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Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Primary Stroke Center Designation Act. Sets forth the findings of the General Assembly. Provides that the Director of Public Health shall designate as many hospitals as Primary Stroke Centers as apply for the designation, provided that the hospital meets the criteria set forth in the Act. Provides the criteria necessary for designation as a Primary Stroke Center. Provides that the Director of Public Health may suspend or revoke a hospital's designation as a Primary Stroke Center after notice and hearing if the Director determines that the hospital does not comply with the requirements of the Act. Provides that the Director of Public Health may award matching grants to hospitals that seek designation as Primary Stroke Centers and demonstrate a need for financial assistance to develop the necessary infrastructure. Provides that the Director of Public Health must, not later than July 1, 2010, prepare and submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the General Assembly a report indicating the total number of hospitals that have applied for grants under the Act before July 1, 2010 and the number of those applicants that have been found eligible for the grants, the total number of grants awarded, the name and address of each grantee and hospital and the amount of the award to each, and the amount of each award that has been awarded to the grantee. Effective immediately.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Creates the Primary Stroke Center Designation Act. Sets forth the findings of the General Assembly. Provides that the Illinois Department of Public Health shall recognize a hospital as a Primary Stroke Center if the hospital meets specified criteria. Provides that the Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health may award matching grants to hospitals that have been designated Primary Stroke Centers or that seek designation as Primary Stroke Centers, to be used for specified purposes. Provides that a hospital seeking designation as a Primary Stroke Center may apply to the Director for a matching grant in a manner and form designated by the Director and shall provide information as the Director deems necessary to determine if the hospital is eligible for the grant. Provides that matching grant awards shall be made to Primary Stroke Centers, placing greatest priority on facilities in areas with high stroke morbidity rates and achieving geographic diversity where possible. Contains provisions concerning the reporting of information by the Director or Department to specified parties. Contains provisions concerning triage and transportation of stroke victims to a Primary Stroke Center. Provides that the Act is not a medical practice guideline and may not be used to restrict the authority of a hospital to provide services for which it has received a license under state law. Provides that a person may not claim or advertise to the public, by way of any medium whatsoever, that a hospital is a Primary Stroke Center unless the hospital is designated a Primary Stroke Center in accordance with the Act. Provides that neither the Governor nor any agency or agency head under the jurisdiction of the Governor has any rulemaking authority under the Act, but that the Governor may suggest rules by filing them with the General Assembly and requesting that the General Assembly authorize such rulemaking by law, enact the suggested rules into law, or take other appropriate action in the General Assembly's discretion. Effective immediately.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act. Requires the Director of Public Health to develop a working group to advise the Department of Public Health on Primary Stroke Center Systems. Provides for the membership of the work group. Provides that the group shall also develop and submit a statewide stroke assessment tool to the Department for final approval; provides that once the tool has been approved, a copy shall be disseminated to all EMS Systems for adoption no later than January 15, 2010. Effective immediately.
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