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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Creates the Cancer Trial Discrimination Prohibition Law. Contains only a short title provision. Effective immediately.
Deletes everything. Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides that no individual or group policy of accident and health insurance issued or renewed in this State on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly may be cancelled or non-renewed for any individual based on that individual's participation in a qualified cancer trial. Provides that qualified cancer trials must meet specified criteria.
Judicial Note (Admin Office of the Illinois Courts)
Would neither increase nor decrease the number of judges needed in the State.
State Debt Impact Note (Economic and Fiscal Commission)
Senate Bill 2339, as engrossed, would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness.
Pension Note (Economic and Fiscal Commission)
Senate Bill 2339, as engrossed, would not have a fiscal impact on any public pension fund or retirement system in Illinois.
Fiscal Note (Department of Insurance)
No fiscal impact.
Housing Affordability Impact Note (Housing Development Authority)
This legislation will have no effect on constructing, purchasing, owning, or selling a single-family residence.
Deletes everything. Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides that no individual or group policy of accident and health insurance issued or renewed in this State may be cancelled or non-renewed based on that individual's participation in a qualified cancer trial. Provides that qualified cancer trials must meet specified criteria. Amends the Health Maintenance Organization Act, the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act, and the Illinois Public Aid Code to provide that plans under those Acts are subject to the new provisions of the Illinois Insurance Code.
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