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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Financial Identity Theft and Asset Forfeiture Law of the Criminal Code of 1961. Changes the name of the Article to the Identity Theft Law and the names of the offenses of financial identity theft and aggravated financial identity theft to identity theft and aggravated identity theft. Includes in the offense of identity theft: (1) using any personal identification information or personal identification document of another with intent to commit any theft or felony violation of Illinois State law; (2) obtaining, recording, possessing, selling, transferring, purchasing, or manufacturing any personal identification information or personal identification document with intent to commit or to aid or abet another in committing any theft or felony violation of Illinois State law; (3) using, obtaining, recording, possessing, selling, transferring, purchasing or manufacturing any personal identification information or personal identification document of another knowing that such personal identification information or personal identification documents were stolen or produced without lawful authority; or (4) using, transferring, or possessing document-making implements to produce false identification or false documents with knowledge that they will be used by the offender or another to commit any theft or felony violation of State law. Effective immediately.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Deletes all. Reinserts the provisions of the bill but provides that an identity theft violation consists of using the personal identification documents or information to commit a felony theft (rather than any theft). Effective immediately.
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