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Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Sexual Assault Evidence Submission Act. Provides that law enforcement agencies that receive sexual assault evidence in connection with the investigation of a criminal case on or after the effective date of this Act must submit evidence from the case within 10 business days of receipt to a Department of State Police forensic laboratory or a laboratory approved and designated by the Director of State Police. Provides that all sexual assault evidence submitted to the Department of State Police on or after the effective date of the Act shall be analyzed and tested within 6 months after receipt of all necessary evidence and standards into the State Police Laboratory if sufficient staffing and resources are available. Provides that within 30 business days after the effective date of the Act, each Illinois law enforcement agency shall provide written notice to the Department of State Police forensic laboratory or other laboratory approved or designated by the Director of State Police stating the number of sexual assault cases in the custody of the law enforcement agency that have not been previously submitted to a laboratory for analysis. Provides that appropriate arrangements shall be made between the law enforcement agency and the Department of State Police, or a laboratory approved and designated by the Director of State Police, to ensure that all cases collected prior to the effective date of this Act, which the law enforcement agency has determined are within the statute of limitations and are the subject of a criminal investigation, are submitted within 120 days after the effective date of the Act. Amends the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act to make conforming changes.
Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Creates the Sexual Assault Evidence Submission Act. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill. Provides that by October 15, 2010, each Illinois law enforcement agency shall provide written notice to the Department of State Police, in a form and manner prescribed by the Department, stating the number of sexual assault cases in the custody of the law enforcement agency that have not been previously submitted to a laboratory for analysis. Provides that within 180 days after the effective date of the Act, appropriate arrangements shall be made between the law enforcement agency and the Department of State Police, or a laboratory approved and designated by the Director of State Police, to ensure that all cases that were collected prior to the effective date of the Act and are, or were at the time of collection, the subject of a criminal investigation, are submitted to the Department of State Police, or a laboratory approved and designated by the Director of State Police. Amends the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act to make conforming changes. Effective September 1, 2010.
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