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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Department of Human Services Act and the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to contract with an entity experienced in applied research to compile a cross-disability database of disabled Illinois residents who are potential beneficiaries under the "most integrated setting" requirement of the Americans with Disabilities Act as construed by the U.S. Supreme Court. Requires the Secretary of Human Services to appoint a panel to advise the Department on the compilation. Requires the Department to collect and maintain statistical information on developmentally disabled persons who have requested and are waiting for community based services financed by the Department. Effective immediately.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Requires the Department of Human Services to collect and maintain statistical information on individuals with developmental disabilities or mental illness (instead of just developmental disabilities) who have requested and are waiting for certain community-based services.
Fiscal Note (Department of Human Services)
Passage of this bill would increase expenditures related to the cost of development of the database and data analysis. Amount of increase is undeterminable.
Deletes everything. Amends the Department of Human Services Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to compile and maintain a cross-disability database of Illinois residents with a disability who are potentially in need of disability services funded by the Department. Provides that the amendatory Act does not create or affect any entitlement to a service, program, or benefit and provides that any service, program, or benefit resulting from the creation of the database is subject to appropriation by the General Assembly. Requires the Department to make general information from the disability database available to the public but prohibits the Department from including any personally identifying information. Effective immediately.
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