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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Public Utilities Act. Requires the Illinois Commerce Commission to afford members of the public time to make comments to or to ask questions of the Commission at each regular and special meeting. Requires the Commission to provide a web site and a toll-free telephone number to accept comments from Illinois residents regarding any matter under the auspices of the Commission or before the Commission. Requires the Commission staff to report to the full Commission comments and suggestions received through both venues before all relevant votes of the Commission. Provides that the Commission shall establish procedures for accepting testimony from Illinois residents on matters pending before the Commission. Effective immediately.
House Floor Amendment No. 1 Adds language requiring that the Illinois Commerce Commission staff shall report, in a manner established by the Commission that is consistent with the Commission's rules regarding ex parte communications, to the full Commission comments and suggestions received through both venues before all relevant votes of the Commission (instead of not requiring the report to be consistent with the Commissions rules regarding ex parte communications). Adds language that provides that the Commission shall establish procedures for accepting testimony from Illinois residents on matters pending before the Commission, which shall be consistent with the Commission's rules regarding ex parte communications and due process standards (instead of not requiring that the procedures be consistent with the Commission's rules regarding ex parte communications and due process standards).
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