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Deletes everything. Amends the Counties Code. Exempts certain military discharge forms or certificates recorded by a County Clerk or Recorder of Deeds from being subject to public inspection and provides that these documents enjoy all the protections covered by the federal Privacy Act of 1974 or any other privacy law. Provides that the documents are accessible only to certain individuals.
Deletes everything. Amends the Counties Code. Provides that any certificate of military discharge or release from active duty (including but not limited to the DD 214) or MEMBER-4 copy of certificate of discharge or release from active duty issued by the United States government or any state government and filed with the county clerk or recorder of deeds is not a public record and is not subject to public inspection. Provides that, upon request by the veteran designated on the certificate or MEMBER-4 copy or by a person designated by that veteran to make the request, the county clerk or recorder of deeds shall expunge the record of the certificate or MEMBER-4 copy from the record of the county clerk or recorder of deeds and replace it with a form that contains only the name of the veteran, the date of his or her discharge from military service, and the date of the issuance of the original military discharge form.
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