfself
George Thomas Cubrselfself
Kathleen Lacey-Andersonselfself
Krista Grimmselfself
Lorna S GladstoneBoone Creek Watershed AllianceLorna S Gladstone, President - Boone Creek Watershed Alliance
Melissa GrycanSelfSelf
Michael LaFargueLake Calumet Vision CommitteeAltgeld LAC, CACC, CCC, COW, FSCAC, GCNN, GCA, GRCofC, GGHOA, LTH, Multi-Ward CDA, 9thWard GRCC, PMN, PCR, PCD Corp, PCO, PGC, RLEC, RUC, RBDC, RCA, RHCA, SACL, SETF, SSPP, VPCC, WCCA Inc.
Noah Kahrsselfself only
Rob SulskiSelfSelf
Scott KuykendallSelfSelf
sylvia y jonescommunity and friends of the parkslake calumet vision committee and Friends of the Parks
Terri TreacySierra Club Illinois ChapterSierra Club
Thomas ShepherdSoutheast Environmental Task ForceLake Calumet Vision Committee
Zachary GrycanSelfSelf