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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Criminal Identification Act relating to expungement. Changes the procedures relating to the expungement of adult criminal records and the records of minors prosecuted as adults. Establishes time limits and procedures for filing petitions to expunge. Excludes certain enumerated offenses from expungement. Provides for the sealing of certain arrest and court records. Provides that the court may, upon conviction for a subsequent felony offense, order the unsealing of prior felony conviction records previously ordered sealed by the court. Amends the Unified Code of Corrections and the Illinois Human Rights Act by changing cross-references.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Criminal Identification Act relating to expungement. Changes the procedures relating to the expungement of adult criminal records and the records of minors prosecuted as adults. Establishes time limits and procedures for filing petitions to expunge. Excludes certain enumerated offenses from expungement. Provides for the sealing of certain arrest and court records. Provides that the court may, upon conviction for a subsequent felony offense, order the unsealing of prior felony conviction records previously ordered sealed by the court. Provides for certain reports to be submitted annually by the Department of State Police to the Governor, the Attorney General, the Office of the State Appellate Defender, and both houses of the General Assembly concerning expungements and the sealing of records for the preceding fiscal year. Amends the Unified Code of Corrections and the Illinois Human Rights Act by changing cross-references.
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