Synopsis As Introduced Amends the 2-1-1 Service Act. Requires the Department of Human Services, subject to the availability of funds, to designate and approve a public or nonprofit agency or other organization to provide 2-1-1 services within the geographical area of Cook County. Requires the Department to provide grants to the approved 2-1-1 service provider to: (1) design, develop, and implement 2-1-1 services for the Cook County service area; (ii) provide and evaluate on an ongoing basis 2-1-1 service delivery to the Cook County service area; and (iii) enable the provision of 2-1-1 services to the Cook County service area on a 24-hour-per-day, 7-day-per-week basis. Provides that implementation of the amendatory Act is contingent on the availability of funds provided by (I) the Department, (II) the public or nonprofit agency or other organization approved to provide 2-1-1 services within the geographical area of Cook County, and (III) other governmental agencies involved in the provision of 2-1-1 services.