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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Procurement Code. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, authorizes a State agency to make technology purchases from a vendor with a current contract with a unit of local government, school district, or community college for the provision of technology goods or services. Requires that the chief procurement officer determine in advance that the purchase is in the State's best interest.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the bill as introduced with the following changes: Limits the State to making such purchases from vendors with current contracts with municipalities of 500,000 or more population.
Fiscal Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept. of Central Management Services)
The Department of Central Management Services estimates no significant fiscal impact.
Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Procurement Code. Permits chief procurement officers to authorize State agencies to purchase supplies and services without using any method of source selection if the purchase is from a vendor with a contract for similar supplies or services with an Illinois municipality of 500,000 or more population. Establishes the conditions for such authorization and purchases. Permits chief procurement officers to authorize State agencies to make purchases through joint agreements with other governments or governmental entities. Establishes the conditions for such authorization and purchases. Amends the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act. Redefines a "business concern or business" and permits a business that does not meet the definition to seek certification on a per-contract basis as a minority-owned business, a female-owned business, or a business owned by persons with disabilities.
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